Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3968: Floating sea

Ouyang Bai said to himself viciously.

Lying on the ground all over, Ouyang Bai continued to pretend that he didn't know anything, and roared to the sky.

"It seems that this time I am going to be completely ruined here."

Ouyang Bai closed his eyes.

"Master, I seem to hear the voice of Ouyang Bai." Hou Tu leaned on Lin Feng's side and whispered, "Here is the power of the soil spreading around, so it feels comfortable for me!"

"Let's look for it first, if that kid is there, he can definitely find us quickly."

Lin Feng nodded and said lightly.

The thick soil is in front and Lin Feng is behind. Yao Yiyi holds the water bottle in his hand and follows Lin Feng. There is a candle shuttle to take her. She hardly needs to walk, just sit there and chat with the earth spirit beads. . ;

Yao Yiyi’s expression on the Earth Spirit Orb is complicated. This was something that originally belonged to her. Before she could fully discover it, Lin Feng took jiu7 as her own. Yao Yiyi was not convinced, but faced Lin. Feng, Yao Yiyi couldn't say anything.

This guy looks casual on the surface, but Lin Feng's methods are very spicy, and Yao Yiyi knows very well that you can't fight against such a person.

Since you can't resist, accept it.

Yao Yiyi completely changed her mentality and followed Lin Feng. Anyway, Lin Feng would prepare enough water and food for her, and what she had to do was to avoid fighting with the creatures inside.

The creatures in it are all sins.

They are hidden in this void. Although they can't leave, once someone is alive and other things come in and enter their range of perception, they will shoot without hesitation.

Here, it can be said to be their paradise.

"There are battles ahead, and spiritual power fluctuations. They are also cultivators." Yao Yiyi suddenly spoke, and Lin Feng nodded.

"Let's take a look!"

With that said, Lin Feng went directly to that side.

"Fellow Daoist entered by mistake and prepared to go out. It is Duan Dexu at the bottom. Can the Daoist friends come together?" Lin Feng has not passed over yet, and the body over there has been passed over. Lin Feng stopped and shook his head, saying:

"Let's leave in another direction."

"One more person has more strength!" Yao Yiyi gritted his teeth and said, looking at Lin Feng.

"But once that guy joins forces with me, then you are the first one he wants to kill." Lin Feng turned to look at Yao Yiyi, "Do you believe it?"

"I do not believe!"

"Do you have the ability to deal with the monsters here?" Lin Feng smiled and said a little disgustingly, "Although the guys here are not high in cultivation, they are huge in number, and they have lived a long time. Years, do you think they will let you go?"

Lin Feng looked at Yao Yiyi, "Do you think you can deal with them?"

Yao Yiyi was silent.

She can avoid these troubles here, but if these troubles are found proactively, she can't deal with them with her ability.

"That guy's cultivation is probably like the Golden Immortal Great Perfection. It's still very easy to deal with those monsters." Lin Feng paused, "But there are more powerful existences in it. He can't deal with it, so he prepared. Come with me."

Yao Yiyi stopped talking when he heard Lin Feng's words.

"So, if we want to join hands, he is absolutely impossible to take you, your skills are too bad."

Lin Feng landed on the candlelight shuttle, squinting his eyes slightly, "You can detect where the detection exit is and find the exit, so we can leave quickly."

"You are so cold-blooded."

After a long time, Yao Yiyi said.

Lin Feng is unwilling to cooperate. Isn't it because the opponent's cultivation base is too low that he doesn't like it? If the cultivation base over there is a little higher, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Feng to say such a rejection.

Lin Feng nodded.

"As a cultivator, I have been used to it a long time ago, and you have gotten used to this kind of life earlier. In the outside world, you are nothing but ants all the time."

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Yao Yiyi turned his head.

Yao Yiyi didn't listen, and Lin Feng naturally didn't want to interpret anything for Yao Yiyi, just lying there with his eyes closed, his face practicing.

"The previous one, we can't avoid it,"

After a long time, Yao Yiyi spoke.

"Then kill it!"

"Master, let me go!"

The thick soil came out of the loess, "The life-saving cultivation base is not high, I can deal with it!"

Lin Feng nodded.

Yao Yiyi looked up, and saw a touch of yellow rushing up directly, and the bomb equipped on Hou Tu's body directly slew towards the other's hidden monster.

"Humanity, it's shameful." Yao Yiyi looked at the beheaded monster and said coldly, "Humanity has committed a crime, whether there is another world or not, although it is good, but it is much better than this floating sea. But the monsters and evildoers are all placed in this floating sea. This place is also a nightmare for them!"

"So be it!"

Lin Feng didn't say a word, "You can do the divination, don't talk nonsense."

Lin Feng's body flew out, grabbed Hou Tusuo and looked down. The monster beast underneath was so long that he couldn't see anything for a long time, but there were still some undamaged parts on his body. Lin Feng took this part. He picked it up and put it in his hands and weighed it.

It hasn't gone away for so many years, it's baby!

Lin Feng continued to complete the concept.

"It's the breath of Ouyang Bai~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hou Tu turned his head to look at Lin Feng, and whispered, "I feel it, in the east! "

"Go over there!" Lin Feng nodded and headed directly to the east. Ouyang Bai was fighting a ghost of resentment. Yuan Youshun had existed for a very long time, and Ouyang Bai gradually lost his energy.

"Master, your apprentice is here to give a thorough explanation this time."

Ouyang Bai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and saw the big guy coming here more and more. After talking about it, he said helplessly, "Master, in the next life you have to find me accepting me as an apprentice soon!"

Ouyang Bai was lying on the ground.

Fengtongjian and Yuhun were facing each other, and Lin Feng looked down at Ouyang Bai, his expression dumbfounded.

"What are you guys doing?"

"I can't beat it anyway, I don't bother to move." Ouyang Bai sighed and said helplessly, "But I'm going to die, and I can still hear the master's voice, it's great!"

"I'm going to you!"

Lin Feng kicked Ouyang Bai's body, "I said you have a problem with your brain? Open your dog's eyes and look at your master and me!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ouyang Bai slowly opened his eyes, the resentful soul had been beheaded, and Lin Feng stood there with a dumbfounding face.


Ouyang Bai's eyes lit up immediately.

"Master, why are you here?" Ouyang Bai looked at Lin Feng with a smile, "I didn't know it was the master you, I knew it was you, so I wouldn't do this, the master, why did you come here? "

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