Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 100: break out!

"That's not right now? This star-catching building can't prevent us from fighting like this." Dongfang Ming shook his fan and said with a smile, "Besides, we didn't fight to get a quota to enter there before? You are a little girl, how did I know that you are so inexperienced, and you are getting younger and younger..."

Dongfang Ming glanced over Jiaojiao's body, and said with a gloomy expression.

"You still say!"

Jiaojiao waved her fists, her expression furious, "If you hadn't taken the shot just now, did you think I would be so embarrassed? I...I'm going to kill you!"

"Don't, my grandma!"

Seeing Jiaojiao's appearance, Dongfang Ming immediately put away the fan.

"Jiaojiao, don't mess around." Hurry up and pull Jiaojiao back. "When fighting, winning or losing is a matter of military affairs. If you lose, you lose. There is nothing else to say."

Jiaojiao snorted coldly.

"Okay, let's eat hot pot."

Lin Feng smiled and brought Jiaojiao a bunch of hot pot, "Actually, there are small ones as well. Look, so petite and exquisite, everyone wants to treat you as a baby, right?" Lin Feng's eyes fell on Jiaojiao's. On the body, smiled and said, "Or are you not satisfied with what you are now?"

Jiaojiao lowered her head and watched Lin Feng personally pick up the meat in the bowl. At this moment, her heart seemed to be balanced a lot. Yes, Lin Feng would pick up the meat for her!

Thinking of this, Jiaojiao nodded, a little more smile on her face.

"This meatball is delicious." The fish tail sandwiched a meatball for Jiaojiao, "Jiaojiao, you can also try the taste."

"Sister!" Jiaojiao pouted and said solemnly.

"Haha, if you really become a sister like this, everyone will be scared, don't tease, eat." Fishtail said with a smile, and Lin Feng smiled and moved the meat out.

"Eat, eat, there are plenty of them!"

"This is the meat of Warcraft!" Jiaojiao suddenly grabbed a large amount of meat and put it in the pot, "Lin Feng, you are so kind!"


Seeing Jiaojiao's small, contented look, Lin Feng shook his head as if he had seen his daughter.

"My family Xuan Xuan is cute." After a while, Dongfang Ming said in a low voice, "Don't worry, Brother Lin, I won't grab a girl with you. My heart is on a girl, that girl She looks cute and beautiful. The most important thing is that she still has the same surname as Brother Lin, so I feel very close when I look at you, Brother Lin."

Dongfangming said with a smile.

Lin Feng's mouth twitched.

This Dongfang Ming, is it possible that he didn't know that he was the one that Qianjimen had to deal with.

"Brother Dongfang, this is the territory of your Qianjimen."

"What my yours, Brother Lin, at this time, let's just eat meat and drink, there are no miracles, and no enemies." Dongfang Ming waved his hand and said, "Besides, I have nothing to do with an oriental family. I’m not concerned about the task of this kind of grievances. If we have the opportunity, we can still cooperate. Let me tell you Brother Lin, I can hear that the place where the three realms meet, but there is a good baby. , Let’s discuss and exchange together at that time!"

Dongfangming said with a smile, without feeling that he had said something wrong.

Fishtail looked at Lin Feng and then at Dongfang Ming.

Lin Feng's gaze swept over Yuwei's body. Seeing Yuwei's nervous look, Lin Feng smiled.

"I won't go, why, the Thousand Chance Gate is going to pass?"

"Those people, I can’t bear to see the baby. I’ll tell you Brother Lin, they’re going to find their baby. We can also go and see, the intersection of the three realms. I’m also curious about what it looks like. ."

"It's nothing more than the sea area." Lin Feng shook his head and said, "I guess there is no difference with this side."

"Yes, it's just a sea area." Fishtail also said.

Dongfang Ming shook his head.

"You don't understand this, this lovely place, there should always be his lovely place, this interesting place should have his interesting look, where is the intersection of these three realms, waiting for idlers to enter. Since the place is inaccessible, it must have its own particularity. Are you not curious at all?"

Fishtail shook his head,

Jiaojiao concentrated on eating meat, while Kuaqi was waiting for the little princess while Lin Feng assumed the responsibility of cooking meat.

Dongfang Ming didn't speak at all, and put a bite of meat into his mouth with some depression.

"Oh, I said you don't want to be so plain."

Lin Feng continued to eat meat without any intention of opening his mouth. The fish tail bowed his head and did not speak.


Dongfang Ming sighed and said.

"There are so many interesting things, wait a minute, look, it's dark, this Star Picking Tower will soon change." Lin Feng said with a smile. ,

"Yes." Dongfang Ming's mood got better, and he continued to chatter. Seeing that Dongfang Ming didn't know how tired he looked, Lin Feng also shook his head. There was already a Chitaki beside him, and there was a Xuanyu who was also Hua. Old, now it seems that Dongfang Ming is not much better.

At that time, pick a time to make these three words a good match.

Lin Feng thought to himself, but his actions didn’t stop at all.

The sky is getting darker, and there are more and more people upstairs. Most of them are basically to please the beauties and spend a lot of money. This is the business of young people.

"Ah, the stars are out!"

Jiaojiao looked at the scenery outside and said, "You can really feel it!"

Jiaojiao's body was constantly swaying around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A gust of wind blew by, and the surrounding stars began to move slowly. Their bodies seemed to be in the entire starry sky, very beautiful.

It's just a large formation.

Seeing the two girls with a smile on their faces, Lin Feng shook his head.

"How?" Dongfang Ming leaned in front of Lin Feng, "This formation is equivalent to the immortal emperor's rank at tenth level. This is only our Qianqimen still at this level. Do you want to study? what?"

"If you go, you know, the Thousand Chance Gate treats me like a snake and scorpion. I'm really going. I guess there won't be any bones left. But this formation is really good. Or, show me the drawings. ?"

"This is the top secret of Qianjimen, and I can't see it either." Dongfang Ming shrugged and said with a sigh, "Furthermore, I just fought, and I am not familiar with these things. I really want to get it in my hands. I can only look at it."

Lin Feng just smiled.

The five people sat there eating meat until Yuelang Xingxi was about to leave. Dongfangming lived in the Xingxing Building. As for Jiaojiao and Kuaqi, they continued to move forward. Lin Feng took the fish tail and prepared to go back. At that time, Fish Tail grabbed Lin Feng's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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