Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3900: Each has trouble

With that, Lin Feng turned around and left. Soon, Qin Yanran, Yang Lingling, and Xiao Nishang all left their own school and headed towards the Soul City.

Along the way, Lin Feng kept telling the three women about their tasks, and the three women soon joined Lin Feng in the forest, killing the soul beasts and going to the Soul City in exchange for the soul source.

"Are you okay this time?" When they entered the city, the three women's worried eyes were all on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me, but you, are you doing well this time?" Lin Feng turned his head and looked at the three women.

The three women smiled and nodded instead.

"Hmph, don't look at who we are!" Xiao Nishang snorted, "We are all geniuses of our school, do you know what geniuses are?" Xiao Nishang pointed to himself, "That's the focus of the school. The object of training, what you want."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"But it's your husband, you're the best!" The next moment, Xiao Nishang hugged Lin Feng's arm and shook, "Husband, let's take a rest tomorrow and fight again."

The eyes of the three women were a bit eager, and Lin Feng hugged the three women.

"It’s going to be a long time in Japan, let’s talk about it. At this time, if you are with me, going in and out, you will inevitably be criticized by your school. When this is done, I will definitely satisfy you little fairies."

"Who wants you to be satisfied!"


The three girls smiled and walked away. Seeing the three girls, Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, but his mood improved inexplicably.

After going to Soul City, the four of them went to Yangyang’s small shop. Yang Yang personally took care of the small shop. Because he had an agreement with Lin Feng, he must come up once every three days. Yang is in Soul City.

"Lin Feng! How are you moms!" Yang Yang sent away the last customer and closed the shop directly. The Goulan Yard opposite was still working. Several women were soliciting business at the door and saw the three women brought in by Lin Feng. Afterwards, a woman took a sip.

"I really know Israel to serve people. I think those girls were fooled by beauty!"

"You don't need to say a few words, but that kid is quite interesting to speak of. This is a demon. We will give us so much money to advertise those customers. If this is changed to other places, it will not be possible. !"

"That is, we are at this point, not because the body is gone, and we will never be able to go back. This Soul City has become our life's home, instead of worrying about having no business all day long. The soul source guarantees our survival. This amount of advertising costs, but the transfer is very comfortable."

"Hehe, the most important thing is that this young man looks good, you say, we look at such a beautiful young man all day, even if the birthday is not good, we will get better."

Several people gathered together and spoke with a smile, looking in a good mood.

Lin Feng stood in the attic on the second floor listening to the conversation of the woman opposite, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"You kid can do it!"

"This is called resource utilization!" Yang Yang said with a smile, "Does Lin Feng have anything? My container has already been made, and I have found the secret in it. It really is Lin Feng, the chaos of your body. Qi can isolate the difference between the two places. In this way, I can also go down with the soul source. Only when we die, the soul source has been listed as one of the commendable items. This is a good thing to transcend the soul crystal of the lower realm. , You don’t know, Dasheng Village has become lively recently!"

Lin Feng nodded.

"You can tell me about the chaotic air at any time, but don't take this thing without authorization, it's too dangerous." Lin Feng whispered, "Besides, you also know my situation, the chaotic air on me, As long as the Chaos Seed is there, it can be used continuously."

Yangyang nodded.

"Lin Feng, just let it go. I won't be polite with you. With the transfer station of Soul City in the future, it will be much easier for us to do everything."

Lin Feng nodded.

This is the truth.

Divine Soul City gathered the cultivators of the Three Realms. Originally, this place could not exist as a trading place until Yang Yang discovered the secret of Chaos Qi.

For Yangyang and Lin Feng, Divine Soul City has no things that cannot be transferred. Instead, it has become their medium, allowing everyone to better exchange news here. Of course, the more troublesome thing is that you must Only reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

If it hasn't reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian, what Lin Feng just said would be a bullshit.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and took out all the high-level spirit beasts, there were more than thirty.

Yang Yang took ten of them.

"Lin Feng, you can wrap it with Chaos Qi, I only need so much." Yang Yang whispered, "You put the rest on your body, maybe you can also study the formation of the immortal emperor. , It will be useful then."

Yang Yang smiled very happily, "You can also upgrade our formation in Dasheng Village."


Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, his own son, this is completely using him as an animal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But seeing the smile on his son's face, Lin Feng nodded.

"Don't worry, by the way, what about that kid Sifeng?"

"Tsk tsk, his life is not easy now. It is said that there is a big sect behind that sect. It is very happy that you are chasing after me with that sect!" Yang Yang shook his head and sighed, "This time he can A lot of resources have been spent."

"Is it dangerous?" Lin Feng frowned.

"It's not clear yet. I've already sent someone to investigate. If it's dangerous, I'll notify you as soon as possible. But that guy's cultivation base is not lower than that of your father. Maybe he's living very well now. for sure."

Lin Feng stopped talking.

"Don't tell Sister Qing Qing about this matter." After a while, Lin Feng whispered, "I'm afraid Sister Qing Qing is worried."

The three women and Yangyang nodded.

Luo Qingqing is now being promoted to Da Luo Jinxian. At this time, she must not tell Luo Qingqing of such things, lest Luo Qingqing gets distracted.

"Do not worry."

"None of us will tell Sister Qing Qing, we will talk about it when Sister Qing Qing finishes her promotion!"


The three women nodded with a certain face, Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief, and put the three women in his arms.

"Lin Feng, I'm leaving now. I've been up for three days. I had something to deal with." After speaking, Yang Yang turned around and went out. Lin Feng shook his head helplessly and sent Yang Yang away. , Lin Feng and Sannv began to make plans seriously.

Next, what they had to face was the soul beast in the soul forest.

(End of this chapter)

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