"Lying grass, why don't you go to robbery, there are only five soul sources for one pill, and some of them only need two to three soul sources!"

"Three soul sources can almost provide a Da Luo Jinxian cultivator for one day!"

"That is, if we were in the heyday, we probably only need one soul source a day!"

Everyone was talking in a frantic manner, filled with indignation.

"Then you go buy it inside." Yang Yang put away his things and left.

The members of the League looked at the wounds on their bodies, then thought about the distance, and gritted their teeth one by one and looked at Yang Yang.

"Bought it!"

"But we don't have so much money to pay for your things."

"It's okay, I can owe debts here."

Yangyang smiled very heartily.

"But I owe debts here, and I can only repay them in Soul City. Also, if I owe debts, I must use the heart demon oath."


This kid, it is obvious that they came to pit them!

However, at this time, they are still subject to such constraints.

Thinking of this, Chao Yangyang, a member of several alliances, stretched out his hand.

"Business..." Yang Yang smiled very happily. After receiving the soul source, while everyone was stunned, he ate all the soul source directly, and then carried on carrying his things.


"I'll take it, swallow so many soul sources in one bite, where did this stupid come from?"

Several members of the Tongmenghui didn't even dare to take the pill. They looked at Yang Yang one by one with a distressed expression on their faces.

This is totally waste!

Soon, a few members of the league reacted. After taking the pill and recovering, they once again pursued and killed them in the depths.

In order to better hunt down Lin Feng, they had already separated from the team. Lin Feng traveled through the soul forest, killing the soul beast while drifting around to deal with the members of the two associations.

These guys have more or less soul sources on them, and Lin Feng stopped entanglement after taking away their soul sources.

Without the support of the soul source, Lin Feng knew in his heart that these guys would never stay in the mountains here for too long.

Lin Feng is already pregnant with the idea of ​​going back to the city secretly when these guys are exhausted. The face in Soul City can be changed, as long as the members of these two associations can't pay attention to his aura, deal with these two This activation should not be a very difficult thing.

After such a period of time, Lin Feng found out that he was wrong.

Soon, Lin Feng felt that there were more and more trackers behind, and many of them were the previous ones. The aura on these guys began to become heavier and heavier. Lin Feng had to doubt that behind these guys, there seemed to be Someone is controlling.

Who is it?

Lin Feng frowned.

He didn't expect that he was just taking action to deal with a guy, and this could involve so much trouble.

What a trouble!

Thinking of this, the depression on Lin Feng's face deepened. He didn't know how he should deal with these guys, but these guys were like a shadow at this moment, and he didn't mean to let Lin Feng go.

Lin Feng began to observe these alliance members.

Soon, he discovered the clue.

One day later, Lin Feng stopped Lin Xiangyang.

"Oh, Lin Feng, we finally met." Yang Yang looked at Lin Feng with a smile, and said excitedly, "Have we made a lot of money this trip?"

Yangyang smiled and took out what he had on hand, "Look, this is my special container. With this container, you can put all the soul sources in it. We already have a lot of soul sources, Lin Feng Do you need it?"

Lin Feng twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Lin Xiangyang.

"I said your kid can't take care of your dad and me for a while?"

"I've always taken care of it, Lin Feng, don't worry, I am not giving Lin Feng a gift?" Yang Yang smiled and put a tablet in Lin Feng's hand, "I'm in the pill With a small signal, they will not pay much attention to this thing, but now..."

With a single click of Yang Yang's finger, countless small red dots appeared on the tablet, and these small red dots kept moving around.

"These guys basically don't have a soul source on them, Lin Feng, you can just kill them directly."

Yangyang smiled very happily.

"You guys still have a little conscience." Lin Feng took the thing and took a look, then turned to the nearest red dot.

The distribution of the red dots is not very uniform, and most places have more tarmac.

"By the way, Lin Feng, there are also a lot of materials in this soul forest. These materials are used to refine the pill that we just need. Lin Feng, or you can help me and refine a little more. Pill, so we can earn a little more soul source."

Lin Feng glanced at the box in Yang Yang's hand.

"You don't earn much?"

Yangyang smiled and did not speak.

After killing more than a dozen members of the NPC and CPPCC, Lin Feng felt that these red dots had started to go in one direction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they gave up chasing him.

what happened?

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

"When I was in the mountains and forests, I listened to these guys. It seems that a lot of high-level spirit beasts came out of the soul forest. Those spirit beasts are directly attached to soul sources and soul crystals. So they all went."

Lin Feng nodded when he heard Yang Yang's words.

"Go, let's go and take a look too!"

"Wait a minute, I'll pack up what's on my body." Yang Yang packed up, and then gave Lin Feng the bulky box. "Take this Lin Feng, don't worry, my soul power is very saturated now, besides, I have already made notes and space imprints in the soul forest and the city. It will not work then, I can use the big shift Fu went back."

Lin Feng nodded.

Carrying the soul source on his back, Lin Feng and Yang Yang moved forward together.

The speed of the two of them was not very fast, and they went deep behind these cultivators.

"Lin Feng, have you hunted down that high-level soul beast here?" Yang Yang asked in a low voice along the way.

"Really not." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a wry smile. He had fought on it for a long time before, but during that period of time, Lin Feng had only heard of them and never met them.

"It is estimated that these things are not something that we can meet easily." Lin Feng sighed, and whispered, "Wait."

Yang Yang nodded when he heard Lin Feng's words.

"These high-level spirit beasts are all treasures, and it is said that the things on them can be carried on."

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