Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3942: Zhao Haoran

The environment here is good, Lin Feng's eyes swept around, feeling the beautiful environment here, Lin Feng's mouth evoked a gentle smile.

Being able to take a good rest in such a beautiful place, Lin Feng was in a great mood, and his whole expression relaxed.

"It is worthy of being the first city on the sea. The environment here is really good." Chitaki couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Feng sat in the restaurant, and the sea water stretched out under the restaurant. Sitting on it, drinking tea and eating, he could also watch the sea flowing continuously, which was very beautiful.

There was a sweet laugh, and the next moment, a girl in a red dress came up in a hurry.

If you leave?

Seeing the girl, Lin Feng stood up, but the girl didn't seem to see Lin Feng. She sat by the window, her eyes swept away from Lin Feng, her face looked strange.

"Miss Ruoli?"

Seeing Ji Ruoli, Chitaki's eyes lit up immediately, "Master, it is Miss Ruoli!"

Chitaki was about to pass, and Lin Feng grabbed Chitaki.

"See, she doesn't recognize me."

Lin Feng's words made Qian Taki's body tremble a bit. He looked towards Ruo Li, and she saw Ruo Li standing there, looking at Lin Feng with a strange expression, completely ignorant of Lin Feng.

This one……

Seeing Ruo Li's appearance, Chitaki turned his head and looked at Lin Feng, with a bit of confusion in his eyes, "Master, what's going on?"

Lin Feng shook his head and did not speak.

Ruo Li's appearance made Lin Feng a little suspicious. He was certain that the girl in front of him was Ruo Li, but Ruo Li didn't know him anymore, which made Lin Feng a little suspicious.

When in the lower realm, the little girl followed him all the time.

Lin Feng looked at Ruo Li.

After leaving the land of quicksand, Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo followed back to Yuanmen. Zhao Qingluo was about to give birth, and Xiaobai also accidentally wandered outside with Qingluo. After Lin Feng took the nightmare beast, the two of them Without saying anything, he chose to leave. Lin Feng walked the journey alone, and after seeing Ruo Li, he raised his relaxed mentality again.

He didn't know who sent Ruoli here, but Ruoli's appearance is very bad now.

Lin Feng stood there with his mouth pursed, the breath of his body was constantly undulating.

"My lord!" Ruo Li stood up suddenly and looked at the man at the door with a smile. Lin Feng was taken aback and looked at the man. The man was full of breath. After hearing Ruo Li's words, he nodded and stood. In front of Ruo Li.

"Is it fun?"

"It's fun, my lord!" Ruoli thought he was beside the man, and the moment he lowered his head was gentle and gentle, looking very cute.

"This **** guy!" Chitaki said viciously.

"Master, don't act rashly. This man is a bit weird. He should have practiced some special techniques that can control people's minds."

Lin Feng nodded and stood up holding the flask.

"I don't know this gentleman, is someone lucky enough to buy you a drink?" Lin Feng made a gesture of inviting, "I have a little girl with a name called Ruoli, who looks three or four points similar to the girl next to Your Excellency. At this look, I miss our little girl a little."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, it turns out that your excellency is also a man of temperament. To tell you the truth, this girl hasn't been around for a long time. It may be luck to say that this girl is the same as your girl, Xiaoli, come soon I've seen adults."

"Xiao Li has seen an adult," Ji Ruoli raised his head and glanced at Lin Feng, frowning slightly, the person in front of him looked very familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had met.

"Since I met, I should have been a little surprised." Lin Feng waved his hand, and a small object appeared in his palm. "This sky umbrella, I accidentally learned, I gave it to Little girl play!"

The man nodded.

"Thank you, sir?" The man smiled, "Next, Zhao Haoran, I don't know how your Excellency is called?"

"Lin Feng."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Ji Ruoli was playing with the Tianluo umbrella. After hearing Lin Feng's words, his body trembled slightly, and he raised his head and glanced at Lin Feng.

"I am here!"

At this moment, the one-month white figure flew up.

"Teacher...Teacher..." Ouyang Bai stood there and wiped his eyes when he saw Lin Feng.

Lin Feng glanced over, and Ouyang Bai immediately stopped talking, and quietly found a table to sit down, but kept his eyes on this side.

"It turned out to be Fellow Lin, please."

Zhao Haoran glanced over Lin Feng's body, turned to drink tea, looked at Lin Feng with a smile, and said with a smile, "Although there are people coming and going on this island, there are not many people living here. , Fellow Daoist Lin, I saw it for the first time. Was it the first time Fellow Lin came here?"


Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"This time, I came out to experience, passing by the island, seeing the beautiful environment of the island, and preparing to stay for a while."

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Lin said that although our small island has a small population, in terms of beauty, it can definitely be ranked on the sponge. Fellow Lin Daoist likes it, so he spends more time playing here. "


Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

After talking to Lin Feng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhao Haoran took Ruo Li away, and waited until the two of them were gone before Lin Feng looked at Ouyang Bai.

Ouyang Bai immediately leaned in front of Lin Feng.

"Master, why did your eldest come here?"

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked directly without going around.

The look on Ouyang Bai's face became a little darker.

"After all, Junior Sister is a monster and a sea beast. The beach is more suitable for our cultivation, so we both came here. Junior Sister came here earlier. When I came, Junior Sister was already like this."

Ouyang Bai sighed and said, "I have been following all this time, but Zhao Haoran is a powerful man of the Dzogchen Dzogchen level. I can't solve him at all, and Zhao Haoran is better than the one in the sea. The monster clan is good, so I can only follow it secretly."

Lin Feng sighed when he heard Ouyang Bai's words.

"If Li, what's the matter?"

"If Junior Sister Li is poisoned by a sea beast called a sea dragon, the poison of this sea beast is not very toxic, but it can control people, and even wipe out the spirit of the sea beast so that the sea beast can be used by them. , Was discovered by Zhao Haoran, and sealed the memory of the little junior sister."

Ouyang Bai's gaze swept across Lin Feng's body, and then his eyes lit up immediately, "But there is a master, you can definitely handle it."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Go to the place where you live first, and then find a few sea dragons to study and study."

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