Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3898: Yuan Daozi's shock

Lin Feng went to the shop and carried things back and went straight back.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he returned to his own world and felt what was on hand.

This time, I still made a profit.

"Father, is it really okay for you to cheat your son like this?" Yang Yang returned to his body three days later, "Did you not help if you saw me being chased?"

"Help you improve yourself?" Lin Feng smiled very happily.

"Then you can't leave me alone!" Yang Yang looked at Lin Feng bitterly, with a helpless expression, "Those excellent lamps are not fuel-efficient lamps, do you know how miserable your son I am? "

Lin Feng smiled but said nothing.


Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Yang Yang swallowed all what Yang Yang wanted to say.

"In short, Lin Feng, have you brought it back?" Yang Yang looked at Lin Feng curiously.

Lin Feng's mind moved, and the box appeared in Lin Feng's hands. What was in the box was what Yang Yang thought.

Lin Feng smiled at Yangyang.

"what do you say?"

"Lin Feng, Niu! It seems that Chaos Seed is not affected by Divine Soul City."

Lin Feng nodded.

"This time I didn't bring much, so I barely passed it."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "But I don't know if this thing will last for a long time. We can't find the thing, but if the time is too short, our efforts will be wasted."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yang Yang waved his hand and said, "After that, I will work hard for you, hehe, so that we can make a lot of guys with powerful artificial souls in the future."

"I have brought out all the things you want." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "Qianjimen chased and killed me outside, so it's time for me to leave."

Lin Feng looked at the front, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, and the breath of his whole body suddenly rose.

Yangyang nodded.

"I won't go out first. I will study this thing first, and then go out after I have handled it. By the way, father, this is the stronghold of the Thousand Chance Gate in Soul City. They rarely appear in the city. Part of the time will be in their own organization."

Yang Yang placed a small piece of paper in front of Lin Feng, "This shop is dedicated to providing weapon formation techniques and other things for Soul City. This one is all the Qianqimen I know in the fairy world. Shop."

Yangyang gave Lin Feng a steady stream of things.

"And this." Yang Yang put a box in Lin Feng's hand, "This is the result of my research on the imperial pen seal technique used to eradicate Grandpa Wu Daozi. Both Grandpa Wu Daozi and Mother Yanran have not yet reached the level of completeness. Hidden the breath of your body, daddy, this can be done briefly, daddy, you'd better use it in an emergency."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Thanks for your hard work, Dean Dan has always been researching how to hide, but after I absorbed the candle-yin dragon blood, the previous pill was obviously not that useful, but don't worry, it's time to be honest Facing the world."

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

"Lin Feng, come on!" Yang Yang said with a smile, "I'm waiting for your good news!"

Lin Feng waved his hand.

Yang Yang turned around and went out. Lin Feng released Qianqian after cleaning up.

Qianqian is still being promoted, but almost completed.

Looking at the serious little woman last, Lin Feng left Dasheng Village.

Lin Feng went directly to Zhongzhou and returned to Yuanmen.

In any case, he is still a disciple of Yuanmen now. After being out for so long, it is time to go back.

Changfeng was quiet.

Lin Feng gave a brief account of the task and his own affairs. When he returned to the top of the mountain, the people below all went out to practice. After leaving a message on the top of the mountain, Lin Feng smiled, and did not disturb their experience this time.

The yard was obviously cleaned frequently, and it was clean and comfortable.

Only Li Yutong and Zixia knew about Lin Feng's return.

The second daughter didn't come to Lin Feng the first time because of some things.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed for a while.

"Brother Lin!"

After Lin Feng had rested for two or three days, a disciple ran up and said, "Brother Lin, there is an announcement from above that all Da Luo Jinxian levels are going to participate, Brother Lin, hurry in, right in the main hall. "

"okay, I get it."

Lin Feng nodded and headed directly over there.

After hitting the hall, the big brothers of each peak Daluo Jinxian level sat on the top hand. As for Changfeng, there was only Lin Feng. Looking at a group of Daluo Jinxian disciples, Lin Feng sat in his own position with a smile.

All eyes were on Lin Feng, with a bit of hostility.

They don’t care how Lin Feng has a principal, but Da Luo Jinxian is a hurdle. After crossing this hurdle, no matter how strong Lin Feng’s cultivation base is, to them, Lin Feng is just one, and they have stepped into Da Luo Jinxian level of cultivation. That's all, so they are dissatisfied with the position that Lin Feng currently occupies, very dissatisfied!

Lin Feng just sat there quietly, completely ignoring those gazes.

"It's all here!" Yuan Daozi, the headmaster, sat on the head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time calling everyone over, it was the task of Divine Soul City. In the soul forest of Divine Soul City, a big soul beast appeared. The cultivation base of the soul beast is very powerful. The most important thing is that the teeth produced on the soul beast can help my Yuanmen's sect formation more perfect. "

Yuan Daozi's gaze glanced over everyone, and finally fell on Lin Feng.

When he left Yuanmen, he remembered that Lin Feng's cultivation was only in the Golden Fairy period. It was only a long time before he had broken through Da Luo Jinxian. Thinking of the kid who had been working hard, Yuan Daozi sighed helplessly.

Some boys are protected by heaven when they practice.

Lin Feng is obviously in this rank.

It's no wonder that the Yuan Conference has taken a fancy to this kid, and this kid's current strength is indeed amazing enough.

Yuan Daozi felt a little sad.

If this kid is not in Yuanda's favor, it must be a shining new star in Yuanmen a few hundred years later.

"This time, I hope you can help complete the task."

Soon, Yuan Daozi calmed his mind, "There are a lot of these soul beasts, but the places where they appear are very strange. After you find them, you will quickly bring them to the stronghold of Yuanmen, and someone will bring them back. "

"Yes, the master!" All the disciples nodded, but Lin Feng didn't say a word, but began to think about it.

"This is this kind of soul beast." Yuan Daozi waved his hand, "They basically appear in groups, so you must be careful when dealing with them, you know?"

Everyone nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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