Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3840: Small island

"Let's talk about it after you absorb the blood of the dragon, Master." Hou Tu paused, "Maybe, this small island will be in ruins by then."

"Don't say that, I'm not the kind of sabotage person." Lin Feng said seriously.

"Yes, it's wonderful to think about it." Chitaki nodded.

"I agree too!"

"The island is so big, even if it is destroyed, it will only destroy a fraction of it."


"You can reclaim the sea and make land, as long as the master wants it, there are ways, isn't it?" Chitaki suddenly said in a serious manner, and Wu Suo fell silent immediately. Lin Feng turned to look at these guys a little bit dumbfounded, and then shook his head. , Said:

"Continue to discuss."

Lin Feng slowly moved towards the depths.

There are two monster beasts living on the small island. The cultivation base of the monster beast is not high. Under Lin Feng's coercion and lure, he quickly relaxed his guard and followed Lin Feng's side.

There is a small pond in the very center of the island, but the water in the pond is filled with seawater. Lin Feng swept around and nodded in satisfaction.

The environment here is exactly the same as he wanted.

"Nice place." Lin Feng nodded and raised his head to look at the sky, "Just this place is good, I will complete my new round of absorption here."

Lin Feng looked at the dragon bloodline in his hand.

"The master can actually take it back to the immortal world to absorb it again." After a while, Chitaki whispered.

"The Thousand Chance Sect, the Corpse Yin Sect, and the Demon Sect may already know that the master has dragon blood. If the master doesn't absorb it at this time, and bring it with him, then the dragon blood will only become the master. It’s troublesome, so at this time, the master’s idea is right, and absorption is the best way."

Xingzheng paused, looking at Lin Feng, who had already entered a state of concentration, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The master has absorbed it now, and it will be of great help to his next journey."

"Listen to the master." After a long time, Boqi whispered.

Soon, the formation was set up around, and the candle Yin stood aside watching the busy group of people, and he couldn't help smiling awkwardly, but soon, he couldn't laugh.

Wusuo was preparing for Lin Feng.

The entire island assassin had been enveloped by the formation, Wu Shuo quietly guarded Lin Feng's side, and did not intend to disturb Lin Feng.

They are doing things for Lin Feng wholeheartedly.

Obviously, at the very beginning, it was because of Lin Feng's tyranny or intimidation that they were willing to follow Lin Feng.

However, the results at this moment were somewhat beyond his expectations.

Candleyin's body swayed around, and finally walked towards Chitaki.

Chitaki was drunk with Lin Feng. Although he was a talkative, Chitaki's heart was absolutely good.

The candle shade passed, and just about to speak, they felt that Wu Shuo was in a different position. Their minds were connected, and their purpose was naturally to deal with the danger that might arise at any time.

"Is it worth it?" After a long pause in the candle's shade, he asked hoarsely, "Is it worth it?"

"It's not worth it or not." Chitaki slowly opened his eyes. "When we followed the master, we actually figured it out clearly. One day, there will be a master taking us."

"But the master is different."

"The master treats us sincerely and sincerely. No matter when, he will always be fully prepared for us. Under all these preparations, he will be ready for what we need, so we just have to wait for everything with peace of mind Just fine."

Chitaki opened his eyes and looked at the candle.

"We have been transformed and our strength has been continuously strengthened. When our soul power is not strong enough, the master has always been by our side to assist us. When we need help, even if we die, the master will be obliged to do it for us. This is enough."

This is enough……

Candle Yin pondered this sentence.

Following Lin Feng during this period, he only saw the good side of Lin Feng. There are relaxation and relaxation in cultivation, methods in doing things, and carelessness, but he will definitely get things done in the fastest time. Not long-winded, nor would I say a word.

Candle Yin couldn't help but began to think.

Will he follow Lin Feng?

Are you willing to do everything that he seems to be stupid for Lin Feng?

Will Lin Feng accept him?

The candle Yin looked at Lin Feng below, a little surprised.

"Don't think too much, following the master, there will be no mistakes. When I followed the master, the master has just entered the stage of immortality."

Xing Wei suddenly said in a low voice, "And along the way, he fought **** battles, and even rarely used his own ultimate ability. It was only when dealing with a few cultivators who were much higher than him, that he used all his skills. "

"Are not you just saw it?"

Candlelight nodded.

He saw how harsh Lin Feng dealt with Bai Cang.

"I can think." After a while, Candle Yin whispered, "But, there is her, I have to think about her, her dragon blood is on that kid, but I can't feel her existence ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Candle Yin lowered his head, "I want to find her. "

"Knowing that you have a deep affection, maybe she will be at the gate of Qianji. When the time comes, with the help of the master, we can sneak in and have a look. If a corpse Yin sect enters, it is impossible to worry about another Qianji. Can't the door go?"

"The same technique can be used once, and the second time it is easy to wear!"


Wu Shuo is still chattering.

Time passed a little bit in such endless chattering. Lin Feng adjusted his state to the best state, and then opened his eyes. In his hand, the blood of the dragon was emitting a faint light.

The heart was beating unconvincingly, and the speed of stirring was getting faster and faster, Lin Feng could feel the excitement brought to him by the heart.

He needs this dragon blood, it is an urgent need.

"Don't worry." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the dragon's bloodline at hand, "Soon, you will become one."

Lin Feng swallowed the dragon's blood.

As soon as the dragon’s bloodline entered, a powerful force instantly spread to Lin Feng’s surroundings. Lin Feng could clearly feel that the power around him was continuously increasing, and his spiritual power began to converge here from all directions. After coming over, Lin Feng's mind moved, and countless spirit stones appeared around Lin Feng. These spirit stones continued to pile up around Lin Feng, and they soon enveloped Lin Feng's entire body.

The spirit stone radiated colorful light in the sun, and the few guys above looked at the sparkling spirit stone below, and their saliva flowed out one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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