Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4004: Initially completed

Zixia didn't have much interest in managing such things. Instead, she stood aside as a fighting force. Several cultivators were originally casual cultivators, but now they were all in front of Zixia, and Yu Tong smiled. laugh.

Lin Feng has always entrusted her with the management, so Yutong is very familiar with these matters. After a glance at the regulations of the Great Sacred Assembly, Li Yutong immediately knew it.

"In this case, I'm not welcome." Yu Tong's gaze swept across several people, "Our Great Sacred Church has to deal with a lot of things. I have read your rules and regulations, and there are many mistakes and omissions. Inside, so next, I will reform the Great Holy Society, I hope everyone can accept it."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The group nodded and expressed their full agreement with Yutong's words.

Seeing that a group of people looked like everyone was waiting for your arrangement, Lin Feng was still a little bit dumbfounded.

This Xiaobai really gathered all the soft ears together...

Seeing the appearance of a group of people, Lin Feng shook his head.

But with Sister Tongtong, even if it is a mess, it can definitely be handled. Lin Feng fully affirmed Li Yutong's ability.

Lin Feng couldn't turn around, so he took his hand-handling shopkeeper for granted, turned and left.

Yutong watched Lin Feng leave and gave her the mess here, but Yutong also knew that Lin Feng was not good at managing these things, and it would make Lin Feng think about it. The time arrangement and cultivation of the teacher, and even the things to be done have a big impact.

What they have to do is to watch Lin Feng grow up, and then do the things behind Lin Feng for Lin Feng, and don't let Lin Feng worry about it.

Yutong has always seen his identity very thoroughly. To Lin Feng, they have given all their love, but they also know that they can have the peace of mind in their current practice because of Lin Feng. .

Yu Tong shook his head, took the matter and started to deal with it.

After Yutong took care of it, it was already three days later. As soon as the sign of the Great Sacred Society was hung up, because of the relationship between the two daughters, many Yuanmen disciples immediately asked to join, but with Lin Feng, Yutong naturally Some people will not be admitted easily, and all those who want to come in have to undergo strict examinations.

During this assessment, Li Yutong also saw Yao Ziyi.

Lin Feng had already told her about Yao Ziyi. As one of the sisters, even though she was still a little melancholy, Li Yutong directly passed Yao Ziyi into the Great Sacred Society. Li Yutong knew that one more sister would take care of Lin Feng. You can rest assured.

If Lin Feng has anything...

Li Yutong could not imagine what the future would look like.

Yao Ziyi was still very worried. After all, Li Yutong and Zixia have been with Lin Feng for a long time. When she was in the lower realm, she already knew about Lin Feng’s wives. The reason why Lin Feng appeared in Yan Xuan The mainland is still for Li Yutong and Qin Yanran.

However, Yao Ziyi's worries were obviously suspicious. Li Yutong straightforwardly explained everything to her and didn't care about her being with Lin Feng, and even comforted her to take good care of Lin Feng. Everyone is a sister.

When Li Yutong started, and sincerely made friends, Yao Ziyi also relaxed, and soon talked to Zixia Li Yutong. Knowing that Lin Feng was also in Soul City, Yao Ziyi was moved.

Since leaving, it has been a long time since I saw it, which made Yao Ziyi miss Lin Feng a little bit more.

Li Yutong and Zixia sent Yao Ziyi in front of Lin Feng. The sisters looked at each other, turned and went downstairs.

The shop Xiaoer was preparing to close, and when Li Yutong and Zixia came down, he shook his head.

He knew that this was the shopkeeper's wife, but he saw that the lady sent a strange woman to the shopkeeper's side, but he left and expressed his confusion.

However, Xiaoer Dian also envied the boss. With so many knowledgeable and smart women around to take care of him, Xiaoer couldn’t help feeling melancholy. He is still working hard to keep his mind stable. It’s not only because of his strong fighting power, but also Huameijuan is by his side, and there are more than one, two, three or four.

"Do things well." Yu Tong said with a smile when he saw Xiao Er in the shop, "The soul is restored, and the body will naturally have it, but now your top priority is to stabilize your soul. Xiaofeng has already told me about you. Don't worry, we are looking for a good body for you."

Li Yutong said with a smile.

Dian Xiaoer suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Yutong and Zixia. Seeing the smile and affirmation on the Ernv's face, Dian Xiaoer's body trembled slightly.

In this world of comprehension, people are like duckweeds. Everyone is thinking about how to protect themselves and how to be strong. As for the interests of others, they are not in their consideration at all. Even if Young Master Yangyang asked him to come over to be the second in the shop, he It's just to make myself live for one more day, but as time goes by ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ their good, but gradually let Xiaoer Dian understand something that he has never thought about.

What they did and their efforts were telling him that everything was not only other methods, but also more and better methods.

Xiao Er had a smile on his face, and his eyes were moved.

"Thank you Mrs."

"You rest first. We are all on it these days. It's Qin Yanran that you are going to do you first. Just leave it to us here." Zixia smiled and said to Xiaoer.

Dian Er nodded, knowing that the second daughter didn’t want him to affect their lives, Dian Xiao Er cleaned up now and left with his salary. He needs to find a quiet place to stabilize his soul so that he can continue. stay alive.

When the women in the Goulan courtyard across from the shop saw Xiao Er came out, they all rushed up.

"You can tell us about this. We are willing to go out of the soul to buy the pill for this treatment, and we want to live too."


The women looked at Di Na Er with envy in their eyes.

"The boss said, I'm only in the experimental stage, and the store will withdraw soon. You can wait with peace of mind. If you trust us adults, we adults will not lie to you." The shop Xiao Eryi said solemnly.

Hearing the words of Dian Xiaoer, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of several women, and they nodded with a smile one by one, nodded Dian Xiaoer, and said: "That's what you said, you have to remember, we will be waiting for you. Good news."

Xiao Er nodded and left directly.

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