Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3831: beware

This little flip completely captured their minds.

"Master!" Chitaki shouted again.

Lin Feng's aura began to grow stronger and stronger, Wu Shuo's voice gradually entered Lin Feng's mind, delighted, joyful, crazy...

The world seems to be exciting at once.

"It's so noisy!" Lin Feng opened his eyes, he stood in a wild, Wu Shuo stopped in front of him, Lin Feng shook his head.

"I am back."

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the sky, then turned the corners of his mouth slightly.

"You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder, come on." Lin Feng's breath suddenly lifted, and he flew directly in front of him. Countless figures passed in front of him, and his voice was like a horse watching. Generally, all the flowers appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

From birth, bit by bit until today.

"Master, you have to be careful. The guy Zhuyin is best at stealing other people's dreams. This is not the first time this guy has done such a thing." Xingzheng followed Lin Feng and whispered, "Master Don't hurt this guy!"

Lin Feng nodded.

"I know, don't worry, I won't let that guy succeed."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wu Suo breathed a sigh of relief, and a black dragon appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Boy, don't you think your words are a bit too full?" Standing in front of Lin Feng, the black scales were a little bit of golden yellow, and the whole body exuded a strong momentum and majesty.

"Candle Yin?" Lin Feng's gaze fell on the dragon in front, and the dragon looked down at Lin Feng with disdain in his eyes.

"It's impossible for me to follow you, you should just get out of here." After the candle Yin finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Lin Feng licked his lips, the heat in his eyes became more intense, as long as you are sure you are here, do you really think you can escape from my palm? Lin Feng's eyes flashed with stars, and he shook his head, "Next, take a good look at the present I prepared for you!"

Lin Feng continued to complete the concept, and soon a disciple of the Demon Cult appeared.

First appeared for the first time, and then, the demon cult disciple rushed over here.




The cultivation bases of these demon cult disciples are generally above the Golden Immortal stage, and it is more than enough to deal with a Lin Feng.

Feeling the action of these guys, Lin Feng's mouth conjured a faint smile. These guys are powerful, but it's just that.

To deal with him?

The potential energy stance and the field of sword blossomed under Lin Feng's feet, and Lin Feng directly attacked these guys.

Lin Feng's shots were getting faster and faster, and more and more disciples of the demon cult fell. Lin Feng could feel that the old dragon was hiding in the dark and watching the battle.

Lin Feng moved forward while fighting.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" The candle Yin voice came out again, Lin Feng sneered and did not speak, but his expression became colder and colder, he didn't believe it, he still couldn't deal with such a guy. !

Lin Feng continued to fight.

As the battle continued to rise, Lin Feng's aura began to continuously strengthen, and his fighting methods became increasingly fierce.

A golden light swept across Lin Feng's body, and Lin Feng's entire body was completely transformed into a dragon walk. Those demon cult disciples were still shooting continuously. The breath of dragon on Lin Feng appeared, causing those demon The disciple's body suddenly began to tremble.

A kind of fear from the depths of the soul made their bodies start to recede continuously.

This is the breath they hate!

"Wufen dragon bloodline?" Zhu Yin appeared in front of Lin Feng again, this time it was Wu Shuo who faced Zhu Yin with Lin Feng.

"The master is a good master, Zhu Yin, come with us." It was Xing Wei who spoke first, "You should believe me."

"Are you all fallen?" Candleyin looked down at Xingzheng, and then smiled, "Are you still the unbeatable Xingzheng? You are not anymore, you are surrendered to a smiling human being, are you Want this little human being to provoke the important task of our dragon race?"

"Xingzheng, when did you become so funny?"

The voice above kept clamoring.

"I'm not superficial." Xingzheng looked up again, "This is my decision, he is my best choice, candle shade, you can see through all people's thoughts, don't you see it too? Very satisfied with him."

Candle Yin looked down at Xingzhen.

The surrounding environment was still quiet, for a long time, the candle Yin suddenly raised his head.

"Haha, donate a share of our hard work to spur the Dragon Race to get a patriarch. Haven’t you thought about it, can we sit in that position? In that case, we don’t need Lord Dragon King, we are Lord Dragon King. , Is the supreme existence among these three realms!"

The surrounding environment began to constantly turn over.

"This guy is crazy!" Lin Feng sighed and said helplessly, "Or, let's change the place~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's safer not to be here."

With that, Lin Feng's mind spread toward this space.

This is the mind space of candle Yin.

Although there are many things in the space, Lin Feng didn't pay attention to these things. What he cared most now was how to break through here and achieve his goals.

The candle shade is obviously crazy.

"Master, shall we take action?" Zhu Yin was still laughing constantly, Chitaki turned to look at Lin Feng, and asked in a low voice, "If we Wushuo take the shot together, it is still possible to deal with him."

"What's in a hurry?" Lin Feng waved his hand and looked at the candle shade in front of him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Not being generous, besides, doesn't this guy like to control others? Obviously, wouldn't it be better for this guy to have fun, let's take another shot?" Lin Feng sat there with a smile, his eyes swept around.

"Speaking of which, you used to be friends who fought side by side and worked hard together. Think about the weakness of this guy. Let's take action from this guy's weakness."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wu Suo was silent.

"Master, this guy is the most perfect guy among our twelve first dragons, and the guy who hides the deepest." After a while, Xing Wei said, "Wait when you fight this guy. , You must beware of this guy, especially to remind you of the violent death. Even if it was once, the violent death will easily be irritated by this guy. You will know the final result."

(End of this chapter)

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