Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3782: Destroy the teleportation array

"What they are holding is the ID card of the Corpse Yin Sect, which shows that they are also of the Corpse Yin Sect. Going out and waiting for the cultivators, it is impossible to deal with them again, and it can be regarded as leaving them a way of survival. Right, but the exercise I gave them is not the one practiced by the corpse yin sect now, but the one that used to not eat blood and drink blood. As for how they will develop in the future, it is their own business."

Lin Feng sighed and said.

During this period of time, he also studied the techniques of the corpse Yin sect.

In essence, the corpse yin sect's practice is not bad compared to the Yuan sect's practice, especially after a long time of evolution, the corpse yin sect can become the number one sect in the demon world for his reasons, but With the passage of time, the ancestors of the corpse Yin sect began to study the more powerful method of Western Shame, and then stepped into the wrong path step by step.

Or for the corpse Yin sect, it is going to be even simpler, every disciple can enter the new realm of the immortal emperor.

And this new world requires them to continuously open up wasteland and obtain humans to serve them, or to satisfy their extravagant hopes.

After solving these disciples, Lin Feng went to several other houses to report that he was safe. After knowing that he had recovered from a small area, Lin Feng released the idea of ​​preparing to refine the pill. As soon as the news was released, there would be dead bodies immediately. The Yin Sect disciple came to the door, hoping that Lin Feng could help.

Lin Feng smiled and accepted the help, and after taking the medicinal herbs, he hung up a sign to start alchemy.

The surroundings of the yard became quiet. In the middle of the night, Lin Feng walked out of the yard. After setting up everything in the yard, Lin Feng went deep.

The corpse Yin sect disciples like to go out in the middle of the night to search for food. At this time, most of the martial art is empty. Lin Feng went straight into it invisible. After arriving at the formation, Lin Feng checked the surroundings and turned around. The monitoring is installed.

The surveillance captured the surrounding environment clearly and made sure that there were no cameras around, and Lin Feng began to crack the formation.

Deciphering the formation is very cumbersome. Even with the previous four days of shots, Lin Feng only opened the passageway just before dawn. Once inside, Lin Feng carefully concealed his mind, but after entering, It was discovered that the previous old man was not guarding here.

Lin Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but his mind was still on guard.

"Master, do you need our help?" Chitaki asked in a low voice.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"No need, I can do it myself. I just bury a few yard bombs. Some of these atomic bombs exploded together. This teleportation array is probably going to be scrapped. If it is really a means of a thousand opportunities, the corpse Yin sect is absolutely It’s impossible to give up what you don’t care about here. When the time comes, Qianjimen will definitely come over and repair it. We will naturally know what the deal between them is."

Wu Shuo nodded.

After burying the atomic bomb quickly, Lin Feng returned from the original road. Just early in the morning when he returned to the yard, Lin Feng took down the sign. Soon, a few disciples from Qianjimen stopped coming to take the pill. Good, but this pot of pill was successful. The disciples of Qianjimen were ecstatic on their faces and happily went back with the pill. Lin Feng continued to refine some pill. These, You have to give it to the martial artist.

After refining all the pills, Lin Feng only began to practice and rest.

At night, Lin Feng went to pay the pill. Just when he left there, the back exploded. The whole corpse Yin sect trembled a few times, and the formation over there began to fall apart. stand up.

"Master's new type of bomb is really powerful."

Seeing this scene, Chitaki couldn't help but sigh, "This is an immortal ninth-level formation, even if it explodes, it explodes!"

"It should be only a small part." Lin Feng's mind moved a little, but his body began to run continuously with the surrounding Corpse Yin Sect disciples, with a panicked expression on his face, as if he didn't know this at all. .

"Quiet everyone!"

A huge voice sounded in the sky, and a silver corpse stood quietly in the sky. Everyone fell silent under the gaze of the corpse. Lin Feng also raised his head to look at the corpse. , The corpse was very huge, and the whole body was shining white, standing in the sky, shocking all the disciples of the corpse Yin sect below.

"Tsk tsk, this is the corpse of the corpse Yin Sect, much stronger than the two at the door."

"It's the ancestor who came out!"

The following Corpse Yin Sect disciples came silently one by one. Lin Feng walked to a few of the Corpse Yin Sect disciples he knew, swallowed his saliva, and said, "This guy is really big!"

"That is the existence of our Corpse Yin Sect comparable to the Immortal Emperor. This corpse is our treasure, and will always be a disciple of our Corpse Yin Sect. In our Corpse Yin Sect, all other corpses are not qualified to come by themselves. Choose the owner, but it is different. It is always the ability to choose freely."

Lin Feng nodded, raised his head and looked at the huge corpse in the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but there was a little more exploration in his eyes, if he could choose freely...

Lin Feng's hand began to shake slightly.

"Master, you are not going to do something with this guy, are you?" Chitaki whispered, seeing Lin Feng's appearance, "This is the sign of the Yin Yin Sect!"

"What are you thinking about? I'm just thinking about what is wrong with the corpse king. If the corpse yin sect is allowed to develop in this way, there are still two corpses that might be promoted." Lin Feng said It's simple, but seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Chitaki obviously didn't believe it.

The corpse king of the corpse yin sect is the treasurer in the hands of the master of the corpse yin sect.

And the sect master of each corpse Yin sect was obtained through his own abilities and methods, saying that when all the corpse Yin sect disciples faced the Wang corpse, their eyes were excited.

"Don't worry, everyone, the elders have already checked. Some problems have occurred later, and they will be fixed soon. Let's go back." A vigorous voice sounded, but the so-called sect master never appeared.

Lin Feng went back with a few people.

"Junior Brother Lin, do you think this is a big thing to hide us from being hungry?"

"I don't think it should be." Lin Feng followed a few corpse Yin sect disciples and said with a smile, "Perhaps it's really just a small thing. Such things have happened before."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people who were still expecting something just nodded their heads, then sighed, and said, "That's right, who in the entire Demon Realm dares to move our corpse Yinzong? Isn't that just looking for death? ?"

(End of this chapter)

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