Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3930: Surround

They all have only one goddess, don't you want to share with Yuanmen disciples?

If they were really abducted by these Yuanmen disciples, who would they cry with?

"Do you have any comments?" Xiao Nishang turned to look at his disciple, and asked seriously.

"It's not an opinion." A disciple who had a good relationship with Xiao Nishang came out with a bitter expression, "The main reason is that although we have more injured disciples, we still have to act alone."

"Yes, Master Sister, we can still do it!"

"We feel the same way, Master Sister, let's separate this matter. Besides, Yuan Sect is already stronger than us. When they are bullying and bullying, we have nowhere to reason!"

"Yes, elder sister, we all think so!"

"Then do you think that we can kill the nightmare beast with our abilities?" Xiao Nishang sneered. She was quite relieved of her beauty, and it was natural to see what these guys were thinking.

However, it is rare to be reunited with Lin Feng, why should she consider the thoughts of these guys? Just because they like her in their hearts?

Xiao Nishang’s gaze swept away from the crowd, and all the disciples bowed their heads and said nothing. What Xiao Nishang said was the truth. With their abilities, there is absolutely no problem with protecting themselves, but if they have to deal with so many monsters, yes. It is absolutely impossible.

So, now that Xiao Nishang said that, all the disciples who had thoughts bowed their heads and stood there and stopped talking.

"Now, do you know why I want to cooperate?"

All the disciples nodded.

Xiao Nishang showed a smile now.

Seeing the smile on Xiao Nishang's face, all the disciples were shocked.

Generally speaking, Xiao Nishang has a straight face, either in the fighting arena or cultivating, or hunting for treasure outside. Most of the time, Xiao Nishang looks cold and busy, busy with his own affairs.

If Li Yutong is a green lotus from a world away, then Xiao Nishang is definitely a wild flower on the side of the road, blooming passionately and stunningly enough.

"In that case, let's set off now!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "Let's work together, maybe we can get what we need in the fastest time!"


Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone who originally had an idea now all converged.

With Lin Feng's killing god, their assurance of success is naturally higher.

Lin Feng's affairs in the battlefield of life and death could not be concealed from everyone, so almost all the disciples knew about Lin Feng's deeds in the battlefield of life and death. As the deeds became clear, everyone naturally understood them, and they had to deal with them. This guy, they also converged their minds.

"Let's go then!" Lin Feng glanced at the two rows facing each other and said with a faint smile, "Come on, everyone!"

Lin Feng's voice was not high. After hearing Lin Feng's words, the disciples who had thoughts nodded and followed Lin Feng's side and followed Lin Feng to the depths.

"Everyone, keep up!" Xiao Nishang greeted the disciples of this school from behind, "I don't care if you and Lin Feng have any grudges, but at this time, what we have to deal with is the nightmare beast. You have also suffered a lot from that guy. Now, this time, don't be willful anymore!"


Although the disciples of Qinghe faction were a little unhappy, they nodded after hearing Xiao Nishang's words.

As disciples of the martial arts, the first lesson they learn is for the martial arts, and their own interests are under the martial arts.

"Master, the nightmare beast is wandering outside the valley and is partying with the Astral Sword!"

Hou Tu said again.

"Not in a hurry."

Lin Feng comforts the thick soil. Naturally, it is impossible for the nightmare beast to enter the urn so neatly, but Lin Feng believes that all schools are not fools. What they have to do is absolutely to make this nightmare beast enter the valley. Every disciple had a topographic map of Yan'e, and they naturally knew this valley very well.

Only when those guys enter the valley, can they deal with this nightmare beast!

"Master, are we overconfident? Nightmare beasts have always died to be here, such a big valley, he would never enter so willingly."

"Of course he wouldn't be willing to go in, but the point now is that he doesn't want to go in, and she can't help it." Lin Feng sneered, and glanced at the nightmare beast. "Although the cultivation base of this thing is powerful, it is also That's it."

Liusuo stopped talking immediately.

The nightmare beast's voice lingered around, all the disciples glanced at each other, and their eyes lit up immediately.

"The nightmare beast is there, let's kill it!"

All the disciples were ready to move, but Lin Feng stopped these disciples.

"Brother Lin, the nightmare beast is here, let's go over now!"

"Yeah, Brother Lin, don't you kill the nightmare beast, wait for others to take advantage?"

"Don't move, listen to Lin Feng's arrangement!" Xiao Nishang stopped the disciples who were ready to move, "You are only capable of this. Give you this monster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You may not be able to deal with it, all Everyone is quiet, just wait for Lin Feng's arrangement with peace of mind."

Those disciples had a bit of unwillingness in their eyes, but seeing Xiao Nishang's cold look, all the disciples immediately shut up and stopped talking. Yao Ziyi stood there silently, waiting for Xiao Nishang to arrange everything.

Xiao Nishang's eyes flashed with cold light, and he turned to look at Lin Feng.

"The nightmare beast is out of the valley now. The purpose of his cry is to attract us to fight him in the past. If we stand with him now, we will be controlled by this guy."

Lin Feng licked his lips, turned his head and glanced at the disciples.

All the disciples were still standing there, but looking at the expressions on their faces, there was obviously a bit of distrust.

But it has always been a monster.

"Isn't the nightmare beast playing you enough during this time?" Lin Feng snorted coldly when he saw the appearance of these disciples. "Since I have said this, it means that this nightmare beast is not just casual Then you can deal with it, and you should also restrain your mind."

Lin Feng paused, his eyes swept over everyone, "To deal with the Nightmare Beast, you must first know your own state. Can you kill the Nightmare Beast? What is your cultivation level in front of the Nightmare Beast? "

Lin Feng walked forward a bit, the expression on his face became more and more cold.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone who had thoughts became quiet right now, and none of them stopped talking.

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