Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1798: The shattered ninja

The sudden appearance of Tian Ren from the Japanese Kingdom surprised everyone present.

Especially the Tennin of this Japanese country, the samurai sword in his hand shocked everyone present. No one knows when the Tian Ren of the Japanese Kingdom appeared, as if he appeared here suddenly.

However, Lin Feng had already discovered this Tian Ren from the exploration of spiritual sense. After all, the Tian Ren of the Japanese Kingdom was usually good at hiding. If Lin Feng hadn't searched with spiritual sense, he would really not be able to find him for a while. . It's just that Lin Feng didn't expect this Japanese ninja to be so uncomfortable, he thought he would have to wait at least one or two days before this Japanese ninja would appear.

"Lin Feng, you guessed it right, the ninja of the Japanese country has come out." Xiao Nishang saw the ninja of the Japanese country appear, and couldn't help giving Lin Feng a thumbs up.

"Crazy girl, it seems that this Japanese ninja has already been waiting near this hospital. When he discovered that our hero Yugeng is so effective in curing bloodthirsty gu, he was completely embarrassed and angry. It seems this Once, he was planning to confront us head-on..." Lin Feng said calmly when the ninja of the Japanese country appeared.

"Since the Japanese people have appeared, Lin Feng, what shall we do now?"

Xiao Nishang has clenched his fists, ready to attack at any time. When it comes to hitting Japanese devils, she never falls behind.

"Crazy girl, don't worry!"

Lin Feng immediately stopped Xiao Nishang, pointed at Liu Qingshi and the others with a smile, and said, "Isn't they there? This time, they are leading the task of the Dragon Team! If we make a move now, they might pay back afterwards. Say we took credit for them!"

"They? Lin Feng, have you made a mistake? The Tian Ren of the Japanese Kingdom is not a warrior of the acquired realm to fight against. It is equivalent to the innate realm among our warriors!" Xiao Nishang glanced at Lin Feng and said .

"Crazy girl, take a look... Do you think we still have a chance to shoot now?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile, and pointed to the group of people in the Dragon Group and said, "I'm afraid they are already waiting for this opportunity."


Looking in the direction that Lin Feng was pointing, Xiao Nishang found out that those in the Dragon Group were all eager to try.

As the leader of the A-share team, Liu Qingshi saw the ninja from the country coming, and laughed: "Haha! Little devil, good time, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

As a warrior at the pinnacle of the acquired day, Liu Qingshi didn't think that the Japanese ninja in front of him would be his opponent. Originally, he thought that the mission this time was just a simple **** mission without much oil and water, but now, the Japanese Ninja who suddenly jumped out gave him a chance to do meritorious service.

"Haha! Sanshugong, this time is a great opportunity for us to make merit!"

Liu Botao was aside and was also happy, this is also an opportunity for him to perform!

Since then, Liu Botao yelled at Xiao Nishang, "Sister Nishang, you should be careful! The ninjas of the Japanese country are very cruel, and they all have all kinds of strange ninjutsu. But you can rest assured that I will definitely protect you. Yours. And this time, with my third uncle, catching this Japanese ninja will definitely bring a lot of credit."

"Oh? Really? It seems that your third uncle is really strong!"

Seeing the appearance of these people in the Dragon Group, Xiao Nishang finally understood what Lin Feng did just now. Even if Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang took the shot, Liu Botao and Liu Qingshi would never give up this great opportunity for meritorious service.

But how did they know that the Japanese Ninja who came this time was not the small characters before, but the powerful Tennin that they had never encountered before.

Even if it was Liu Qingshi, the leader of the A-level dragon group, he didn't expect that the Tianren of the Japanese kingdom would be lurking here. After all, before that, there were only a handful of Japanese ninjas, so Liu Qingshi rightly believed that the lurking Japanese ninjas were at best only upper ninjas.

"Damn Huaxia Pig! The bloodthirsty Gu that I have worked so hard to cultivate is actually cracked by your bowl of fish soup? Who is the highest person in charge of your dragon team? Today I want to make a thorough experience with you Stop it!"

The Japanese ninja was holding a katana and standing at the gate of the hospital. He was already in a completely broken state. After all, the Shui Zhi Tian Ren and the Onmyoji Fujiwara who had come before were already dead. Therefore, he determined that the members of the Dragon Group in this hospital must have very powerful roles.

In order not to let this powerful character continue to disrupt other Tennin’s actions, this Japanese ninja made the decision to burn the jade and the stone. There is also a secret treasure hidden on his body. Although he can only use it once, it is enough to kill anything. Innate level master.

But before using this treasure, he must confirm who is the highest person in charge of the dragon team this time. That's why he ventured forward with an arrogant provocation on his face.

"You ninjas of the Japanese country, so boldly dared to run wild on our Huaxia land. Today, the old man will let you pay back your blood, and taste the power of our Chinese warriors."

Liu Qingshi couldn't judge the level of this Japanese ninja, but as the highest person in charge of the dragon group here, he stood up unwillingly, his mouth curled slightly, he didn't put him in his eyes at all, and smiled: "You ninjas , You know that you put a cold arrow behind you. I didn’t expect that you really have a kind, dare to fight our warriors face to face?"

"Sanshugong, you must capture him alive. The living Japanese Ninja can earn more contribution points than the killed one!"

In the previous few operations, if he also followed Liu Qingshi to perform some missions and killed some ninjas in the country. However, most of these Japanese ninjas ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ committed suicide after being defeated. Therefore, it is very difficult for the members of our dragon group to capture the ninjas of the country.

Even the last time, the Japanese ninja caught by Lin Feng was finally blew up by him. Therefore, a living ninja will be much more valuable, as long as he is not dead, there are various ways to tell more secrets about ninja from his mouth.

"Everyone backs away! Xiao Tao, you and other people will drive out all irrelevant people, so as not to harm the innocent."

Liu Qingshi also drew his saber from his waist, preparing to compete with this Japanese ninja.

"Doctor Meng, it's time for our dragon team to perform special tasks. Please come with me and don't prevent my third uncle from dealing with the ninjas of the Japanese nation. This time the epidemic is most likely caused by these nasty ghosts of the Japanese kingdom. ..."

Then Liu Botao took a few members of the Dragon Team and quickly dispersed the doctors and patients in the hospital lobby. When he fell in front of Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang, he smiled arrogantly: "Lin Feng, don't stand here and watch the fun. Be careful for a while and be scared to pee on your pants..."

However, Lin Feng smiled slightly, and sat motionless, with his arms folded in front of his chest, as if he were a spectator.

"Damn! I'm talking to you! Lin Feng, this is not a place where you, a guy who doesn't even have a C-level badge, can stay. Don't blame me for not reminding you. You continue to sit here and get injured by that ninja's ninjutsu for a while. If I arrive, I won’t protect you. I will only protect my sister in neon clothes..."

Seeing that Lin Feng ignored him at all, Liu Botao said angrily.

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