Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4040: relief

At this time, Tang Hao suddenly expressed unprecedented strength. Facing Lin Feng's shot, Tang Hao's expression was still cold, but his shot was not at all ambiguous, and he got the things out directly.

Tang Hao forced out the blood of the dragon in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at it with a hook at the corner of his mouth.

The dragon's blood was taken out, and Tang Hao's entire body quickly fell into gray.

Lin Feng put away the bundle of immortals.

Tang Hao was not afraid of him at all, but Lin Feng did not intend to kill Tang Hao.

"Freed." Tang Hao suddenly opened his eyes and said with a wry smile, "Hehe, finally freed?"

For so many years, Tang Hao has always been used as the carrier of the dragon bloodline. He carries the dragon bloodline on his body, but Tang Hao's freedom has been completely restricted. He is always with people around him, and he can do everything. Need to be consulted.

"Tang Hao!"

Tang Zaitian's heart-piercing voice came from the formation. Tang Hao turned his head and glanced at where Tang Zaitian was. Suddenly, he stepped back a bit, opened his arms, and fell into the sea.

Lin Feng did not move Tang Hao.

Everything between him and Tang Hao lies in the blood of the dragon.

When Tang Hao willingly surrendered the blood of the dragon, the hatred had ended between them.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

In the dragon bloodline in his hand, all are the restrictions placed by the Qianjimen.

"I can't help you with these restrictions." Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Xuan Yu said helplessly. "The ban on the Thousand Chance Gate is very powerful, and you can't break it while waiting. If you can't break these formations, you can't absorb the blood of the dragon."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Furthermore, the restrictions on this will soon provoke the disciples of the Qianjimen, you..."

Xuan Yu looked at Lin Feng with a complicated expression.

"Don't worry, I can do it."

Lin Feng put away the blood of the dragon, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Where are you going next, I am going to leave?" Lin Feng turned to look at Xuanyu, and said, "I want to start my next step. Planned."


Xuan Yu looked at Lin Feng, originally he wanted to go with Lin Feng.

There are too many secrets in Lin Feng's body. For Xuanyu who has just emerged from society, Lin Feng's body is too attractive.

"Or, let's go together, my fighting power is better than you, so you take me to be safer." Xuan Yu suddenly smiled and said to Lin Feng.

"If you think about it, I took the blood of the dragon, and there is the restriction of the Qianjimen on it. You also know the Qianjimen. Once the restriction cannot be broken, they will never let me go. Are you sure you want Follow me?"

Lin Feng looked at Xuanyu and said with a smile, "Can you stand it?"

Xuan Yu was stunned by Lin Feng's gaze. It was obviously a sunny day, but Xuan Yu felt a lot of cold breath.

"I'm afraid..." Xuan Yu glanced at Tang Zaitian. Tang Zaitian has already caused him a lot of losses. Now his body is still aching fiercely. Although nothing can be seen on the surface, the wounds on his body are actually not. less.

If not treated well, these wounds will leave a lot of internal injuries on his body.

Xuan Yu knew that at this time, he had better return to the Dragon Clan. Although the mission was not completed, the Qianjimen's move was already enough for the Dragon Clan to pay attention.

Thinking of this, Xuan Yu hesitated again. If he followed Lin Feng, just as Lin Feng said, life must be like this, but if you don’t follow Lin Feng...

Xuan Yu raised her head and took a look. The allure of Lin Feng was too strong. If Lin Feng was allowed to leave like this, Xuan Yu was really reluctant.

Seeing Xuanyu's appearance, Lin Feng smiled.

"You should take the little things back first. Didn’t you say that the little things don’t look good now? I also hope that the little things can recover earlier, so that I can see the little things earlier. What do you think? ?"

Lin Feng looked down at Xuan Yu.

Only then did Xuan Yu remember that there was Lin Feng's little baby on his body.

Thinking of that little thing, Xuan Yu suddenly seemed to have a responsibility. Lin Feng hoped that he could do well.

"You are right." Xuan Yu nodded, "Don't worry, I will bring it to the Dragon Race safely." Xuan Yu hesitated, and his eyes fell on Lin Feng's body. After a while, he spoke and said: " Then...how shall I find you in the future?"

"Did you go up to the Soul City?" Lin Feng looked at Xuan Yu, took out a sign and gave it to Xuan Yu, "You can go to this store to find me, and you can leave me a message if you have anything. I'm always there. Yes, Dian Er is my person."

Xuan Yu took the thing, took a look, remembered the shop, and muttered in his heart.

"Okay." Xuan Yu nodded and reached out to Lin Feng.

"Is there anything else?" Lin Feng frowned as Xuan Yu stretched out his hand.

"Have you forgotten what you promised me just now?" Xuan Yu grunted a little dissatisfied. "You just agreed to give me something. Why, now you want to turn your face and deny it?"

Xuan Yu pouted, "Hey, anyway, we also died together, you...you can't go back!"

Seeing Xuanyu's serious look, Lin Feng changed his mind for a while before he realized it, and then nodded, saying:

"It turned out to be this, here you are, there are instructions and instructions for use. This thing is not easy to get, even if it is on my side, the quantity is limited."

Lin Feng smiled and said to Xuan Yu. With a move of mind, a storage bag floated in front of Xuan Yu.

Xuan Yu was going back with the little things, so Lin Feng was naturally not soft at all, and there was not much quantity inside.

Xuan Yu took it over and took a look, and saw that there were so many treasures inside ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xuan Yu was contented to put it away, with a little more smile on her face.

"Hey, this is a friend."

Seeing Xuanyu's appearance, Lin Feng smiled, and then he shook his head helplessly, young, he really didn't know what to say, it would be nice if he was so young.

Xuan Yu put away the things, "Then I will go first. See you in Soul City then, and I will tell you what the little things are doing."

Xuan Yu was also unambiguous. After speaking, he turned and left directly. Lin Feng watched Xuan Yu leave and turned to look at the formation where Tang Zaitian was in. Tang Zaitian's shot became more rapid, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

The restriction on the dragon's bloodline was shining with a faint light, and Lin Feng could feel that there was a mark from the Qianjimen on it.

It is the imprint of Emperor Xian.

Feeling the aura of the immortal emperor above, Lin Feng felt a little embarrassed for a while. If the immortal emperor were to follow him all the way, he could not hold himself and leave safely.


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