Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1961: I want to soak your woman

This feeling is strange, and Alice is a little bit unspeakable.

In the past, in her opinion, men were dirty, ruthless, and abandoned at the beginning. She refused to go with any men.

She only wants to stay with women, so all her partners are also women.

Her kissing experience is not bad, but all of them are the experience of being with women. She has long been accustomed to acting as the overbearing party when kissing, using her lips to conquer the other party and make the other party completely surrender to herself Under his lips.

But today, all roles have been reversed.

She originally thought that she could take the absolute initiative during the kiss with Lin Feng, but the moment she met Lin Feng, she was completely lost.

Alice didn’t know what it was like without having kissed a man. Her body had already accumulated a lot of female hormones. When she met Lin Feng’s kiss, it seemed to be complete in a flash. Detonated.

At the beginning, Alice was still struggling and resisting, her face showed a frightened expression, because she was afraid of men or resisted men.

But later, when Lin Feng hugged her tighter and tighter, Alice felt an inexplicable sense of security.

This sense of security has been lacking since she was a child because the family lacked her father. This feeling gave her a natural sense of comfort and ease.

Usually, whether at work or in life, Alice has a very strong look. Regardless of how coquettish and feminine she looks, she is actually extremely strong and decisive.

It is precisely because of her so manly character and style that she has more soft female companions.

However, she has never experienced such close contact with a man.

She completely lost her autonomy, and there was even a voice in her heart that longed to be conquered by the man in front of her.

A kiss, very long and very wet.

Alice's eyes went from charming to resisting at first, and finally turned into submissive and attachment. When the long French kiss ended, she herself was taken aback.

"You... what are you doing?"

Pushing Lin Feng abruptly, Alice looked at him with horror, then bit her lip, sinking into an extremely tangled heart.

"What are you doing? Beautiful blonde lady, isn't that what you meant? In this bar full of music beats, and the crowd in the frantic beating, it is not better for us to kiss like this romantic?

Lin Feng laughed and teased when Alice saw this.

"What's so good? You...damn it! This...this is my first kiss!"

When she said this, Alice felt like she wanted to laugh, because she didn't know how many beautiful girls she had kissed, but it was the first time she kissed a man like this.

"Is the first kiss? It is really my honor, beautiful lady, then you are willing to... give me the second kiss?"

With that, Lin Feng approached step by step, and Alice looked like a frightened kitten, and suddenly took a step back, as if she was afraid of being eaten by Lin Feng.

"Don't come here!" Alice was a little hesitant.

"Why? Didn't you feel bad just now?" Lin Feng asked, "Isn't you the one who seduced me first?"

With that said, Lin Feng forcibly moved forward to hug Alice.

But Alice was hugged by Lin Feng again, but she instinctively resisted it strongly. She thought of her mother who had been abandoned by her father, thought of the tragic cry of countless women who had been abandoned by men, and suddenly called out.

At the same time, a small burst of electric light broke out from Alice's body, directly impacting Lin Feng's body.

Zi Zi Zi...

Braving the lightning, this is a self-defense that Alice subconsciously controls the amount of lightning in her body.

Many times, Alice also avoided being violated by men because of this power. Those men thought it was Alice who had some electric prods to defend herself, but only Alice knew that her body was born with electricity.

But this time, facing the powerful lightning power released by Alice, Lin Feng smiled sullenly. After shaking his body for a while, he used aura to absorb the power of lightning. There is no hindrance to him.

"What? You... why are you not afraid of the electricity in my body?"

Seeing this scene, Alice was also in shock. This was the first time she encountered such a situation, as if she had kissed a man for the first time.

However, she had no time and mind to think about it, because Lin Feng's hot kiss hit her again.



Alice didn't know how to resist, her heart and body were calling to her heart's content. This was a woman's instinct, and it was also the fierce desire of an insecure woman.

Being held and kissed by Lin Feng like this, Alice gradually lost ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Leaning on Lin Feng's body, she seemed to feel that she had the world and was the happiest woman in the world.

However, after being addicted for a while, the amount of lightning in Alice's body suddenly exploded again, giving her a severe electric shock, completely awakening her who was immersed in the dream.

"I... God! What the **** am I doing? How could I, Alice, stay in the arms of a man and enjoy his kiss so comfortably?"

Alice, who came back to her senses, looked guilty and angry, especially when she saw Lin Feng's proud expression, she pushed Lin Feng away.

"What's the matter? Beautiful blonde lady, do you want another wonderful long kiss?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Okay! But, it's not with you..."

Alice, who returned to normal, smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, and then looked sideways in Li Yutong's direction. Seeing that she had been watching her and Lin Feng's side, she felt that the plan seemed to have been completed beyond expectation. Lin Feng smiled slightly in his ear and said: "Handsome oriental boy, now that you and my sister and I kissed so intimately, what do you think...what would your woman think? She must feel that she is inhumane, she must It will be very sad..."


Lin Feng's eyes widened when he heard Alice's words, also very surprised.

"Then, she will be heartbroken, and then ignore you again." Seeing Lin Feng froze for a while, Alice said more proudly, "So, this time my goal is not you at all. It's your woman..."

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