Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1951: Counterattack

In the TV news, this American scientist utterly spoken out, expressing his dissatisfaction with the Nobel Prize in Medicine nomination Lin Feng, such a kid.

Lin Feng saw this scene, but shook his head, and did not take it seriously.

After all, these Americans always think that their country's technology is the world's first, and it is impossible for other countries to make things ahead of their country.

Therefore, Americans naturally have a kind of arrogance and look down on developing countries like China, and even some other developed countries.

"Lin Feng, don't take it to heart. The American guys are all like this, what they say... don't care!"

Li Yutong frowned when he saw this, but still comforted Lin Feng.

"It's okay! Sister Tongtong, if he wants to say it, just let it go. Anyway, this Nobel Prize nomination is not what we asked for. It was suddenly announced to us by the Swedish side..."

Shaking his head, Lin Feng switched the TV to other channels, and then returned a call to Zhou Yun of the TV station: "Sister Yun, I saw the news..."

"Look at it! It's really hateful, Lin Feng, the American scientist named Miller, is actually nominated with you this time, and is the most favorable winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine this time."

On the other side of the phone, Zhou Yun had already found out all the information about the American native, and said directly to Lin Feng, “In fact, this is also the usual practice of the scientists in the U.S. Through public opinion attacks and It’s nothing more than fighting against competitors. Not to mention that you belong to our Huaxia Country..."

"Well! I understand everything." Lin Feng said lightly.

"Understood? Then... how do you plan to fight back?" Zhou Yun asked again.

"Counter-attack? Why should I fight back? Could it be that besides the dog biting you, do you have to take another bite?"

Lin Feng smiled, and did not intend to fight back.

"No! Lin Feng, you have to know that the Nobel Prize in Medicine will be announced for a while, so everything is still subject to change. All awards need to be voted on by the judges, and public opinion Orientation can also influence the opinions of the judges..."

Obviously, Zhou Yun had already figured out the rules of the Nobel Prize through various channels, just to be able to help Lin Feng.


Lin Feng didn't really care about this award at first, but now he heard Zhou Yun say this, he got more energy and asked, "Sister Yun, then you just talk about it, what should I do now? "

"Just quarrel with him! This Miller still has some reputation in the world, but... Lin Feng, you are silent, if you can use the quarrel with Miller to quarrel with your reputation, it would be one of them. Good way. It will benefit your weight on the judges' side..."

Zhou Yun introduced one of her plans and ideas to Lin Feng seriously.

But Lin Feng was happy when he heard it, and couldn't help but praise Zhou Yun: "Sister Yun, your trick is too cruel! That Miller was going to attack me through public opinion, but now... let's do it like this. Instead, it uses him to expand his influence, right?"

"Yes! That's what it means. In fact, don't the domestic celebrities use this method to hype themselves?"

Zhou Yun smiled badly, "This is what I learned from the seniors in our editorial department. Since that Miller is here, why don't we take advantage of him?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yun talked to Lin Feng about the full set of plans. Lin Feng found it interesting after hearing it, and immediately agreed, and asked Dasheng Group to allocate advertising expenses to Beijing TV Station.

The next day, headed by Beijing TV Station, most of the domestic newspapers and TV media were reporting a piece of news, which was a big talk against the Miller yesterday, since he provoked Lin Feng, the genius of China. The juvenile has its appearance.

So simply, Zhou Yun collected this period of time, after using many Aiqing soup, there are countless good effects of interview videos and content, and produced a special "Great Invention, Benefiting Women" special interview video. .

In this video, there are at least thousands of women leaving the country, and all of them are trying to beat Lin Feng, each with a smiling and ruddy face with thumbs up, praising the effect of Aiqing soup.

"There is Aiqing soup, that doesn't hurt anymore!"

"Aiqingtang, let you be a woman!"

"Aiqing! Aiqing! Caring for women..."


As soon as these videos came out, the lethality was not low.

Once again, it swept the country. Those women who had only heard of the name Aiqing soup before, but had always felt that it was a fraud, also tried to buy a bottle from the supermarket to try it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As a result, don’t know. I was shocked when I used it, and the effect was simply too good. Even when I was not in my menstrual period, drinking Aiqing Decoction had a great effect on women's body cold and uterine deficiency.

Moreover, what is even more smashing is that this video content is not only broadcast on domestic TV stations, but also uploaded to foreign video websites by Zhou Yun, and even funded by Dasheng Group. It is broadcasted on a very influential Internet TV station in the United States and local satellite TV stations.

Suddenly, Ai Qingtang, who was originally unknown abroad, suddenly became popular again.

Originally abroad, only a small number of women knew about this "Oriental magic soup", but now from online to offline, countless American women have rushed to the nearest 24-hour convenience store, but unfortunately there is no one. I saw this Aiqing soup for sale.

Other European and American countries have similar performance. In just a few days, this video promoting Aiqingtang has the effect of more than a thousand women who have used the platform to appreciate the effect, which has caused billions of people around the world. The women who were troubled by the period suddenly saw the light.

U.S., in a certain biochemical research institute.

Miller, a blonde scientist, saw the video played on the computer, immediately became angry, slammed the table, and shouted: "Outrageous! Outrageous! The cunning Orientals actually promoted in my name. Promote this video... Damn it! Damn it!"

It turned out that in the foreign media, the title of this video was titled "The magical effect of the Oriental Magic Boy Rubik's Cube Decoction that Dr. Miller mocked".

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