Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2047: Damn it! It really exploded!

Exhausting all the vitality and power in his body, Lin Feng desperately pushed the Xuanyuan water control flag open, and opened the protective power to the maximum he could achieve.

Then Lin Feng watched as the exquisite but explosive nuclear bomb blasted towards him and Qin Yanran.

Thousands of kilometers away, the Master Tsing Yi, who used the teleportation talisman to escape, is now looking at the direction of the island leisurely, haha ​​the island: "Lin Feng, Lin Feng! Are you not the great saint? Seventy-two changes? This time... it depends on whether you die! Even if you have so many amazing treasures in your hands, so many nuclear bombs this time will definitely leave you dead."

The master of Tsing Yi now robs Yuan Lin’s body, but he has not completely controlled Yuan Lin’s soul and cannot use Yuan Ying to swallow it. Therefore, at this time, Yuan Lin’s soul has completely awakened. Fighting against him in his body.

"Monster! What are you going to do to my lord?"

Yuan Lin roared in his body.

"What? Lord? Ridiculous! Ridiculous! You are a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, and you have a powerful body like a king's corpse. Call him a monk in the foundation-building stage as the master? According to me, you should have taken him long ago Kill him, and then **** his magic weapon and woman, that's right!" Seeing Yuan Lin's soul awakened, the Grand Master Qingyi laughed and talked with him without rushing.

"The lord gave me a new life, you enchanting, heartless! How can you understand this love?" Yuan Lin shouted.

"Affection? What is Affection? Can you eat it? Can you save your life? Haha...I'm not afraid to tell you that your supernatural master will soon be completely blown to pieces by various nuclear bombs..."

Master Tsing Yi shouted at Yuan Lin disdainfully, and at the same time began to suppress his soul.

"No! No, the lord will definitely be safe and sound, then turn his head and kill you again!"

Yuan Lin violently resisted, and the power of the soul turned into a thin needle, directly stinging the Yuan Ying of the Master Tsing Yi.

"Oh! When you die, you still have a hard mouth, just struggle! The exercises that control the corpse of the king are with me. You can't seize control at all. After I collect the corpse for your lord, I will hold you with the demon refining pot Thoroughly smelted..."

The Master Tsing Yi, who was stung by Yuan Lin's soul power, bitterly withdrew Yuan Ying, and then looked at the direction of the island again. According to his estimation, the first nuclear bomb should arrive.

In the capital, the elders of the Dragon Group looked at the images sent by the satellite. The first nuclear bomb had reached the sky above the island, and they had fallen into complete despair. Many people couldn’t help closing their eyes and couldn’t bear to look. When Lin Feng was completely bombarded with ashes by the nuclear bomb.

However, at this moment, in front of Lin Feng and Qin Yanran, the huge water-controlling flag of Xuanyuan suddenly enveloped the flying nuclear bomb.

"Lin Feng, regardless of life or death! I will be with you..."

Qin Yanran stood fearlessly beside Lin Feng, ready to face everything with him.

"Yan Ran, we will be fine."

Lin Feng's forehead was covered with sweat. Obviously... he didn't have the confidence in his own heart. Can this Xuanyuan water control flag stop the nuclear bomb? Everything is still unknown.


Xuanyuan’s water-controlling flag wrapped the nuclear bomb in it, but it couldn’t stop the explosion of the nuclear bomb at all. This one was a nuclear fission bomb. The force that erupted after the fission was emitted from one point and then quickly spread out. A huge shock wave was formed.

"Fuck! It really exploded!"

Feeling this powerful shock wave, Lin Feng's spiritual sense couldn't help shaking.


Too strong!

The explosion effect caused by just such a small nuclear bomb was far more powerful than the self-detonation of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

"Lin Feng, we will always be together."

Qin Yanran closed her eyes and grasped Lin Feng tightly.

However, Lin Feng tried his best to urge Xuanyuan Water Control Technique, but he could deeply feel that the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag defensive formation was being broken and broken layer by layer by the power of nuclear bombs. go with.

"Hahaha... you are being punished by the evil god! The evil god, I am your loyal believer, hurry up... take me away!"

Below the island, the Red Archbishop and some of the surviving believers shouted devoutly.

Lin Feng couldn't stand it anymore. He felt that Xuanyuan's control of the water flag could no longer control the explosion.

"No! The explosion is too powerful, now I can only...this way..."

Suddenly regaining his breath, Lin Feng immediately hugged Qin Yanran firmly, and then immediately summoned, "Xuanyuan body guard!"


The Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, which was originally unfolded and wrapped with the nuclear bomb, immediately turned around and firmly wrapped it towards Qin Yanran and Lin Feng.

At the same time, the power of the entire nuclear bomb explosion was finally released completely.





Shock wave...

The small island below banged ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ almost in an instant, it was swallowed by flames and completely razed to the ground.

Even the entire Pacific Ocean immediately sank downward, forming huge waves and tsunamis.

"It's exploded! It's really exploded?"

Through satellite images, the elders of the dragon group saw a huge mushroom cloud and fierce bright light, and all of them suddenly became ashamed.

"After all, Lin Feng couldn't resist."

"Nuclear weapons are invincible..."

"The earth... is really over!"

"This is the first one, and there are dozens more..."

"It's over! It's over... It's over completely..."


If it is said that before the explosion, the elders of the Dragon Group still survived such a trace of fluke, they thought that with Lin Feng's powerful strength, there might really be a way to prevent the explosion of nuclear weapons.

But now, the first missile exploded, the entire island fell, and Lin Feng and Qin Yanran might have completely turned to ashes, and the last thoughts of the elders of the dragon group were also completely broken.

"Hahaha... explode! Let's explode fiercely! It's best to blow up the earth! Hahahaha..."

The Master Tsing Yi was thousands of kilometers away, but he could still feel the strong vibration and power, and he laughed.

Since he obtained the Yuan Yingqi cultivation base, he has been suppressed and beaten by Lin Feng. All the grand plans and grand strategies of Bi'an Teaching have been repeatedly destroyed because of the appearance of Lin Feng. Today...using nuclear bombs completely After killing Lin Feng, the breath that the Master Tsing Yi held in his heart finally came out completely.

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