Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 256: The teachers were moved and cried!

Although the quality inspection examination this time is only the internal examination of Zhi'an No. 1 Middle School, the requirements and procedures of the college entrance examination are completely simulated from the production of the papers to the invigilation to the later revision of the papers.

Therefore, after the students have finished their exams, the teachers in No. 1 Middle School will perform assembly line revisions according to their subjects. Specifically, all test papers are sealed, and no teacher who changes the papers can see the name and class information of each test paper, and the assembly line is that each teacher is responsible for correcting the content of a big question until After all the questions in all test papers have been corrected, the sealing line will be opened and the scores will be counted.

Because the language is the first expedition on the first day, the correction work started on Thursday afternoon. After all, the Chinese test papers are subjective questions, and the correction task of the teacher is heavy. Therefore, although the papers were revised a day or two earlier than other subjects, the papers were revised this morning, and the scores of each student are being counted.

When the statistical information was entered, the teachers in the language group were surprised to find that in the language test paper this time, under such a difficult test, one student even got a full score of 150 points.

Poem silent writing, full marks!

Classical Chinese reading, full marks!

Poetry appreciation, full marks!

Modern reading, full marks!


In the end, even the composition is... full marks!

It's incredible. If it's a test paper for other subjects, it's really not uncommon to get a perfect score. But this is a Chinese test paper, each question is subjective, and there is a composition with up to 60 points. To get a perfect score on the Chinese test paper, how wicked it is!

Even if it makes sense for you to comprehend the top answers in the reading questions, as long as the revision teacher feels that the meaning is a little bit off, you will most likely be deducted a point. Moreover, even if you answer all the questions perfectly and the composition is excellent, but as long as your handwriting is not good, or the curl is not so neat, or you just happen to meet the teacher in a bad mood, It is also very likely to be deducted some points inexplicably.

Therefore, as long as students who have successfully graduated from elementary school and advanced to junior high school, they can easily understand what the full score of the Chinese test is. This kind of concept can only appear in the first and second grade test papers. But now, In the most difficult Chinese quality test ever conducted at Chi'an No. 1 Middle School, some people even got full marks.


At that time, the teacher who counted scores saw the blood-red 150 points, and couldn't believe it. He repeatedly added up the scores of each part with a calculator several times, and then he was sure that he was absolutely correct.

And when the teacher reported the situation to the other teachers in the office very unconfidently, none of the dozens of Chinese teachers present believed that anyone could get a perfect score on this test paper.

"I don't believe it! Everyone knows the difficulty of this test paper! How can someone get a perfect score?"

A Chinese teacher didn’t believe it, and immediately stood up and said, “It must be a mistake, right? Add it again. Last time, the teacher in the English group next door, and someone helped a classmate count 10 more points. The score is one hundred and fifty-six! Our language group can't make such a joke..."

"That's right! Take the composition as an example, the composition I corrected, it seems... I remember that there is only one composition writing "My Head Teacher", because the entry point is very good, the feeling is sincere, let me watch With tears flowing, he gave him full marks. For other compositions, the highest score was only 59 points..."

The teacher who spoke was Teacher Zhao, who was in charge of correcting the composition. She was a well-known teacher and famous teacher in the school, a provincial special-grade teacher, and a leader in Chinese. Everyone knows that her paper revision standards have always been the most stringent, and under her review, some of her classmates can get full marks for their essays, and all the teachers in the office became curious.

"Yes, yes, yes... Teacher Zhao, this essay that got a full score is really the one you said about "My Head Teacher". It won’t be wrong, and I’ve done it several times and will definitely not add it. Wrong. This is a...a Chinese test paper with full marks!"

The teacher who added the points hurriedly glanced at the composition topic of the test paper, and then said excitedly.

In this way, the Chinese teachers in the entire office stood up from their seats and walked over curiously, wanting to see how this test paper can get a perfect score, and that can be rated by Teacher Zhao What about a composition with a full score of 60?

"Look... Mr. Zhao's eyes are red. Obviously, what he said is true. When he just changed his paper, he was moved to cry by the full score composition! I really want to know, what kind of composition is it? I can move Teacher Zhao to cry!"

"That's right! Teacher Qin, hurry up and show us that full score composition!"

"I want to read it too, but this composition is only one copy, so many teachers have to read it, what should I do?"


In the language group office, this is the first time that all language teachers have appeared, scrambling to read a student's composition! Holding the full score test paper, Mr. Qin, who added points, faced so many colleagues who wanted to read the paper, and for a while, he really didn't know what to do. Whom should I show it to first?

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the respected teacher Zhao made a voice: "Mr. Qin, there is a photocopier in the office. Why don't you copy 30 copies of the full-point essay and let all the teachers take a look. No! You can make more copies and send it to all the teachers in the other subject office to revise the papers. I think the thoughts and ideas of this full score composition are very good. It should be seen by all teachers in the school. It is to promote the morality of teachers. , An excellent novel that praises the teacher's morality."

An essay on an examination paper, even if it is a full score essay, should be used as a sample essay for every teacher in the first middle school to taste? Is this too exaggerated? However, the more exaggeration is still to come, when Teacher Qin followed the instructions of Teacher Zhao and showed the 30 copies of the first copy to the teachers in the language group.

There was a cry of sobs in the office of the entire language group. When many female teachers got the copy of the composition, the expressions on their faces were eager to see what the full-point composition was written in, and then stared at them. I saw the end in one breath. When they finished reading the eight-hundred-word composition, they were already in tears, and couldn't help but shed moving tears.


This is too powerful!

Lin Feng would never have imagined that this was just an 800-character test composition, and the teachers who changed the paper were moved to cry!

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