Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1998: Yuan Ying Out of Aperture


"we won!"

"Long live the great saint!"

"Long live the eastern giant..."


When the thunder light dissipated, the people all over the world in front of the TV involuntarily gave out a carnival of victory.

It's really not easy, this is completely a counterattack of the Jedi counterattack!

Moreover, the sudden appearance of this ten-meter-tall oriental giant is a huge impact on audiences all over the world. So much so that they all feel that they are not watching a live broadcast of the War of the Century, but a blockbuster full of special effects!

Who said no?

That thunder light, that flying sword!

That giant, and that flying shuttle!

Either way, the current science and technology are far from reaching a point.

And these are true cultivators, far beyond the power of human cognition.

In the capital, on the Dragon Group side, all the elders saw this scene and completely let go of their hearts.

Before, they thought that Lin Feng really lost to the master of Tsing Yi, and even prepared the final plan of destruction, but now it seems that this is not necessary at all.

Moreover, more importantly, Lin Feng’s battle was a complete demonstration of the prestige of the Chinese people, making the whole world stare at what superman, what vampire, in front of the Chinese cultivator. , It is simply vulnerable.

"Great! Elder Song, Lin Feng won! Our Huaxia is saved... No! It should be said that the whole world is saved!"

Elder Wang of the dragon group laughed and said, everyone in the dragon group was the same. They were overjoyed, and even opened the champagne to celebrate Lin Feng's victory this time.

"It's not easy! It's really not easy! According to my observations just now, the strength of the master of Tsing Yi should far surpass Lin Feng, but Lin Feng was able to counterattack under this situation! "

In the dragon group, elder Song Hongyi can be said to have seen the most thorough. Just now Lin Feng and the master of Tsing Yi, the battle on TV. It can be described as thrilling. Song Hongyi can guarantee that if he stood there, he would not even be able to take a trick of the Master Tsing Yi.

The blood-drinking mad knife of the Great Master Tsing Yi is very powerful, and it is basically something that any innate warrior can resist, even if it is wearing the latest bulletproof vest, it can't resist this power.

"Luck! Everything is luck!"

Song Hong couldn't help but sighed, "If it weren't for the thunderstorm-like treasure that Lin Feng finally took out, it would be difficult to completely kill the master of Tsing Yi. However, the last giant who came out still doesn't know him. Strength……"

Obviously, Song Hong was very interested in Yuan Lin's height as a giant, and then asked Elder Wang next to him: "Elder Wang, do you know the origin of the last person who came out to deal with the Master of Tsing Yi with Lin Feng? Is it? Is it an enemy or a friend?"

"Elder Song, don't worry! That giant is Lin Feng's subordinate to be precise. You should know about the forbidden land before? Lin Feng has already reported to us, and I have also seen that Yuan Lin, I thought he was unfathomable at the time, but... I didn't expect his body to soar five or six times like this..."

Elder Wang was also sighing! However, his work in the Dragon Group is mainly to deal with these mundane matters, so he has had several connections with Yuan Lin, but when he saw Yuan Lin's body appearing just now, he was indeed shocked.

"Since it is friendly and not an enemy, that would be great! Hahaha... From today, the whole world dare not underestimate our China." After confirming that Yuan Lin is not an enemy, Song Hongyi was also relieved. He sighed and laughed instead.

"That's for sure! In other words, Lin Feng is the world's savior this time! Just so, Elder Song, we can take advantage of this opportunity to let the Americans give up a little more profit..."

While Elder Wang was smiling and wanting to prepare to cheat the Americans with Elder Song, suddenly Long Lin, the leader of the Dragon Group intelligence group, immediately broke into Laihui and reported: "No! Several elders, we just got the Americans. The secret report over there, the President of the United States just... was assassinated by a secret agent from the other side!"

"What? The U.S. President died?"

"Biananjiao is so arrogant?"

"Not good! The US nuclear control switch has always been in the hands of the US president. If... the US president was assassinated, isn't the nuclear switch in his hand..."


Several elders who heard the news stood up awkwardly, and their faces became uncertain.

Elder Wang even yelled badly: "It's over! The nuclear weapons in the hands of the Americans are the largest in the world. If they are completely detonated, I am afraid that the entire earth will be blown in half!"

Song Hongyi also frowned and analyzed: "The U.S. president was assassinated before Lin Feng defeated the master of Tsing Yi, and it was supposed to prevent the U.S. president from releasing nuclear weapons and destroying it. But now the situation has reversed. If Lin Feng has been completely killed, then it does not rule out that the crazy other side church will take..."

"How to die together?"

The other elders were also shocked. Although they had been prepared to die with the Bianjiao before, but now the situation has reversed, this is completely different.

"Immediately on the U.S. side, ask carefully if their nuclear switch is lost?"

Elder Song ordered Long Lin to say, "Then, exhaust all of our intelligence personnel, find ways to go, infiltrate the US Secretary of State's office, find all the secrets related to nuclear weapons..."

"Yes! I'll go right away, and what about the situation on the Great Sage's side? Do we need to send the nearest fighter plane in Africa to pick them up?" Long Lin asked again.

"Of course! The sooner the better. Send my order. The fighter planes of the aircraft carriers in South Africa and our secret base in the Atlantic will immediately locate the location of the Great Sage and rush over." Song Hong nodded and ordered.

At this time, on the Wuming Island, Lin Feng, Yuan Lin and others were relieved to see that the master of Tsing Yi had been completely annihilated under the Nine Heavens Thunder, and there was not even a scum left. .

However, what they never expected was that just when the thunder light was about to erupt, the body of the Tsing Yi Grand Guru broke into two halves, and then a young and fist-sized baby immediately flew out of it. Coming out, under the cover of thunder light, without anyone noticing, swished into the sea nearby.

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