Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2480: Why do you want to pay back what you can grab?

After all, this is the realm of cultivation, a world where people cannibalize in a real sense.

dead? This is too normal for the cultivation world. Every day, I don't know how many monks pass away due to fighting with each other or other reasons.

Except for a few important cities in the jurisdiction of some powerful cultivation sects that prohibit intra-city fighting, almost no other cities will take care of the life and death of monks fighting. It is too normal to kill and win treasure.

Lin Feng asked himself, if he was himself, if he encountered such a situation, he might think about it. Lin Feng would not do anything when his own situation was not particularly critical.

After all, it is a good young man who grew up in the 21st century. It is a society under the rule of law.

Therefore, in the subconscious, Lin Feng and the vast majority of monks in the cultivation world are different.

But if you come across something you need very much, like another of the Twelve Shuttle Dragons? In this case, as long as he can fight, Lin Feng will definitely do it. Of course, Lin Feng will not easily kill a monk who has no grievances against him, unless the other party is a treacherous and evil person, at most. Stunned and then erased the memory, this method did not know how many in the memory given by Dinghai Shenzhu.

These monks who don't know how to answer this question are just trying to maintain their so-called decent image, and they are embarrassed to speak.

Now that Zhang Xiong spoke bluntly, the expressions of those hesitant monks flashed with shame, and they also spoke.

"If it were me... it should be."

"I will do it too."

"Scramble for training resources, this situation is normal."

"There is nothing to consider, especially for our casual cultivators, it is not easy to find some cultivation resources. In this case, it must be done!"

Opinions were divergent for a while.

Except for a few monks who didn't speak, the monks who answered this question basically had a unified answer.

Sun Danian struggled a little bit, and finally sighed, admitting that he would take action even in this situation.

"Well, since you said the same, then I will ask you a second question."

Lin Feng swept around and continued faintly: "After you successfully grabbed the cultivation resources, you were spotted by the monk's companions, and all came over and asked you to return them to them. What about you?"

Zhang Xiong was still the first to answer, and he did not hesitate to answer: "Of course I found a chance to escape. In this case, even if the training resources are handed over, the other party cannot let you go."

Zhang Xiong's answer is undoubtedly a bit extreme and the most correct.

But immediately, Lin Feng smiled and asked, "Then if the cultivators who come to ask you to return the cultivation resources are not as good as you, what shall you do?"


Zhang Xiong stayed.

He really hadn't encountered such a situation, but there were a few times when someone who was stronger than him came to the door, but fortunately, Lu An and several people joined forces to help, and everyone was able to escape.

But people who are weaker than them...how could they say such a ridiculous request, isn't this looking for death?

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xiong replied: "Senior, what you said about this situation...I thought about it. If I was in a good mood that day, I should let them go straight away. If I were in a bad mood, I would kill them all."

"Where is there such a stupid person in the world."

"I think so, it is impossible for such a stupid person to come up and ask for something even knowing that he is weak?"

The monks talked all around.

However, Sun Danian's face turned pale.

Business people are not bad minds.

From these two questions of Lin Feng and the answers of the cultivators, Sun Danian had already understood the deep meaning.

When they are talking about the weak, don't they mean themselves?

"Little Wawa, it seems you already understand."

Lin Feng's words sounded at the right time.

"Actually, I just want to explain a question. The cultivation world is weak and strong. In this case...what should I pay back what I grabbed with my ability?"


There were several crisp sounds in succession. Of course, this sound was only audible by Sun Danian, Wang Family Patriarch, Yang Da, and Zhu Family Patriarch.

After all, only four of the nine families have been looted.

To be the head of the family, it must not be a fool.

They already understood the meaning of Lin Feng's words.

Yes, with the resources grabbed by the ability, why should you pay it back?

This is the realm of cultivation!

"Okay, what the old man said today, wait until you go back and realize it carefully. As for what I said before is still valid, you can go to Xianzong to get back the training resources belonging to your family after the old man returns to Xianzong. Think about it, there are only a few hundred million lower-grade spirit stones, and this small amount of money won't take a long trip, do you think?"

After speaking, Lin Feng disappeared and left floating.

Zhang Xiong and Situbo were all in awe and respectful salute: "Senior, go slowly!"

As for the patriarchs, their hearts were completely dead, and the corners of their mouths twitched one after another.

Their hearts are broken.

Billions of low-grade spirit stones are small money in the eyes of your elders, but for us, they are the total family assets!

Why now it sounds like the wealth they have accumulated over thousands of years is so shabby?

"Okay, you guys, do what the predecessor said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This predecessor is a late-stage cultivator who can easily deal with the robbery thunder. The strength is far from what you and I think."

Situ Bo waved his hand and said lightly.

He was in a very happy mood, after all, he had already received Lin Feng's promise, and he was about to visit soon.

This is definitely great news for Situ Bo.

As for the life and death of Jiujia? It's his business.

I don’t know if it was affected by Lin Feng’s words. Situ Bo suddenly felt that even if this little Xihua City condensed wealth for himself, it would not condense much. It would be better to listen to the careful teachings of the predecessors. What counts for a billion lower-grade spirit stones?

People's vision will always improve with the increase of knowledge.

This is the case with Situ Bo now.


Quietly returning to the inn, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

In retrospect, what happened today was really thrilling.

"Master, should I say that they are stupid, or are they stupid?"

Chitaki's speechless voice rang: "I really don't know how they lived to be more than a thousand years old. The body you made before was not just a wooden stake, created by your spiritual sense. Is it an illusion? I didn't expect them to believe it."

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Please, my current spiritual consciousness cultivation is higher than their entire realm. Isn't it normal for me to be unable to recognize it? It's not that their IQ is low, but your master, I am too smart."

"Yes, I'm convinced, you can blow better than Wanjun, who was the best bragging at the time."

(End of this chapter)

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