Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3746: Yao Ziyi's request

Yao Ziyi placed the long sword in front of him and whispered, "I think your Fengtong sword has been promoted. Can you help me get promoted too?"

"Good guy!" Seeing the long sword in Yao Ziyi's hand, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with surprise, "This long sword has been with you for many years."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi nodded. She has followed her since she was born with this sword, and they have never separated since she was born.

"Let me see for you. Can you tell me the attributes of this sword?" Lin Feng asked in a low voice, playing with the long sword in his hand, "Forget it, it will definitely not work, you will find it when I take you back. Yang Yang, ask Yang Yang to check the attributes of this sword for you, and then create a set of the most comprehensive promotion methods for you, so that you can save a lot of time."

Yao Ziyi smiled and nodded.

"A large part of these colorful stones will be used by Yang Yang for experimentation, but I may sell the rest. I will give you the fairy stone at that time." Lin Feng whispered to Yao Ziyi, "You take it. With these fairy spirit stones, it is also convenient for future cultivation."

"No, I have been in the extreme north for many years. There are many spiritual veins in the ice field to the north. The Anxie spiritual veins have been stored for a long time. I can get some first jackets from it and use them. , Listen to what you said, it is very convenient for you to come to the far north to obtain resources. The sub-euro here is indeed much richer than outside."

Yao Ziyi lowered his head and whispered to Lin Feng, "I'll carve a map for you. Some places I have seen, but generally only us cultivators of ice spiritual power can go deep into those places, and ordinary cultivators cannot pass. "

Yao Ziyi whispered to Lin Feng.

"This is convenient." Lin Feng smiled, "I will notify the other side to prepare all of these. Besides, it is really impossible. We can use small teleportation formations and formations to protect the surroundings. Besides, let's , Don’t mine by yourself or invite mortals to mine. Let the cultivators mine by themselves, and then we can charge a fee."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "In this way, we can not only reduce the mining time, the most important thing is that we can obtain the resources we need in this way, right?"

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Yao Ziyi was still a little unclear. Lin Feng saw Yao Ziyi's appearance and took Yao Ziyi to sit aside and began to talk to Yao Ziyi.

To put it bluntly, it was Lin Feng who got this place down, arranged the formations, and then invited the cultivators to mine this vein by charging a handling fee. No matter how much the cultivators mine, he will collect the mines. Ten or twenty percent is the cost of maintenance here.

In this way, everyone's enthusiasm can be aroused. The most important thing is that Lin Feng can reduce the number of cultivators who come from the earth to obtain resources in Dasheng Village through this method, and let them come to obtain resources by themselves, so that both parties can Achieve a win-win situation.

As soon as the idea came out, Lin Feng couldn't wait to publish his idea, and let Dasheng Village start preparing.

"Get the stone first, and then explore the mineral veins around here!" Thinking about this, Lin Feng's mood immediately became happy, and Yao Ziyi laughed along with it.

"Then the relationship is good, I also speed up."

Hearing what Yao Ziyi said, Lin Feng held Yao Ziyi in his arms.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"This is what I should do." Yao Ziyi raised her head and looked at Lin Feng's profile. A faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Now, the miss has finally become a reality. For her, everything has reached the limit. In a good state, being able to let Lin Feng do so much for herself, and to do something for Lin Feng, made Yao Ziyi's heart more at ease.

What she wants is this feeling.

In the following time, Lin Feng was still contending with the stone, Yao Ziyi started to depict the map of the ice field, depicting the natural formation area and some small mineral veins she knew. The two of them only had a rest in Lin Feng. It was only then that I was able to meet each other for a good time, but this kind of day made Yao Ziyi both happy and happy, and his cultivation level continued to improve in this joy.

It was another three months. During these three months, Zhao Luoran didn't come over to trouble Lin Feng and Yao Ziyi at all. Zhao Luoran seemed to disappear, and there was no more news.

The days when no one is disturbed are like gods, and Lin Feng and Yao Ziyi live quite comfortably.

"It's the last time." Standing in the yard, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "This time, I'm going to climb the rock, Ziyi, you come with me!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi nodded, and the two of them went to the square together. Long Po Po did not set up a stall there, but stood in front of the stone, as if something was on her mind.

"In the past hundreds of thousands of years, no one has ever been up here~www.wuxiaspot.com~Long Po Po turned her head and looked at Lin Feng, and whispered, "I didn't expect that you kid would know the way to go up. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but it should be your luck. "

Long Po Po smiled and said to Lin Feng.

"In fact, Long Po Po knew it in her heart, didn't she?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Isn't it the Chitaki on my body that Long Po Po carved earlier?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Long Granny smiled, and her whole body disappeared in front of Lin Feng. Looking at the stone above, Lin Feng smiled and moved her mind, pulling Yao Ziyi to fly directly.

Standing on the stone IQ, Lin Feng looked down, and he could clearly see the whole of the Death City. There was a simple thatched house on top. Grandma Long was standing there with a cane in her hand and saw Lin Feng coming up, yes. Lin Feng nodded.

"Boy, since you can come up, then you should also know what's on it, so I won't gossip any more, come on, defeat me, and you can enter!"

The breath of Long Po Po's whole body suddenly lifted, Yao Ziyi turned her head to look at Lin Feng, the field of ice was directly released and aimed at Long Po Po.

"Little girl, if you can do three tricks in my hands, I will allow you to take something from here, how about?" Seeing Yao Ziyi's appearance, Long Granny smiled, and turned her back to look at Yao Ziyi.

Yao Ziyi turned to look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Mother-in-law, I'm offended." Yao Ziyi's voice was not high, holding a long sword and directly greeted Long Granny.

(End of this chapter)

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