Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1917: Auction starts


For Lin Feng, this is definitely a surprise.

Originally, he thought this painting was just an ordinary ancient painting, and there was nothing special about it.

But now, this painting can actually absorb Qin Yanran’s three souls and seven souls, which at least shows that even if this painting is not the picture of the nvwa empress, it is definitely a rare cultivation. The treasure is out.

Moreover, Lin Feng used spiritual consciousness to scan this painting twice and again, but couldn't find any abnormalities, which is enough to show that this painting actually has a sense of self-protection and does not show off his abilities at will. The disguise is no different from ordinary objects.

This could not help but reminded Lin Feng that when he picked up the Demon Refining Pot from the ground in Africa, it looked like an ordinary shabby teapot on the surface.

However, who can imagine that such a shabby teapot would be the innate spiritual treasure that has been counted since its inception?

Therefore, after confirming that the aura was the three souls and seven souls that Qin Yanran was sucked into, Lin Feng felt that this picture of the mountains and rivers and shrines was very likely to be the one in the legend.

"Lin... Lin Feng, I... what's wrong with me?"

Qin Yanran, who had returned to her soul, was also shocked, and hurriedly drilled into Lin Feng's arms, making him tremble with fear.

"Yan Ran, it's okay! It's okay! If something went wrong just now, there will be nothing wrong with me."

Seeing Qin Yanran's soul return, everything returned to normal, and the big rock in Lin Feng's heart also fell. He quickly hugged Qin Yanran in his arms and comforted.

"Lin Feng, I just didn't know why. When I looked at this painting, I felt that my body became lighter and lighter, and then the whole person suddenly flashed into a very strange place."

Qin Yanran still had lingering fears and said, "It's a paradise with beautiful mountains and rivers, and there is a small wooden house inside, but there are no people around, not even a small animal. The whole world is quiet and there is no sound at all. Terrible! It's terrible, it's the deathly silence..."

"A quiet paradise without sound?"

Hearing Qin Yanran's description, Lin Feng also frowned, "Yanran, if I expected it to be true. It was your soul just now, and entered the world of that painting of a mountain and river shrine."

"The world in the painting? There is the world in the painting? However, in my impression, the paradise just now is very wide, and may be much larger than the entire capital. How could it be contained in a painting? "

Although Qin Yanran knew that Lin Feng was a cultivator, she did not understand the magical skills of the cultivator at all.

"What's weird about this, Yanran, I also have this kind of treasure on my body. Although it looks small, it is in its own way, let alone a place as big as the capital, even if the entire earth is put inside, I am afraid it is more than enough."

Lin Feng smiled and said, but there was a trace of confusion in his mind. There are many guests watching this picture of mountains and rivers and shrines! But why did Qin Yanran's three souls and seven souls fall into it?

Including Lin Feng himself, not only saw it with the naked eye, but even scanned the spiritual sense several times, but still didn't find any abnormalities, and the three souls and seven souls were not attracted by the pictures of mountains and rivers.

"It's really amazing, Lin Feng, if I could also cultivate, how good would it be?"

Hearing Lin Feng's description of the great supernatural powers of the cultivator, Qin Yanran's eyes were mixed with envy and loss.

"Don't worry! Yanran, you can definitely cultivate. And, I have a hunch that this time the Shanhe Sheji map might really be an opportunity. Think about it, why the Shanhe Sheji map does not attract others, but it attracts you. How about three souls and seven souls?"

Thinking of his 24 Dinghai God Orbs, Lin Feng suddenly moved in his heart. Maybe this would be the greatest opportunity for Qin Yanran to practice in this life.

"Really? Then...Lin Feng, during the afternoon auction, shall we take this picture of the mountains and rivers and shrines?" Qin Yanran immediately became excited again.

"You don't need to say, Yanran, I will take it too. Let's go! Let's have lunch first and enter in the afternoon. This picture of the mountains and rivers must be ours."

Pulling Qin Yanran to the hotel's cafeteria for lunch, and then wandering around until two o'clock in the afternoon, when the auction was about to begin, Lin Feng and Qin Yanran took their seats in 89 and 90 of the ordinary seats.

There is no way, because Qin Yanran invited Lin Feng to come to this exhibition. The ticket Qin Yanran bought is the most common guest ticket, and the people sitting in the front bread box are all VIPs specially invited by the organizer. There are about twenty box positions, and the conditions are much better than the ordinary seats here.

However, auctions have always been like this. Most of the guests sitting in the ordinary seats are not strong enough. After an auction, it is already very good to be able to take a collection.

On the contrary, it is the VIPs in these boxes, almost every one of them is a descendant of the upper-class family in Beijing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not only has abundant funds in hand, but also has the support of the family's strong financial resources.

Especially in the capital city, there are quite a few family members who play antiques, and there are no shortage of expensive sons at every auction.

Moreover, it is often found that several aristocratic children have competed with each other for a collection, and have repeatedly set new auction prices.

Therefore, the organizer naturally treats those aristocratic children who are sitting in the front bread compartment, and is even more courteous. Not only are there good refreshments and the full version of the auction list, but some even have beautiful beauties to accompany.

On the contrary, the ordinary seats that Lin Feng and Qin Yanran are sitting in are no different from the seats in the cinema. The most is a bidder next to the seat. When the auction starts, you can use this bidder to bid for the auction.

"Yan Ran, it's the first time I participate in such an auction. It's fun."

Don’t look at Lin Feng as a billionaire now, but his life experience is still too little, not as good as those young men who grew up in Beijing and have been accustomed to meeting all occasions and the world. A formal auction like today, Lin Feng estimated that he had only seen it on TV and inside before.

"I'm also a little nervous! Lin Feng, do you think there will be many people bidding for that picture of the mountain and river and the shrine?" Qin Yanran also said nervously.

"Hey! Yanran, even if many people bid, I will take this picture... I will give it to you."

Lin Feng said with a smile, and then saw the lights on the auction stage come on. An auctioneer who seemed to be slick and melody walked onto the stage with a smile, and the auction officially began.

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