Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3851: Murder and treasure

Lin Feng was behind him, looking at him with a smile on his lips.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Yun Shen's heart trembled, and a bad premonition instantly spread over his body.

When did Lin Feng follow?

What is the purpose of his coming here?

He didn't know these.

"What... what do you want to do?" Yun Shen's body stepped back a little, his eyes looked at Lin Feng with alert, "I tell you, kid, you'd better leave obediently, otherwise don't blame me for being rude ."

"You just crushed the identity card you gave me, didn't you just find me and kill me so as to kill me?"

With a smile on Lin Feng's face, he glanced around the person in front of him, then smiled, "Isn't I here just right?"

Lin Feng stood in front of Yun Shen.

Yun Shen stepped back a bit.

Lin Feng's cultivation base has not been exposed, but looking at the smile on Lin Feng's face, Yun Shen's heart is a little more uncertain. The guy in front of him obviously didn't mean to let him go, not just that he didn't want to let it go. He meant, looking at Lin Feng's appearance, Yun Shen's heart trembled unconvincingly.

This is trouble.

"Who said that?" Yun Shen stubbornly said, "Can't I just go to you for a drink?"


Lin Feng lowered his head and then shook his head.

"Since all are here, just enjoy the gift I gave you."

With that, Lin Feng rushed directly towards Yun Shen, and Yun Shen's body quickly moved back.

"Boy, you better understand that murder is forbidden in the Devil City. Killing in the Devil City will result in cramps!" Yun Shen's eyes widened, and his whole body was trembling.

Just now, the breath on Lin Feng's body flashed by, and he clearly felt that strong killing intent.

Don't mess with this kid!

Yun Shen's head started to move quickly, he wants to leave, he must escape, this guy is terrifying!

"You reminded me."

Lin Feng's mind moved, and then he split his mouth and revealed a gentle smile, "Originally, I killed you here. Someone should know it. But look, the neighbors around you heard you betting on rocks. When we lost, everyone fled. This alley is just an empty alley, only you and me."

Lin Feng took a few steps forward.

Yun Shen suddenly turned around and ran out of the alley. Lin Feng did not follow, but looked at Yun Shen with a smile.

"The master's trick is too shameful, this guy probably can't even dream of it."

"This circuitous formation is very interesting to deal with such small things."

"Candle shade, I don't see that you have done a lot of research these years."

"came back."

Lin Feng suddenly said something, and Liusuo was silent immediately, looking at Yun Shen who appeared in front of Lin Feng again.

Yun Shen panted and looked at Lin Feng.

He had run out of breath, but still did not run out. The alley seemed to be wrapped in something. He tried hard to run outside, but the outside world was getting farther and farther away from him.

Yun Shen is not stupid.

He knew that all of this was arranged by Lin Feng, but he couldn't deal with Lin Feng. The person in front of him just stood there with a smile, making Yun Shen's body tremble.

Too strong.

This is not a guy that people can deal with!

Thinking of this, Yun Shen's body stepped back a bit, and the guard in his eyes became more intense.

"Lin... Brother Lin, I didn't mean to deal with you, you... don't mess around."

"I won't mess around." Lin Feng said with a smile, "Kill you, and dirty my hands."

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, Yun Shen’s eyes lit up immediately. Lin Feng shook his head, and a few silver needles passed through Yun Shen’s body. Soon, Yun Shen felt that something had penetrated through his abdomen. Then, a look of pain appeared on Yun Shen's face.


Yun Shen wailed in pain, his cultivation was dissipated in an instant, the entire dantian exploded, and he could no longer cultivate.

Lin Feng shook his head and turned away.

"Master, don't you kill this kid?" Chitaki asked in a low voice.

"This makes him more uncomfortable than killing him. He bullies the people in this small alley."

Lin Feng smiled and continued to go out.

The inferior nature of human beings does not seem abrupt at all when it acts on other creatures.

These low-level cultivators hate Yun deep into their bones, and they may not kill Yunshen, but in the future, Yunshen's life will definitely be in dire straits, and it will not be easier at all.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

After finishing all this, it was late, and Lin Feng turned and walked outside.

Liusuo followed Lin Feng, and after hearing Lin Feng's words, their bodies couldn't help shaking.

This is silent and silent.

They muttered silently in their hearts:

In the future, we still have to stay away from the master. Even if you offend the world, you must never offend the master!

The character of the master is completely retributable!

Coming out from here, Lin Feng strolled down the street.

After strolling for a while, Long Yu stopped Lin Feng's path.

"Little guy, let's talk?"

Long Yu smiled and looked at Lin Feng, "I heard that you went to the Chengdong Stone Gambling Field, and you have gained a lot?"

Lin Feng took a step back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Long Yu was not in a hurry, pointed to the restaurant next to him, and said, "It's early, how about a drink together?"

"Senior Long, if you have anything, just tell me directly, I don't have the intention to accompany you to drink." Lin Feng still maintains an attitude of staying away from the old man in front of him. This is not a fuel-efficient one. light.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Long Yu shook his head.

"If I'm okay, I will find you a little guy, go, come up and sit with me, I promise to surprise you."

Long Yu could not help but walked towards the restaurant.


Lin Feng was a little speechless, but he still followed Long Yu up. Lin Feng was still a little curious about Long Yu. He invited him to go up earlier, but only to put him down after a few nonsense, Lin Feng I don't believe it, this old guy is just to find him to talk nonsense.

Lin Feng followed Long Yu.

Going to the restaurant, Long Yu asked for a box.

The box is in the backyard, and there are many flowers and plants in the yard, which are very beautifully maintained.

A glass of wine, a plate of meat.


Lin Feng was also not polite, sitting on the opposite side and directly speaking.

"Senior Long, just say anything."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Long Yu smiled.

"I know that your kid is such a character. Since you have said it all, then I'm not polite. I'll say it directly, kid, I am fond of the meteorite on your body, and I will not hide it from you, you We also know that meteorites outside the sky have a price and no market, and this thing is most likely from the chaotic world."

The smile on Long Yu's face faded.

(End of this chapter)

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