Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1796: Grab merit (Part 1)

In the municipal hospital, all the severely ill patients who contracted the disease have recovered.

Outside the municipal hospital, the fragrance of hero fish soup was wafting ten miles away. All the citizens around who smelled the fragrance smelled the fragrance, each holding a bowl in line, drooling, waiting to eat the delicious hero fish soup.

"The patients are all healed! All are healed... This hero fish soup is really a magical medicine! It is a magical medicine that can cure all diseases in the legend!"

The attending physician Meng Xue couldn't help being excited. He found Lin Feng and shouted with tears in his eyes: "Lin Feng, thanks to your presence, the disease in Huizhou is completely cured. It's great! I just checked a few patients who have recovered. They no longer have this super virus in their bodies, and they have formed antibodies, and those super viruses can no longer infect them. How did you do it..."

"Doctor Meng, these are what I should do. In the past few days, I will let the chefs continue to make hero fish soup outside the hospital, so that all the people in the city can come over. Never worry about such an epidemic again."

Lin Feng nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. The hundreds of patients in the hospital have all been cured. It can be said that this time the epidemic could have caused a large area of ​​casualties, but they were completely suppressed.

"Master! Please, take me!"

That Smith Liu approached with a pitiful look, and said beggingly. Because Lin Feng is really amazing. He used a golden needle to cure old man Cai’s liver cancer, and now he has cured the disease caused by the super virus with a bowl of delicious hero fish soup. This magical power of turning decay into Smith Liu felt infinitely obsessed.

"I said that although your body is the blood of Huaxia, your heart is not Huaxia's. Therefore, I will not teach you all the secrets of Huaxia Chinese medicine unless you can truly understand it someday When the greatness of our Chinese nation has a strong sense of recognition and national honor, come to me again!"

Lin Feng doesn't trust and optimistic about Smith Liu, a Chinese who grew up abroad since he was a child. Although his medical talent is very high, Lin Feng does not want to pass on the precious TCM experience in his memory.

"Master, I will prove it to you. I will go further to understand the soul of our Chinese nation. One day, I will let you recognize me..."

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Smith Liu was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the deep meaning of Lin Feng's words. He also felt that the previous sense of superiority as a Chinese in the United States disappeared instantly, and he clenched his fist. Guaranteed, and stopped pestering Lin Feng.

"Hey! Lin Feng, I didn't expect it. You really have a good time! Hero fish soup is so delicious, I'm almost eating it..."

Xiao Nishang, who had been eating all the time, touched his chubby belly and walked up with satisfaction. He smiled and said to Lin Feng, "How is it? Are all the patients in the hospital recovered? What else can I help? Is it?"

"Crazy girl, if you come to help, the patients will die."

Lin Feng smiled, then grabbed Li Yutong's small waist and said, "Fortunately, sister Tongtong helps me, so I don't count on you at all."

"Lin Feng, don't say that. Sister Nishang has definitely helped you a lot in the past few days." Li Yutong smiled slightly, but she didn't take credit.

"That's right! Lin Feng, you ungrateful fellow, if you didn't have me to help you yesterday, you would have fallen into the reservoir to feed the fish. Where else can you be a hero here?" Xiao Nishang quarreled.

"Yes, yes, yes! You have done the most, okay? Crazy girl, how can I thank you for the heroine's life-saving grace? Shouldn't it be ok?" Lin Feng remembered that the mad girl ignored yesterday Save yourself everything, and guard the tired look after a day and night by your side, said with a smile.

"Come on! Lin Feng, I just look down on you! I don't need any other rewards, hehe... When you return to the capital in the future, you can get me this hero fish soup every day." Xiao Nishang licked it again. Licking his mouth and said.

"Eat every day? You are not afraid of getting tired of eating!" Lin Feng said.

"Such delicious hero fish soup, I won't get tired of eating it for a hundred years."

Xiao Nishang said, as if suddenly remembering something, he asked, "That's right! Lin Feng, now that the epidemic problem has been solved, the black hand behind the scene...what should I do?"

"What else can we do? The enemy is in the dark, we are in the light, so... we can only stand by the wayside as before." Lin Feng also became serious and said.

"Stand and wait for the rabbit? How do you stand and wait for the rabbit? Is it possible that the black hand behind the scenes will be automatically removed?" Xiao Nishang asked strangely.

"Of course he will! And, I guess he will lose his breath soon."

Lin Feng looked into the distance and said lightly, "According to his expectation, the disease caused by this bloodthirsty Gu will cause a large area of ​​death the day after tomorrow, but now...it is estimated that he already knows that Hero Yugeng will all his bloodthirsty Gu. It was killed, so... we don’t have to work hard to find him, and soon, he will jump out on his own."

"Cut! Lin Feng, do you think you're like a god? As far as I know~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these Japanese ninjas are very timid and cautious. As long as they find that our side is so strong, surely not Dare to come up again." Xiao Nishang said again.

"Really? Are we strong here? But that Tian Ren didn't know that the only one sent by the Dragon Formation on the bright side was Liu Qingshi, a post-acquired grade A!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly, then put his hands in his pockets, and said, "So, within three days, this Tian Ren with bloodthirsty Gu in his back will definitely show up!"

On the other side, Liu Botao couldn't help it in the end. He drank a bowl of hero fish soup and immediately immersed himself in this incomparable deliciousness. But such a delicious and curative hero fish soup was made by a competitor, Lin Feng, which made him very unhappy.

"San Shu Gong, what should I do? Lin Feng has completely cured this disease now, and it has nothing to do with us. In the end, the credit and contribution of the Dragon Team must have been taken by Lin Feng, aren't we? Come here for nothing?" Thinking of this, Liu Botao was particularly unconvinced.

"Xiaotao, you are still too young. This time the highest action team sent by the Dragon Team is our team. Now the mission has been successfully completed, and the disease has been completely cured. Even after we came, there was no death case. We The credit is great!"

Seeing Liu Botao’s discouraged look, Liu Qingshi laughed instead, "Your third uncle, I am the leader of the action team this time, and the A-level member of the dragon team. According to the regulations of the dragon team, the details of this event I wrote the report and reported it. How much effort did someone contribute and how much credit contributed? Isn't it my opinion?"

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