Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2132: The resurrection grass is blooming!


What a good thing!

Although so far, Lin Feng still doesn't know what the composition of Shenshui is.

According to scientific tests on the earth, Shenshui is nothing more than some active water with strange molecular structure.

However, Lin Feng knew that Shenshui was definitely not that simple. Under many circumstances, Shenshui was able to exert unexpected power.

The three-star salamander has thick leather armor, but it uses hot lava to honed the leather armor so hard, so after encountering the ice blade of the divine water that has condensed into ice, it has no resistance at all.

Therefore, even with the lowest-level spirit weapon flying sword, Lin Feng can still easily break through the salamander's defensive leather armor and kill the enemy with one blow.

One thought!

Control more than two hundred flying swords!

Killed more than two hundred three-star salamanders!

The impact this gives is extremely shocking.

Those cultivators who had fled frantically for their lives stopped when they saw this.

They know that Lin Feng is very strong!

But he didn't even know that Lin Feng was so terrifying and so strong.

"Worry, Lin Feng, a four-star salamander is here!"

At this time, seeing a dozen four-star salamanders rushing over, Fairy Zixia immediately reminded Lin Feng.


As soon as his spiritual consciousness moved, Lin Feng controlled a dozen flying swords and killed the dozen four-star salamanders.

Originally, he wanted to find a four-star salamander to serve as the weapon of the Fengtong sword.

But now after seeing the five-star salamander in the middle of the lake, Lin Feng no longer looked down on these four-star salamanders. There are five-star ones, why use four-star ones?


The flying sword was wrapped in the ice blade of Shenshui, and killed the dozen or so four-star salamanders.


The four-star salamander, whose strength is equivalent to that of the cultivator's primordial infant stage, is obviously a step up. Not only can they rely on the hardness of their body's leather armor to resist attacks, but they can also protrude a flame from their mouths, wrapping up the whole body, forming a fire escape protective cover.

When the flying sword controlled by Lin Feng approached, the flame of the fire escape protective cover immediately melted the ice blade on Lin Feng's flying sword.

Even the flying swords with two middle-grade and low-grade spirit weapons were directly melted by the fire of the salamander.

"God! What kind of salamander is this! Why is it so powerful that the flames that it spit out even melted Fellow Daoist Lin's flying sword?"

Bai Shuangshuang was even more shocked when he saw this. Just now, everyone saw the power of Lin Feng's Feijian. I thought that even a four-star salamander could still be easily solved.

However, the picture in front of them made everyone look at these four-star salamanders again.

This is a four-star monster, which is equivalent to the primordial infant stage existence of a cultivator.

Is a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage so easy to be killed?

The four-star salamander is so powerful!

What about the five-star one in the center of the lake?

After thinking of this, everyone shuddered.

Although everyone didn't know why the five-star salamanders didn't kill them together, what they knew was that as long as the five-star salamanders came over, everyone here would have a dead end.

"No! Lin Feng, your move is no longer effective. The ice blade condensed by the divine water will be useless when it touches the flames of the salamander..."

At this time, Fairy Zixia also noticed that Lin Feng had just used the divine water to condense the ice blade to break open the salamander leather armor. But now, the four-star salamander’s strength has gone up a big step, and even the speed of movement has increased rapidly, and it has already flew in front of Lin Feng in three or two strokes, swinging its huge tail, and braving it. A hot flame swept toward Lin Feng fiercely.

"Huh! Good beast, but there are some means."

Lin Feng didn't expect that the four-star salamander had such a trick. He immediately controlled the azure blue sword, avoided the siege of several four-star salamanders, and then started to fight back with the Fengtong sword.


The materials of Fengtong Swords are all treasures, and naturally they will not be easily melted by the flames of the four-star salamander. However, the divine water ice blade on it still cannot escape the fate of being melted, which makes the Fengtong sword finally cut on the salamander leather armor, the strength is far from enough, it can not be broken at all, only one or two The sound of sound collision comes.

"Still not working! Lin Feng, think of another way."

Fairy Zixia, while driving Feijian to help Lin Feng turn around these four-star salamanders, was also reminding Lin Feng.

"Other methods? Have..."

When Fairy Zixia reminded him, Lin Feng remembered that he is not only the treasure of Shenshui, isn't there a more terrifying stagnant water in Shenshui space?

"Okay! Beasts, I want to see how you can resist my stagnant water..."

When it was said that it was too late, another four-star salamander rushed towards Lin Feng, and the flame in its mouth spewed out, almost blocking all directions of Lin Feng.

"Ah! Fellow Lin, it's dangerous..." Bai Shuangshuang yelled out of voice.

"It's over! Fellow Lin, quickly break through!" Wang Pofeng also shouted anxiously.

"Lin Feng, you can't die! Run!"

Upon seeing this, Hong Xia's heart sank and shouted.

"Lin Feng!"

Fairy Zixia flew forward immediately, but she couldn't make it in time.

However, at this time, Lin Feng did not have the slightest move to escape, but directly waved his big hand, and suddenly a black liquid poured directly into the fire that the salamander sprayed.

Zi Zi Zi...

The flame, which was originally infinitely powerful, was extinguished as soon as it touched the black liquid.

Immediately afterwards, the black liquid directly wrapped the four-star salamander completely, and within two breaths or so, the salamander had turned into a pool of black water.


Everyone present was completely shocked!

I'm going!

What is this?

The four-star salamander, just turned into a pile of water?

Bai Shuangshuang and the other Bai Yumen disciples, who were still worried about Lin Feng before, couldn’t help but feel cold. If they hadn’t had a good relationship with Lin Feng at that time, but were trying to **** Lin Feng’s magic weapon Feijian, I’m afraid they would have been with that. Like a salamander, it became a pool of sewage.

"Hahaha... come! Come again! I didn't expect this dead water to be so useful, what am I afraid of now? Just go ahead!"

Seeing that the stagnant water had such a miraculous effect, Lin Feng was also happy, and immediately threw out a few pools of stagnant water~www.wuxiaspot.com~ successively five or six four-star salamanders, so there were no bones left.


Lin Feng killed the four-star salamander on this side, and immediately made the five-star salamander king in the center of the magma lake roar again.

It turned its head back, glared at Lin Feng, and watched him slaughter his offspring in such a way.

"The king of the five-star fire lizard! Lin Feng, he has killed it. This is a monster that is equivalent to the transformation stage!" Fairy Zixia immediately changed her complexion and walked up to Lin Feng's side, holding the flying sword in her hand. , This is to fight side by side with Lin Feng.

"Come and come! Who is afraid of whom? Grandpa I recruited too many later..."

Although Lin Feng yelled so loudly on the surface, he was a little nervous in his heart. He had secretly prepared the 24 Dinghai God Orbs and the Demon Refining Pot. He really couldn't beat them, so he forced to think of a way and directly This big guy gets it into the Shenshui space or the demon refining pot to see if it is still dead.


The five-star salamander king rushed to the shore angrily, opening his mouth in the blood basin, and was preparing to retaliate against Lin Feng frantically...

Suddenly, the magma in the magma lake shook suddenly, and all of them rushed toward the small resurrection grass in the center.


There was a huge noise from the magma lake, the resurrection grass frantically absorbed the hot magma, and at the same time it began to burst out with a dazzling light...

"God! Lin Feng, look at it... Resurrection grass! Resurrection grass is about to bloom..." Fairy Zixia called out immediately.

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