Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4052: Little Stone Gate [Top]

Lin Feng's speed was not fast, and soon the disciples of the Qianji Sect surrounded Lin Feng.


Seeing these disciples approaching, Chitaki's expression was disgusting, "This shoe disciple is getting more and more excessive. If this continues, it will be more and more difficult for us to deal with these disciples."

Lin Feng just smiled.

"How can we say that we have reached the site of the Qianjimen. It is possible that so many disciples will continue to appear." Lin Feng shook his arm. "However, no matter how powerful these disciples are, it is not necessary to deal with us at this time. Possibly, don't forget, there is a formation in the city."

Lin Feng continued to move forward.

Liusuo remained silent.

Lin Feng had his own ideas. At this time, it might not be a good thing for them to make a move rashly. Anyway, the master didn't care about it. Although they wanted to remind Lin Feng, they could only give up in the end.

Lin Feng didn't put his thoughts on dealing with the disciple of Qianjimen at all.

No matter how the disciples of Qianjimen gathered around, Lin Feng spent most of his time working on his own affairs, and he did not even pay attention to Qianjimen in an orderly manner.

"the host……"

After spending two or three days with Lin Feng, Chitaki couldn't hold it anymore.

"Master, let's take action directly on these guys, this small place is about to be completely taken over by the Qianjimen!"

"Yeah, Master, these Thousand Chance Sect disciples are shaking in front of us every day. Master, are you tired?" Candle Yin also looked disgusted and said, "Take it early, let's move on. "

Seeing Liusuo's impatient look, Lin Feng shook his head.

"You have all seen a lot of history on the earth, do you still remember the king of Yue Goujian? It's only more than a month, we don't need to deal with Zhao Ji now."

Lin Feng paused, looking at the front with a sigh of relief.

"It's not time yet."

A flash of coldness flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, "When the time is up, I will naturally take action."

Seeing the coldness in his eyes, Liusuo was immediately silent. The time Lin Feng said was not up, they trusted it.

Seeing that Lin Feng had absolutely no intention to deal with it now, Liusuo didn't speak anymore. Listening to Lin Feng's words meant that Lin Feng had already arranged it, and they would just have to wait for the final result.


At this point, they were confident that Lin Feng could not lie to them.

"Let's go, let's go back first." After buying in Xiaocheng, Lin Feng turned around and went straight back to the yard.

Wali hadn't been found for this period of time, and Lin Feng still had some doubts in his heart. That fellow Wali was not the kind of person who would let others go, but it has been several days, and Wali has never appeared.

Lin Feng is not at ease if Wali does not appear.

This guy is the boss. Since he is the boss, of course he should be given priority.

"Master, Wali's breath has been felt." Boqi whispered to Lin Feng, "That guy is out to sea."

"Follow up!" Lin Feng's mind moved, his whole body was invisible, and he turned out of the yard and headed towards the port with Wu Shuo.

Boqi followed Wali in front, Chitakisuo led Lin Feng and followed Boqi's path.

Lin Feng suddenly wanted to make a move, and Liusuo was in a good mood. He didn't know that Lin Feng was just hiding behind him, and had no intention of making a move.

For a moment, Liu Shuo was a little bit unsure of what Lin Feng was going to do.

Lin Feng quickly followed Wali.

Wali went all the way, and from time to time he was wary of anyone following him.

Seeing Wali's appearance, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Master, we are already far away from the sea area. If we continue to move forward, we will enter the deserted island area. Few cultivators gather on the deserted islands over there, and most of them are unstable islands."

Zhu Yin whispered, "But on that desert island, another fixed school has always lived on the island. That fixed school is called Xiaoshimen, and it is the only school that exists in that sea area."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Look at what Wali is going out for." Lin Feng coughed softly, "Let's follow this guy first, and then we will make a decision when we see it."

Lin Feng looked at the front, but he wondered why Wali came here.

In this deserted area, Wali's cultivation base is relatively fixed. If Wali came here to improve, he would not believe Lin Feng to death.

"Go to Xiaoshimen!"

Boqi whispered, "Master, will you continue to follow? There is a guardian sea beast in this little stone gate, and his cultivation is probably in Luotian's sad three-consummation appearance."


"You come back first."

Lin Feng put Poqi away, and Chitaki led Lin Feng in with Wali.

Not a few steps away, a big man came out.

"Master Wali, you are here, I have prepared the things, Master Wali, you take a break, I will prepare this wine." The big man said with a pleasing smile on his face.

"Give it to me directly. I won't go in. The hall master is recovering from my wounds at the Thousand Chance Gate for this period of time, and has no time to come out in person. As for the next thing, since the hall master will make arrangements, please wait with peace of mind. Welfare, the hall master will never forget."

"Yes, yes, what Wali said in beating people."

The big man had a smile on his face. He didn't feel anything when he heard Wali's words. He just kept nodding and stood there with a smile, "Master Wali, don't worry, leave the rest to me and I will take care of it.

Wali nodded.

"This little Shimen should be an affiliated school of Qianjimen outside. Master, what shall we do?" Qiantaki turned his head to look at Lin Feng, and asked with a smile.

"Wait~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng stood and watched, "Wait for Wali to leave. "

"The master wants to..." Hearing Lin Feng's words, Liu Suo trembled unconvincingly.

"Lack of money." Lin Feng sighed, "Lack of resources, isn't this a good opportunity before us? This little Shimen has always followed the Qianchimen to help him. Now it is in our hands. Here, it can only be said that this guy is unlucky."

Lin Feng licked his lips and said with a smile, "It would be a shame if we want to miss such a good opportunity."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Liusuo's eyes lit up.

Although Lin Feng didn’t say anything about this battle, they knew in their hearts that in the last battle with Tang Zaitian, they spent a lot of materials to reverse the formation. In order not to be found by Tang Zaitian, after the formation was reversed Everyone chose to leave at the first time. Although Lin Feng didn't say anything on the surface, everyone knew in their hearts that the loss in that battle was very huge.

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