Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2149: what is love?

"Okay! Now that we have conquered this nasty Earth's Heart Flame, it doesn't make much sense to hide under here. Go! Let's go up!"

After a lot of effort, Lin Feng and Li Yutong started flying up from the ground.

At exactly this time, Hongxia and Bai Shuangshuang were digging from above, and both of them were extremely worried about Lin Feng and Fairy Zixia.

When they heard the miserable dragon roar below the ground before, the two of them were panicked, for fear of something unexpected happened to Lin Feng and Fairy Zixia.

However, before they were finished worrying, they found the space under their feet, and there was a sudden noise.

"What's the matter? Is there any monster below that is going to break through?"

Hongxia was flustered and said hurriedly.

"No matter what monster beast it is, it can't stop me from looking for Fellow Lin Dao..."

Bai Shuangshuang's thoughts were very persistent, a purple-gold umbrella shrouded in his body, resisting the attacks of some flames and rocks around him, and then he continued to dig down.

"Miss Bai, wait a minute! If there is any danger ahead, we must avoid it, otherwise...With our cultivation base, we can't resist it at all!" Hong Xia hurriedly reminded.

But Bai Shuangshuang turned a deaf ear, and kept digging in the direction she believed.

Finally, in a short while, a loud noise suddenly came from the direction of her digging, and then immediately afterwards, Lin Feng and Fairy Zixia flew out from under the ground.

"Aunt! Great, you are fine, I know, you will be fine..."

Hongxia was ecstatic for a while, and when she saw Fairy Zixia, she stepped forward and threw herself in her arms.

"Friend Lin Dao..."

Bai Shuangshuang was in a similar mood, but she couldn't rush into Lin Feng's arms like Hongxia, and could only say hello from a distance.

"Hongxia, white girl! Why are you here?"

Lin Feng was also very surprised when he saw the two.

Because logically speaking, the two of them should have already escaped, staying here, if they encounter a volcano erupting again, it will definitely be a life of nine deaths.

"Auntie! Hongxia has been waiting for you so hard! Fortunately you are fine..."

Don't look at Hong Xia's usual appearance of a female man, but by her aunt Zixia Fairy, she is just a weak little woman.

"Hongxia! Don't be afraid! Aunt Lin will be fine with Lin Feng."

Fairy Zixia smiled, touching Hongxia's head as usual and said.

"Friend Lin, you... have you been promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage?"

Seeing Lin Feng again, Bai Shuangshuang was surprised to find that Lin Feng's cultivation had already reached the Yuan Ying stage.

This... this is simply incredible!

You know, even the most powerful genius among the sects usually takes a year and a half to be promoted from the foundation-building period to the golden core period, but Lin Feng was promoted within a few days.

It took a long time to get promoted from the Golden Elixir Period to the Nascent Soul Stage, but Lin Feng was promoted from the Golden Elixir Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage in less than half a month.

Such a speed!

How can it not make people feel shocked?

"Miss White! You... have been waiting for me outside?"

Seeing Bai Shuangshuang, Lin Feng was still slightly surprised. Because of this situation, Lin Feng felt that all cultivators should be able to protect themselves and leave this dangerous place completely at the beginning.

However, what Lin Feng didn't expect was that Bai Shuangshuang resolutely stayed there, risking his death by being shot by the flames, always waiting for him above the magma.

"Yes! Fellow Lin, I am relieved to see that you are fine."

Bai Shuangshuang's cheeks flushed slightly, and he nodded with a slight smile.

"En! I'm fine, thank you... White girl."

Lin Feng didn't know what words to use to express his inner gratitude, but he always felt ashamed of Bai Shuangshuang.

Love someone!

It's actually quite simple!

I love you, it has nothing to do with you!

In fact, it’s right. To love someone is just one's own business. It has nothing to do with the other person. What does it matter if the other person loves me?

Love is just a sustenance of the heart.

Bai Shuangshuang is now very open. Instead of entangled, it is better to put into action, express his emotions completely in action, and let Lin Feng know his mind. Whether he accepts it or not, everything is enough. .

Since childhood, Bai Shuangshuang has been a very direct and open girl, so in fact, she does not squeeze, she often says something, and the same is true for Lin Feng’s emotions. From the beginning, she has been upright and open. Exhaustive,

However, since knowing the relationship between Lin Feng and Zixia Fairy, and knowing that Lin Feng had made a special trip to Zixia Valley to find Zixia Fairy, Bai Shuangshuang began to gradually restrain his emotions.

Loving someone shouldn't bother him.

To love someone is to give him enough freedom.

Boiling a person is not a completely selfish possession...

During the waiting time of the past few days, Bai Shuangshuang thought a lot and broke through some of the worldly concepts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is only one supreme reason left in her heart, that is, she will never die to Lin Feng Yu's love, no matter what the price is paid or any difficulties are encountered, she will continue on this path of love unswervingly.

"Miss White, you... why are you doing this?"

Seeing Bai Shuangshuang's large water and spirit eyes, with a look of innocence, Lin Feng felt a little unbearable again.

It is lucky to be loved by someone!

To be loved by someone is also a burden.

Lin Feng had so many things on his back that he didn't dare to love someone again, and his lover was a little too much, how could he bear one more?

"Friend Lin, don't worry about me! I'm happy to..."

When I said that I was happy, Bai Shuangshuang condensed all his thoughts into it.

"Miss Bai, it's not the time to talk about this now. If you don't dislike it, then go back to Zixia Valley with us for a few days?"

Fairy Zixia on the side, like Li Yutong, puts Lin Feng’s interests first in everything, so she will not be jealous. Instead, she comforted the white girl for Lin Feng, smiling to the red. Xia said: "Hongxia, lead the way! Let's go back to Gu before talking..."

"Yes! Aunt...White girl, come back to Zixia Valley with us! I invite you to eat the best Baihua Stuffed rice..."

In the past few days, Bai Shuangshuang has become more familiar with Hongxia, so Hongxia also enthusiastically pulled Bai Shuangshuang and said.

"Okay! As long as you can be with Lin Daoyou, wherever you go... I don't care..."

Staring at Lin Feng, Bai Shuangshuang said with a slight smile.

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