Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3952: 1st fall

A forbidden pill!

The six people's eyes were placed on Lin Feng's forbidden pill, one by one coveted.

"You don't want to kill me to get the breaking pill. If something happens to me, the breaking pill will definitely happen."

Lin Feng's hand stroked the forbidden pill, "For me, the forbidden pill is just a little time spent refining it, but I think for your Excellency, this forbidden pill is the supreme treasure. , Once there is a pill for breaking the ban, everyone will have a way to break through."

Lin Feng's face was still smiling, his eyes swept over several people, "So, everyone is facing the broken ban, is there a constitution?"


Of course there is!

But... the six people looked at each other.

The six of them control this sea area, and have almost taken this sea area as their own. The six people are even more restrictive and restrict each other. They also know each other well. Although they can't wait to kill each other, they have always Never shot.

Of course, it's not that they don't shoot, but the two fight. It is the other four people who get the benefits, so they have always maintained this state.

However, if there is a forbidden pill.

This state will be broken!

As long as it breaks through the level of Da Luo Jinxian, no matter who it is, can become the overlord of this sea area!

As for killing three of them...

The attacks of the six men began almost at the same time, and the six men separated again.

"Friend Lin, we have a lot of cooperation along the way!" Zhao Haoran turned to look at Lin Feng, and said with a big smile.

"Of course." Lin Feng said with a smile, "Our cooperation is all at sea. As for here, I think we should still be enemies now, so Zhao Dao is friendly and cheer, and I will cheer you on!"

Lin Feng stood there with a smile, without intending to make a move.


Zhao Haoran's heart was a little blocked, he didn't expect that this guy Lin Feng would turn his face and refuse to recognize him at this time!

What a guy who turned his face against anyone!

Zhao Haoran's face became gloomy, and he wanted to say something, but seeing Zhao Haoran distracted, since the attacks over there were all directed at him!

damn it!

Feeling the attack of the five people, Zhao Haoran waved his hand and opened the umbrella, directly blocking the attack of the five people!

"It's Junior Sister Ruoli's Tianluo Umbrella!" Xiaobai's eyes widened immediately, "This **** guy actually snatched Junior Sister Ruoli's baby!"

"This is the breath of Ruoli!" Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Zhao Haoran in the sky, "Ruoli will perceive it."

Ouyang nodded his head and stood there with an angry expression.

"I'm sorry, Master, it's because my strength is not enough and there is no protection as good as my sister."

Lin Feng didn't speak, just watched the scene in the sky and didn't open his mouth. Instead, he wanted to see what this guy could do to take her apprentice's things for himself!

This guy is not normal!

Lin Feng sneered.

"It's okay, this is also a wake-up call for Ruoli's girl. This girl is too lawless. It's okay to be tempered." Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the scene in the sky.

"Friend Zhao, it seems that your situation is not very good, you must cheer!"

Lin Feng’s voice is neither salty nor indifferent. When Lin Feng’s words were heard, Zhao Haoran’s heart was lost. He had never seen such a shameless person. He had a hippy smile on his face when he was trading at sea. They were like brothers. I didn't hesitate to betray him!

What a Lin Feng!

Zhao Haoran's expression darkened.

"Poisonous widow, let's join hands!" Zhao Haoran snorted coldly while looking at the poisonous widow. "In these years, you have often taken the maid from me to refine your poison skills. Without me, you have to be so cute. There is a maid with cultivation skills, but there is no way!"

"Boy, the things I want from the poisonous widow will naturally be delivered to me. However, this time it is related to my own interests. Boy, do you really think I am afraid I will give up?"

The poison widow sneered.

"Red hair, Bai Long!"

"Chifa, Bailong, wouldn't it be better for the three of us to join forces!" Zhao Haoran turned to look at Chifa and Bailong again.

The remaining two attacks on Zhao Haoran, who were not named by Zhao Haoran, were the most fierce. After seeing the communication between the four people, the two men attacked the four directly, and none of them were to be let go. meaning.

"What do you mean!" The poison widow was attacked, and she moved back quickly, her eyes widened.

"Everyone knows what it means on the surface, so don’t pretend to be here. What is our purpose here? You don’t know, right? Since we all know what our purpose is, don’t show up like this. , Everyone just shoot!"


The six people fought together.

Lin Feng sat down and watched. In order to break the forbidden pill, the six people can be said to have been fighting heartily, taking out all their own skills.

Lin Feng shook his head.


In a comprehension society, interest is always the most important thing. These guys can do everything for their own interests today. Next, he should harvest cabbage well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng smiled and looked at the front, turning to slow down. Slowly stood up.

Liusuo left Lin Feng and surrounded the entire island.

Under Liusuo's maintenance, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed directly up with the Fengtong sword in his hand. Lin Feng's shots were very secretive. He hid behind the six people and attacked them from time to time. It's amazing, but it can hurt a person just right.

The battle intensified, and Lin Feng's shots became more and more rapid.

Finally, the first one fell.

Zhao Haoran didn’t lose much of her body during this period of time. After this time, it was naturally the first time he was attacked. He could no longer get up when lying on the ground. Lin Feng sighed and shook his head, looking at the poisonous widow. .

"Boy, it's you!"

Seeing Lin Feng's move, the poisonous widow's eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, I also took the shot. Otherwise, when will the six of you fight? The place will sink in one month. The ruins will be found and come out within one month. Time is limited."

Lin Feng said with a serious expression on his face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the poisonous widow stared at Lin Feng, her face looked incredible, she still wanted to speak, a spear pierced through the poisonous widow's chest, and Lin Feng's sword domain and potential position were locked. The poisonous widow, the mind directly strangled the spirit of the poisonous widow.

To her death, the poison widow never said a word.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Hey, such an opponent is really troublesome to deal with!" Lin Feng shook his head and said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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