Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3899: Martial mission

"Okay, don't worry."

When they returned to their own mountain peaks, Lin Feng's mind was constrained, and soon he arrived at the Soul City. When he reached the stronghold of Yuanmen, everyone had arrived. The people on each peak stood alone, but Lin Feng stood alone. .

"Junior Brother Lin, we have already said that each peak will act independently, so that it will be more convenient when allocating resources. What do you think of Junior Brother Lin?"

A disciple stood up.

Lin Feng remembered that he belonged to Changfeng, and should be the leader of Changfeng Daluo Jinxian.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Lin Feng could see that they had excluded him from the outside.

Regardless of whether they were instructed by themselves or someone else, Lin Feng nodded after hearing his words.

"Well then."

"Then Junior Brother Lin, let's set off first." All the Yuanmen disciples turned and left, and Lin Feng pushed Qian Taki back.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Master, these guys are clearly trying to isolate you, Master!"

"Yeah." Lin Feng nodded, "Whether it is from the above or these guys, these guys' original intention is that I don't want to fight for it. Speaking of, I have been to Yuanmen for so many years, Changfeng should belong to me. I haven’t received much of the benefits."

Lin Feng gave a wry smile.

Before Yuan Daozi looked at him, Lin Feng knew that there must be something tricky in it.

His cultivation base is progressing very fast. Yuan Daozi’s cultivation base can definitely tell that there are secrets in his body, but the cultivation base is definitely steady and steady. Yuan Daozi didn’t show any expression of surprise, or even gave it to him. What's the performance.

Yuan Daozi gave it a pity.

What does this show?

Lin Feng shook his head, and ditched all of this.

Yuan Daozi must know that there is something tricky in it.

"Let's go, at least now Yuanmen is still my safe haven, maybe it is a good weapon to deal with Qianjimen." With that, Lin Feng walked directly outside.

Soon, Lin Feng felt some familiar breath.

"Tsk tusk!" Lin Feng's eyes flashed with surprise.

It's all here!

"Master, it's a wife!" Liu Shuo jumped along.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Husband, you are here too!"

A group of girls did not come to Lin Feng, but went directly to the Soul Forest, and communicated with Lin Feng as they went. Everyone knew what they needed. After receiving Lin Feng’s instructions, the girls quickly understood themselves. What to do.

Lin Feng accidentally took a few girls and moved in one direction.

At the forefront is Crazy Girl XX.

In a valley of the soul forest, many sects gathered here, and in the valley, there were more than a dozen such soul beasts.

"Let's do it!" Lin Feng snapped a mouthful, eyes flashing with crazy light, shaking his hands, an attack went directly over there.

The three daughters quickly got close to Lin Feng.

"Sisters are all scattered. There are only three of us here." It was Qin Yanran who was speaking. Yanran stuck out her tongue and whispered, "Husband, you can click on one side, and I will do it here."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded. ,

"I have a way to carry these things, so the best case is that we shoot them alone. Since this thing is needed by all schools, it will definitely be useful to us."

Lin Feng said with a serious face.

"This time you go to the Demon Realm, it seems that you have completely ignored the things here." The crazy girl rolled her eyes, "These things are used to repair the formation of the immortal emperor."

Lin Feng nodded.

In the past few years in the Demon Realm, he really didn't pay attention to this side, so Lin Feng could say that he didn't know anything about this side.

Following Ji Nv, Lin Feng and Ji Nv kept a distance, but at the same time put away the beheaded soul beast just right.

The few women have their own sects, and naturally they can't save soul beasts. Only Lin Feng with the seeds of chaos can do it.

Killing the beasts all the way, a few people formed a kind of circle of their own invisibly, surrounding these high-level spirit beasts in a trap.

Soul beasts are divided into low-level and high-level realms, and there is no other division, but among high-level soul beasts, there are many different soul beasts, and their difference lies in their functions.

"Lin Feng, how's it going?" Xiao Nishang stood behind Lin Feng, "I can't help you anymore. More and more disciples from the martial art side are coming towards me."

"When will Sister Yutong and Sister Zixia arrive?" Qin Yanran also stood behind Lin Feng.

"My martial artist has also seen it."

"They have something else." Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said helplessly, "I also hope they will come over soon."

Lin Feng collected the slain spirit beasts directly, "Let's walk in the dark again and kill some of these spirit beasts together, and then each one will bring two back to explain."

Lin Feng glanced at the direction where Yuanmen was, and quickly shot, as if about three or four were killed.

Lin Feng pointed out that in the eyes of these Yuanmen disciples, he had just entered the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, and he was able to kill two, which is not bad.

Thinking of this, the three of them nodded their heads and quickly moved towards the depths. Soon, Yang Lingling also joined the team. The four of them were supported by bombs and other things, so the combat power was naturally not comparable to the outside world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yang Lingling drove thirty of these soul beasts into the circle.

After slaying these thirty or so soul beasts clean, the fighting outside was basically quiet, and one person carried two soul beasts back.

When Lin Feng returned, the original disciple was reorganizing.

Seeing the two spirit beasts at Lin Feng's hand, everyone's eyes flashed with surprise.

They originally thought that Lin Feng could not get anything, but they didn't expect Lin Feng to get two, which surprised their eyes more or less.

This thing is not to say that you can get it down. These high-level soul beasts are basically in the form of Daluo Jinxian's high level. They survive here, and they are obviously better at here than the humans coming up below. Fighting, but the fact now is that Lin Feng actually has these high-level spirit beasts on hand.

"It seems that Changfeng won't have nothing at all this time." A disciple sneered.

Lin Feng remembered this disciple, Yan Feng, who was a cultivator in the main hall.

"I am the only Changfeng, killing two a day, and there will be 30 in this half a month, and the allocated resources are enough." Lin Feng smiled and said, looking at Yan Feng.

Yan Feng's face changed a little.

Thirty a person, even if they are big brothers, they may not be able to do it!

Yan Feng snorted coldly after eating a nail that was neither soft nor hard.

"Then you better pray that you can get thirty of them!"

Lin Feng nodded, threw a soul source directly into his mouth, and said, "This is what I want to think about. By the way, I will complete the mission of Soul City first."

(End of this chapter)

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