Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1966: Fall of Alice

Every woman who hates men is actually the same. When she doesn't touch the man who touches the softest point in your heart, she feels that no man in the world is a good thing.

However, once they meet such a man, once such a man appears in their lives, everything becomes unstoppable.

The atrium that was originally locked will be completely destroyed in this moment.

At this moment, looking at the proud, confident and painful expression on Lin Feng's face, it is really hard for Alice to imagine, what kind of man is this?

Are you willing to make such a big sacrifice for yourself and endure such a huge pain?

Is it the responsibility?

Is it an obligation?

Or... love?

If it is love, then what is true love?

Alice was a little confused, she really didn't know what the love between a man and a woman was like.

Once upon a time, Alice has been hostile to men because of her mother’s being abandoned. Combined with the violent thunder power in her body, she has become a very poer strong woman, arguably the youngest and most promising woman in the world. Female scientist.

In her view, in this world, women do not need to depend on men to exist.

The feelings between men and women, the love that a woman has to live and die for a man, just like her mother, is a complete manifestation of weakness and incompetence.

Alice hates men. She doesn't need men. She sets her sights on beautiful women. She wants to feel the so-called "love" from the same sex.

So, for a long time, Alice actually forced herself to be a "man", when a "man" she hated and hated, she would even play with women's feelings.

But, at least, she thinks she is clean, and she is happy to let those ignorant women clearly realize how stupid it is to indulge in feelings with a man.


Alice felt that she was not wrong!


Alice feels that she lives happily and at ease!


Alice felt that as long as there were women in this world, it would be better.

Men are simply superfluous, OK?

Every time I see women crying and crying for a stinky man, Alice despises and spurns her from the bottom of her heart. Such a woman is not worthy of sympathy. Such a woman should cut off the past and forget everything. Smelly men.

However, today, these obsessions that have been firmly in Alice's heart for more than 20 years have been completely broken at this moment.

Everyone says that Yin-Tao is the only way to a woman's heart.

At this moment, in the crazy hot spring water, in the thunder, it was like a dream, Alice was like her name, like the Alice in Wonderland, there was really a kind of floating in the sky, experiencing it once The shock of a dreamlike journey.

"This...what the **** is going on? All this, why...why did it become like this?"

Her heart was so entangled and melancholy that Alice really couldn't imagine that she would eventually...become the women she despised. She felt and impulsive because of a man who had only known her for a few hours.

The corners of the eyes are sour, and women's lacrimal glands are really a natural trouble.

In the past, Alice had only cried twice, once when her mother passed away, it was sad tears, and the other time when her scientific research was completely successful, it was joy tears.

These two kinds of tears are shared by all mankind, whether you are a man or a woman.

But now, Alice couldn't help the sourness of her nose, and tears were surging in her eyes. She had always been strong, and she had always been like steel, and she was actually moved to raise land that was completely uncontrollable.

what is this?

These are moving tears!

In the constant rhythm of the body, Alice seems to have surpassed the senses of the body. She seems to feel that her soul is floating from the body. This is the highest state of Platonic love. The soul’s turn is filled with an incomparable philosophy. Feeling of love.

And these are all brought to her by a man.

Do not! Or to put it more seriously, this was brought to her by a strange Oriental man.

Alice is very happy, immersed in this beautiful feeling both physically and mentally.

At this moment, she finally understood why those stupid women would cry for the smelly men.

Precious tears, at this moment, actually become so cheap.

When Lin Feng was screaming in pain, Alice also shed crystal tears for him.

One drop!

One drop!

It fell on Lin Feng's face. She, with a thunderous physique, actually carried a trace of electric charge in her tears. It fell on Lin Feng's face, like small thunderballs, gently on his face. It blooms on top, bringing a peculiar feeling of crispness.

At this time, Lin Feng has already experienced the most painful time. Although his body is not any special physique, it is sheltered by the chaotic aura of the chaotic lotus seed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and absorbed it. The energy of many special physiques has already begun to change subtly.

The powerful thunder attribute power passed through his body, and finally entered the chaotic lotus seed in the Shenshui space. The burst of power once again allowed the chaotic lotus seed to grow up, and the chaotic aura that was finally fed back was once again strengthened. Lin Feng's body.

During this whole process, Lin Feng also fed back these powers to Alice. This is an instinctive feedback and rebate. At the same time, a pure natural technique was operated in it, which was added to Alice’s Dantian. , Even if she did not deliberately practice, there will be a natural formation to help her gather vitality and thunder attribute power.


In Alice's dantian, a violent explosion made her completely enter the realm of a cultivator.

Everything seems so long!

But in fact, it is only ten minutes.

"Lin Feng! How are you doing?"

During this long wait, Li Yutong was beside the pool, unable to get close, and was too anxious.

Fortunately, she could still feel Lin Feng's breath of life. Although it was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, it at least showed that Lin Feng did not have any major problems.

It wasn't until the sky of thunder light gradually dissipated, and the unconscious silhouettes of Lin Feng and Alice hugging each other and gradually appeared, Li Yutong was completely relieved.


Li Yutong felt that Lin Feng's body had begun to carry a strong thunder attribute breath, and smiled with satisfaction.

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