Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3841: Deep in mind

This is their favorite spirit stone.

A powerful smell of blood spread around, Liusuo could feel that Lin Feng inside seemed to be making a very powerful change.

Every three parts of the dragon's blood will be more difficult to absorb.

At this time, Lin Feng's dragon bloodline already had five parts. This part joined in, and the six were combined into one. The powerful force spread rapidly around, and this force stopped Lin Feng's figure. I couldn't help shaking.


Power continued to spread around, and Lin Feng's body trembled slightly.

"Master..." Chitaki looked at the trembling pile of spiritual stones below, and the worry in his eyes emerged.

"He's okay." Candle Yin looked down and looked a little complicated. The next moment, a powerful force rushed into the sky. After this force was washed, the spirit stone that was still emitting light instantly dimmed at this moment. After coming down, it turned into powder and floated around constantly.

Lin Feng's body appeared in front of them.

Lin Feng still maintained the posture of cultivation and did not move, but there was no fluctuation of spiritual consciousness on his body.

In Lin Feng's brain.

A cluster of black flames suddenly appeared.

As soon as this black flame appeared, it immediately turned into a multitude of flames that kept burning behind Lin Feng's mind.

"Looking for death!" Feeling the flame's domineering, Lin Feng snorted coldly, "How can you let you deal with the little master?"

Lin Feng's divine power twisted and rushed towards the flames.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's body trembled.

His mind and mind world seemed to collapse in an instant. Lin Feng's body stood at a height and looked down. Qianqian and Tang Hao were standing there holding hands. The two cuddled together happily, with contentment on Qianqian's face. Smile.

"Tang Hao, let's go back, it's getting late."

"Sit down for a while."

"But, is our child starting to be naughty in his stomach?" Qianqian touched his stomach, frowning slightly.

"Then let's go back." Tang Hao took Qianqian's hand, and the two passed by Lin Feng, but they didn't seem to know Lin Feng at all. They didn't speak until they were far away.

"Just now, is that the one who saved you before? Qianqian, you are by his side. Did you work hard?"

"Why? He is pitiful too. Everyone has left him. The sisters now have their own happiness. He is just a waste of nothing."

The voice faded away.

They are all gone, have their own happiness?

Lin Feng spread out his hands, his expression a little helpless.

"No!" The next moment, Lin Feng's breath suddenly became fierce.

"My woman, it's absolutely impossible to be with others, I don't allow it!" With a roar, Lin Feng's whole body aura suddenly rose, a powerful breath continued to spread around, and the entire island was covered by Lin. Feng's breath raged.

Lin Feng's expression was unconsciously transformed into the appearance of a dragon clan, and powerful forces continued to gather and attack on his body.

The battle of body and form.

Liusuo all got close to Lin Feng's side, waiting to pull back to Lin Feng. Lin Feng was now in his own mind and could not perceive the outside state at all.

"The master has always been easy to deal with Heart Demon Tribulation, what happened this time?"

"The master's cultivation base is getting stronger and stronger, and the Heart Demon Tribulation will naturally become stronger and stronger. It is not impossible to do this."

"Yeah, maybe it's just because the master's power is getting stronger and stronger, so that's it."

"The stronger the Heart Demon Tribulation, the stronger the attitude of the realm this time. This is a good thing for the master."

"Master is amazing!"

"It was the master's precipitation time that was long enough. This time the precipitation caused the master to erupt completely after absorbing the dragon's blood. With this explosion, I believe that the master's cultivation base will definitely become stronger."


"Don't talk about flattering the master, let's be prepared. If the master sinks too deep, we must pull the master out anyway at that time. We must not let the master settle down like this."

Xingzheng looked back at Wusuo, finally his eyes fell on Zhu Yin.

"If the master passed this time, would you follow the master?"

Candle Yin didn't speak, but looked at Lin Feng below, lost in thought.

Follow or not?

Of course it is.

He had no other choice. Lin Feng was so fierce that he saw it. If he didn't follow Lin Feng, Zhu Yin knew that once Lin Feng woke up, he would directly deal with him.

"I will assist him." After a long time, Candle Yin said, "Because there is no mark of me, this wave of mind power will be even stronger. I don't know what state he is in now."

As he said, Zhu Yin slowly closed his eyes.

A small mark appeared on the eyebrows of Candle Yin, and the mark flew directly towards Lin Feng, and fell on Lin Feng's body. The mark fell silent. The next moment, Candle Yin suddenly opened his eyes.

Kill the Quartet.

The breath of the candle shade is faint~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What's wrong? "

Wu Shuo surrounded him.

Seeing the five shuttles around, a touch of complexity flashed in the eyes of Candle Yin.

"Master... is fighting a **** battle in the four directions, his mind and spirit world."

Wu Shuo was silent.

In fact, they all knew that it was normal for Lin Feng to do this. Lin Feng walked up the corpse all the way.

"Every cultivator standing on the top stepped on someone else's corpse." Xingzhen breathed a sigh of relief, "Fighting, for the master, whether it is the mind or not, it is giving the master the best hint. That's it."

"The masters who fought with me are those strong men who have fought with me. There are some memories of me in this dragon bloodline, and those memories have released all the compressed things in the past. The current muzzle, Kind of eye-catching."

Seeing that Wu Shuo was indifferent in the candle Yin, he said, "It's not safe."

"It's okay, you have to trust the master, the master can definitely turn this insecurity into safety and prepare everything for us, so you can wait for the result with peace of mind."

Chitaki waved his hand when he heard the candle's shade, "Soon, the master will wake up."

The corners of Candle Yin's mouth twitched.

The breath of Lin Feng's body faded a little bit.

Wusuo followed behind the candle. Although the painting said that, he still has to keep in touch with this side if the candle is not. Anyway, he must figure out the matter.

At this time, they are no longer possible.

Even if they were willing to forcibly terminate Lin Feng, Lin Feng's mind was already trapped.

(End of this chapter)

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