Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 324: Do not live

Chapter 324

"If Minjing is really pregnant with Lin Feng's child, then...they will definitely be together? Besides, Minjing is also very beautiful..."

After driving out of the Xinhua district in a sports car, Li Yutong became a little worried. Then suddenly it seemed to remember something. One hand controlled the steering wheel, and the other hand took out a pregnancy test stick from the pocket of the jacket.

"Crap! Forgot to return this pregnancy test stick to Minjing secretly just now. Without the pregnancy test stick, how can she check if she is pregnant?"

Helpless Li Yutong had no choice but to throw the pregnancy test stick back into the back seat of the car. At the same time, I glanced lightly in the rearview mirror, but frowned slightly, and saw a black Buick commercial car at the entrance of Xinhua Community. He turned around and followed behind him.

"That car is so familiar!"

After staring at the car for a few seconds, Li Yutong remembered, "That's right! Isn't that car the same as the family who went to Lin Feng's house yesterday, and Lin Feng's mother's rival? How so coincidental? Are they also living in Xinhua Community? Or do they come home from Xinhua Community?"

If you like a person, you will naturally have likes and dislikes for him. Aiwu and Wu are the reason. As for the enemy and adversary of Lin Feng's family, Li Yutong certainly has no good impressions. Moreover, the qualities shown by Zhang Lizhen's family from that day were the kind of person Li Yutong hated the most, extremely vain.

However, in the eyes of a family eldest lady like Li Yutong, this kind of person would not let her take it seriously. Therefore, she only paid a little attention to the car, and then she didn't care about it.

However, Li Yutong does not care about Zhang Lizhen's family, but it does not mean that Zhang Lizhen's family will let her go! Especially Zhang Lizhen, staring at Li Yutong's roadster in front of him with grinning teeth, said to her husband:

"Old Chen, I don’t believe that girl will be Lin Feng’s girlfriend. She drove out so late, definitely to meet a wild man or... just to see her husband or boyfriend, what happened yesterday must be Acting in front of us. For a while, we will follow her, as long as we take the evidence photos, when we see Zhang Guizhu tomorrow, I will take them out, laugh at her fiercely, look at the green hat her son wears..."

"But, Lizhen, it's so late...I think it's still... forget it!" Chen Wangfu was a little reluctant. In his opinion, his wife was obviously just looking for trouble, in order to save face and encourage others.

But when he said this, Zhang Lizhen immediately became unhappy and yelled: "Chen Wangfu! To keep your job today, my old lady was slapped by you, and she even laid her face down to ask for that precious pearl. . Now I just ask for that, don't you agree?"

The power of a woman's spoiling is immense, especially for shameless women. Chen Wangfu quickly explained: "I didn't agree, isn't it almost ten o'clock? Xiaodong will go to school tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow is the parents' meeting on campus open day, and there is no class, what are you afraid of? Chase me! To catch up, I just want to see this dead girl, what kind of wild man will go!"

Zhang Lizhen, who wanted revenge, clenched her fists and stared at Li Yutong's sports car in front of her.

For a small town like Zhi'an City, there was not much traffic at night, but after Li Yutong passed two or three blocks, he found that the Buick commercial car behind was still following.

"It's weird, are they going to the Jin Ou community, too? Or are they... deliberately following me?"

In order to verify what was in her mind, Li Yutong suddenly ran through a red light at an intersection where there were no cars in front, and then turned retrograde. She didn't care about the money deducted anyway. And if Zhang Lizhen's family really wanted to follow her, they would definitely follow her.

"Chasing! Old Chen, why did you stop...The dead girl turned to the left, if you don't chase, you won't be able to catch up for a while!"

The Buick commercial car stopped at the red light at the intersection, but Zhang Lizhen saw the roadster running away, and immediately became anxious and urged her husband to say.

"It's a red light! And it's retrograde, you can't turn it over!" Chen Wangfu said helplessly.

"People can do it, why can't you?"

Zhang Lizhen, who didn't know any traffic laws, didn't care about it, and resolutely said, "Turn it over! Hurry up, if you don't turn it over, you will roll the living room to the floor tonight, and you will not be allowed to sleep in my bed!"

"Lizhen! It really doesn't work. If you run a red light and go retrograde, you will have to deduct points and fines..."

Chen Wangfu resolutely said, but when he finished speaking, the red light turned into a green light. Zhang Lizhen vigorously said: "Now the green light is coming, chase it!"

"But it's retrograde..."

"Catch it! Isn't it a fine of a few hundred yuan? The old lady doesn't believe it, she must be meeting a wild man so late..."

Under Zhang Lizhen's reluctance, Chen Wangfu had no choice but to step on the gas pedal and carefully see that there were no other vehicles around before chasing him retrogradely.

"Old Chen! Hurry up, otherwise you won't be able to catch up..."

Zhang Lizhen yelled eagerly. Chen Wangfu had no choice but to slam the accelerator down, and soon he saw Li Yutong's roadster again.

Of course, Li Yutong also found them in the rearview mirror. It was also that Li Yutong didn't deliberately want to throw them away, otherwise, at the speed of a roadster, she would have run out of sight after waiting for the traffic light for tens of seconds.

Li Yutong deliberately waited slowly to verify if they were deliberately tracking herself. Now that it has been determined that this family will follow her with bad intentions, the corner of her mouth is slightly tilted and said: "Since you choose to follow me, then I'm not welcome, let's have fun with you!"


He stepped on the accelerator and turned sharply. Li Yutong's sports car made a sudden right turn on the night city road and rushed into a trail.


Zhang Lizhen chased him, Chen Wangfu had to step on the accelerator to the end and controlled the Buick to catch up. However, his driving skills are as good as Li Yutong's! What's more, Li Yutong's is a sports car, and the performance is overwhelmingly a Buick.

"Dare to chase me like this while driving a broken Buick? There is a big curve in front of you. You have committed sins and cannot live. See if you can still catch up?"

After a sharp turn, Li Yutong easily turned with a drift, but Chen Wangfu was not so lucky. In the few turns he was able to turn at such a fast speed, he was already squeezing a sweat. As for the sharp turn in front of him, the curve was extremely wide, and the walls of the park were on both sides. Chen Wangfu's heart was lifted up and he hurriedly beat the steering wheel to death, but the performance of the car could not be controlled at such a fast speed.

"Ah...Old Chen! Stop it, stop it, stop it! I'm going to hit..."

"Dad! Stop now... I hit..."


The Buick commercial vehicle is very fast, reaching a speed of more than 80 yards on the roads of this city. Seeing that they were about to hit the wall of Zhi'an Park in front, Zhang Lizhen and Chen Xiaodong, who was sitting behind, were about to be frightened.

"Ah! Can't stop! There's no way...I can't turn around, I'm going to hit..."

At this time, Chen Wangfu was also anxious. As an old driver, he knew that it was wrong to speed up and catch up on this kind of road, and it was extremely prone to traffic accidents. But at the time he couldn't help himself. The stinky lady next to him was constantly urging him, and he couldn't catch up, so he was anxious to accelerate so fast.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, the speed cannot be controlled, and the curve cannot be turned. Chen Wangfu had to beat the steering wheel to death and slam on the brakes. As for whether the brakes can be saved, it is not known, he I can only pray silently in my heart.

"It's over! It's over...I can't die! Tomorrow I have to watch Lin Feng lose face in front of the whole school..."

The Buick quickly ran into the park wall. Chen Xiaodong's eyes were big and he used both hands to protect his body, but his legs still couldn't help shaking, and even his pants were so scared that they were wet. Yes, he was scared to pee.

And Zhang Lizhen wasn't much better, especially when she was still sitting in the co-pilot position, seeing her car crash into the park wall, screaming and screaming.


There was a loud noise late at night. Even though Chen Wangfu had stepped on the brakes, the Buick still slammed into the wall of Zhi'an Park.

The entire Buick's front was smashed and deformed. Chen Wangfu was pushed by the airbag, but the windshield above his head was scratched. Chen Xiaodong, who was sitting in the second row, was so scared that his pants were soggy, his head hit the position of the co-pilot, and he passed out.

But Zhang Lizhen, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had no such good luck. In this low-profile Buick commercial vehicle, there is no airbag in the co-pilot's position, so that Zhang Lizhen's head hit her head under the effect of huge inertia.

To make matters worse, Zhang Lizhen's arm was hit by the windshield, and blood gurgled out. Even if it was not broken, it must have been dislocated or broken.

"Lizhen... Lizhen, you wake up... wake up..."

Chen Wangfu, who was awake, turned his head to look at his wife. He was so badly injured and hurriedly shouted. And immediately took out his cell phone and dialed the 120 emergency number.

"Xiaodong! Xiaodong...what's wrong with you? Son! Don't scare dad! Wake up..."

Turning his head to look at his son, he was lying in the back seat unconscious, and Chen Wangfu was about to collapse.

When the surrounding residents heard the noise, they all walked out of the house to check what was going on. Many people were still wearing pajamas. When they saw that a Buick commercial vehicle hit the wall of Zhian Park, they all went out one by one. The discussion started.

"Driving so fast at this night, you must be drunk driving, deserve it!"

"Knowing that there is a sharp turn here, and driving so fast, no wonder hit the wall!"


It's not that these residents don't have a sense of justice, but because this area is originally an accident-prone sharp turn area, and the sharp turn warning signs are placed every 100 meters from the distance of 500 meters. Moreover, here is a residential area with a speed limit of 10KM, but judging from the extent of the Buick hitting the wall, his speed is much more than that.

If it is not late at night, if there are still residents walking on this road at this time, wouldn't they be hit by this car? It is precisely with this in mind that these residents can talk so indignantly.

However, there are still some kind residents who quickly called the traffic police and the 120 emergency number. Soon, the police car on duty and the 120 ambulance of the traffic police rushed over.

"Mr. Chen, please breathe in here..." The traffic police investigated the cause of the accident at the scene and placed the alcohol measuring instrument in front of Chen Wangfu.

"Police officer, I really didn't drink, my wife is going to the ambulance! Just stop blowing..."

Chen Wangfu has a guilty conscience. Although he is now sober and not in any drunken state, he did drink a few white mouthfuls when he was eating at Zhang Lizhen's family in the evening. If he breathed like this, he would definitely be exposed.

"This is a rule, Mr. Chen, just take a breath, it won't take a few seconds! The time to speak is over..."

This traffic policeman has rich experience in handling cases and has seen many people trying to avoid drunkenness detection, so he stayed still and sent the alcohol tester back.


Chen Wangfu couldn't escape, so he sighed inside. As a result, the alcohol tester immediately showed that he was driving under the influence.

"Sorry! Mr. Chen, you are driving while drunk, please return to the traffic police brigade for further blood tests..."

After looking at the test results, the traffic police took Chen Wangfu away without hesitation, and was awakened. Although there was nothing serious, Chen Xiaodong with wet pants saw his father being taken away by the traffic police and his mother got into the ambulance. The whole person couldn't stand it and started crying.

"Dad! Mom! What should I do? Oh... I want my father, police uncle, don't arrest my father..."

Chen Xiaodong cried and rushed forward to grab the traffic policeman, and from his pants, there was a stench. He was not only peeing his pants, but even... he pulled his pants in fright.

"Look, that young man was so scared to pee, he peeed his pants..."

"People say that traffic police are drunk driving, huh! Now those who have cars, if they don't take a serious punishment, they still dare to drive after drinking, don't they harm us people who walk honestly..."


"Kid! Please don't hinder my normal law enforcement, your father is drunk driving ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ must go back with me for blood tests and evidence collection!" The traffic policeman is also in his twenties, and he is called uncle by Chen Xiaodong, an 18-year-old man , Was also a little embarrassed, especially when he saw Chen Xiaodong peeing in his pants, he even clutched his nose and resisted calling him "children".

"Xiaodong! You... Leave your dad alone, hurry up and get in the ambulance and go to the hospital to take care of your mother. Do you know?" Chen Wangfu had nothing to do, so he had to tell his son.

"I see, oh oh oh... Dad! How could this... how could this..."

Chen Xiaodong calmed down a bit, clutching his crotch, and seeing that the surrounding residents were laughing at him, and he wanted to find a hole to get in. He couldn't figure out how his own family was originally beautiful, but why suddenly it became so unlucky today. My dad almost lost his job, my mom had a fire all day, and at night there was such a serious car accident...

This in the end is why? Chen Xiaodong couldn't figure it out at all. He climbed into the ambulance and saw his mother who had been sober and scolded there. He suddenly understood. This is called self-inflicted crime. If mom doesn't let his father chase the sports car, There would never be such a car accident, Dad would not be taken away by the traffic police, and Mom would not be injured...

(End of this chapter)

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