Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3814: Escape

The old guys of the corpse Yin sect are still very cautious one by one, and they are very reliable in doing things. Walking along the way, the old guy's breath has never left his room.

"What a trouble!" Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed and opened the door a little depressed and went to the outside deck. It was late at night when the people sailing out of the boat, the others were quiet, Lin Feng turned over. Altar of wine came out and sat on the chopping board and drank slowly.

A figure quietly appeared behind Lin Feng, Lin Feng ignored it, this old man was probably used to being a ghost.

"Is there anything wrong?" After seeing the old man leave for a while, Lin Feng turned to look at the old man, rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, for the sake of the little master, it is impossible for the little master to leave."

"Best." A gloom flashed in the eyes of the elder of the Yin Yin Sect. He turned and left the deck. Lin Feng shrugged, and his mind spread directly towards the surrounding area. In the vast sea, there was nothing except the monster sleeping on the bottom of the sea. .

Suddenly, there was a little wave on the surface of the water, and Poch flew out of it.

"I have found it out clearly." Poqi landed on Lin Feng's shoulder, "There is a boat behind. If you want to leave, you should be able to wait for that boat in two days."

Lin Feng sat there pondering.

"By the way, there is an adult on the boat, your acquaintance, that is Miss Lisi, she took that Mary on the boat, and the two of them looked in a good mood, sir, do you think?"

Boqi looked at Lin Feng.

"Wait." Lin Feng nodded to Boqi, "Thanks for your hard work."

"It is my pleasure."

Poqi continued to dive into the sea and disappeared in front of Lin Feng. Chitaki fell on Lin Feng’s shoulder, "My lord, at this time that old guy is not watching you. You can go directly and take Poqi in The speed in the sea, that old guy can't keep up with us."

Lin Feng waved his hand when he heard Chitaki's words.

"What's the hurry, since I'm here, I have to go and talk to people well, right?" Lin Feng's mouth raised a faint smile, "Wait, wait a minute, when the time is up, let's go there. After some exchanges, there may be unexpected gains." Lin Feng's mouth has a gentle smile, "Speaking of which, we still have something to do with this elder!"

Lin Feng opened the elder's room.

Speaking of it, Lin Feng really didn't know the name of the elder in front of him for so long. His main task was to protect the cross-border teleportation formation. This was the first time Lin Feng saw this elder.

"Boy, what are you doing?" Seeing Lin Feng opened the door, the elder raised his head and looked at Lin Feng with jealousy in his eyes. He didn't know much about Lin Feng, but he absolutely knew that this boy was not a fuel-efficient one. Waiting, especially seeing Lin Feng so abruptly, he came to the door, making the elder two more minds.

He doesn't think this kid will come to him!

"I'm fine!" Lin Feng sat opposite with a smile, "I just came over to chat with the elders. When I went to the lower realm, because of an accident in the teleportation array, I was the only one who came back. I saw the elders at that time." Out of the wine glass, "Elder, have a drink together?"

Elder Corpse Yin Sect snorted coldly and turned around.

"What you can do so proudly is just a simple glass of water and wine, elder, don’t worry, I’m not going to get some of this thing to kill you. Besides, it’s just a glass of water and wine. Dare to speak up."

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the elder of the corpse Yin sect.

"Huh!" The elder of the Dead Yin Sect snorted and took the wine glass directly, and Lin Feng sat opposite the elder of the Dead Yin Sect.

"Actually, is the Corpse Yin Sect so interesting? What a good school, although not many people approve of your cultivation methods, but you can sell this Corpse Yin Sect. In fact, such a day is also very good, why do you have to Do something like this?"'

Lin Feng sighed, "Not only this world, even the lower realms are making a smoggy mist. Everyone is looking at you with hatred, wishing to eat your flesh and drink your blood to relieve your hatred, is it interesting? ?"

Lin Feng sat on the opposite side and filled the wine glass again, "Just to cooperate with Qianjimen and make wedding dresses for Qianjimen?"

"Boy, what do you know?" Bai Cang snorted coldly. "Our Corpse Yin Sect is originally a side branch of the Thousand Chance Sect. Even if the Thousand Chance Sect wants our Corpse Yin Sect to be completely calm, we won't blink. This is our destiny."

Bai Cang snorted coldly, and then said lightly, "So, all of this is our own willingness. We are willing to go through fire and water for the sake of a thousand opportunities."

"Oh, by the way, I killed that little thing at Qianjimen." Lin Feng suddenly spoke, and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, that kid's ability is still a little bit too much for beauty, do you know? I let go of a group of people, and those people were all sent to you by admirers of the so-called Qianchimen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ right?" Lin Feng shook his head." What do you think they will grow into in the future?"

"Boy, you!" The elder of the Yin Yin Sect suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, with flames burning in his eyes, as if he was about to swallow Lin Feng.

Lin Feng cracked his mouth and showed a smile.

"Jiejie, old stuff, under normal circumstances I definitely can't deal with you, but you didn't find out that the wine I just drank for you was drugged?" Lin Feng stood up abruptly, holding the Fengtong sword in his hand. The breath of the whole body suddenly raised, "If an elder of the corpse Yin sect died in front of me, you said, who would suspect that I did it?"

Lin Feng shook his arm, and the Fengtong sword exuded a fiery light in Lin Feng's hand.

"Boy, dare you!" Bai Cang's body stepped back a bit, his eyes were a bit colder, the sword domain spread out under Lin Feng's feet, and Lin Feng's gaze swept across Bai Cang's body.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's entire body quickly backed away, and went straight through the bottom of the boat. Boqi quickly absconded outside with Lin Feng, and Bai Cang's attack fell on Bo Xunsuo, shaking up patches of water.


Lin Feng's appearance was too embarrassing, and he sat inside, still carrying a strong scorched aura.

It was even tricked by an old man.

Feeling the injury on his body, Lin Feng's eyes flashed helplessly.

"Master, are you okay?" Sisuo climbed to Lin Feng's side. Bo Xunsuo had already shuttled smoothly across the sea. Sisuo leaned against Lin Feng's side, seeing a large piece of hatred falling on his face. Meat, some can't bear to look straight.

(End of this chapter)

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