Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4024: Courage

This **** kid is really a **** big trouble!

"Remember, I will hold you back when the sky falls, so you can solve the formation with peace of mind!"

Tang Zaitian's voice softened, his eyes swept over these disciples, then he paused, and said, "If the formation cannot be cracked, it will be our biggest trouble at this time!

After the disciples below heard Tang Zaitian's words, their expressions eased a little, and the original irritable mentality became much more normal under Tang Zaitian's soul comfort.

Tang Zaitian let out a sigh of relief.

Tang Zaitian knew that it would be impossible for the following disciples to restore their previous state. Once their minds were upset, the state of these disciples would be in chaos with each other, so at this time they would not be able to correct themselves. Mentality.

For these guys, it seems that they may not be able to correct their attitude.

Seeing this, Lin Feng's expression paused.

"Tsk tusk, it seems that this time, the geniuses of the Thousand Chance Gate Formation Hall didn't pose the posture you need." Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile, "Do you want to continue?"

Tang Zaitian snorted coldly.

"It's a great hero that everyone knows on the road. You will be rewarded sooner or later for your hard work." Seeing Tang Zaitian's appearance, Lin Feng still said with a smile.

Tang Zaitian's mind paused for a while, seeing Lin Feng look like he was not pumping, wishing to rush to kill Lin Feng now, but now that the formation is in Lin Feng's grasp, he can't get close to Lin Feng at all.

Tang Zaitian's eyes grew gloomy.

"Hey, don't we just keep stalemate like this?" Tang Hao temporarily repelled, Xuan Yu leaned in front of Lin Feng and whispered, "We have been stalemate for a long time."

"It's coming soon." Lin Feng embedded the last piece of fairy stone into the formation and said with a smile.

"Boy, what do you want to do?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Tang Zaitian's eyes narrowed again, and he said with a cold snort.

"Of course it's a gift."

Lin Feng smiled and stared in front of him, "Are everyone ready?"

Xuan Yu was taken aback by Lin Feng's words, is it possible that there are others here who fail?

No, there are only disciples from Qianjimen.

Xuan Yu looked down at Lin Feng, could it be that this guy was crazy because he cracked the formation here?

Liu Shuo flew out.

"Master, what are we going to do?"

Xuan Yu was speechless.

"For the six directions I pointed out, you should start lasing bombs in this direction now. You can use ordinary ones."

"it is good!"


Liu Shuo flew up, and in Xuanyu’s stunned mouth, countless bullets directly attacked the formation. Most of these bullets passed through the formation and turned the outside into the color they needed. Lin Feng stood there with a weird smile on his face.

"This one……"

Xuan Yu swallowed and looked at Lin Feng.

"I will send you a little when I go out. After all, you have to take my little things back to the Dragon Clan. If you are attacked by them in the middle, you will look safer with those little things in your hands." Lin Feng He smiled and said, "How?"


Xuanyu's eyes lit up immediately, "I won't say if you are polite, how much can you give me?"

Xuan Yu looked at Liu Shuo who was constantly fighting. There were a lot of bullets on Liu Shuo, although these bullets could not cause any major damage.

However, after the blessing of the formation, these bullets began to shoot towards the disciple of the Thousand Chance Sect below. The speed of the bullets was so fast that even Tang Zaitian could not control these self-sufficiency in the first time.

"They are really good things." Xuan Yu swallowed and turned to look at Lin Feng, with greed in his eyes.

Lin Feng waved his hand and said nothing.

Seeing Lin Feng's indifferent expression, Xuan Yu let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, Xuan Yu's head moved.

"Wait, are these things studied by Lin Xiangyang, a traitor from the Thousand Chance Sect?" Xuan Yu's gaze rolled over Lin Feng's body, "You are not a follower of Lin Xiangyang, right?"

"You know too! Of course I am his follower, otherwise where did so many bullets come from." Lin Feng said with a smile, without clarifying the relationship between him and Yang Yang.

"Tsk tsk, that's a genius. Even my elders said that his future is limitless. It's a pity that he was chased by Qianjimen. Qianjimen will never let him go." Said regretfully.

Lin Feng nodded.

It is indeed impossible for Qianjimen to let them go, but what's the use? Qianjimen can't find them anyway.

Lin Feng just smiled without speaking.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Xuan Yu rolled her eyes.

"I'm telling you, why are you still getting together with that guy? That guy was chased and killed by the Qianjimen, and his combat effectiveness is not strong. You should draw a clear line with him earlier. The Qianjimen is Even if Lin Xiangyang can become a grand master later on, as long as Qianjimen knows about it, he will definitely do everything he can to kill Lin Xiangyang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is what I can do. I promise you one hundred percent!"

Xuan Yu turned to look at Lin Feng.

"So, you still don't mix with him."

"Do you think Qianjimen will let me go now?" Lin Feng shook his head, then said with a smile, "No."

Lin Feng's answer was very positive.

Regardless of the dragon's blood on his body or the relationship with Yang Yang, the two thousand faculties will not let him go. Anyway, if there is a trouble, I am not afraid of the second, let alone Yang Yang is his son.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Xuan Yu who was still talking immediately shut up, quietly following Lin Feng's back, and said: "But I still like that guy very much. Although I have never seen a new year before, that guy is amazing. Up!"


Lin Feng just smiled when he heard Xuanyu's words.

"Actually, if we abandon the Thousand Chance Gate, Lin Xiangyang is very popular with our Dragon Clan. Our Dragon Clan still has a lot of Lin Xiangyang's brain fans. If those guys dare to say that they are bad for Lin Ivory, they will open up. Killing."

Xuan Yu's voice was a little bit more chilly, "I don't know what ecstasy soup this guy has poured into so many people."

Lin Feng smiled again.

"Are you really listening to me? Do you know what I mean? As long as Lin Xiangyang is willing, we are willing to protect him! When we reach the Dragon Clan, even if it’s a Thousand Chance Sect, we won’t do it easily. After all, they still dare not offend us."

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