Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1793: Delicious

Can't wait!

Can't wait!

The crowd attracted by the scent of the hero fish soup, one by one, looked like a starving ghost, their eyes staring straight, and they kept swallowing saliva.

"God! What is cooking in this pot? Why is it so fragrant?"

"I really want to eat! I don't know what is going on at the entrance of this hospital? Can the delicious food in this pot be sold? If it is sold, I will have a bowl for as much money!"

"Such smell, simply! I think I am a foodie who eats a lot, and I have never smelled such a delicious meal!"


There are more and more patients and pedestrians watching by the open space, and basically everyone can't move their feet after smelling the fragrance.

"Mom! Mom... I'm so hungry! The food over there is delicious, I want to eat! I want to eat..."

A little boy who came to see the doctor took his mother's hand and kept shouting for food.

"Xiao Ming, how can you be so rude? That's something from someone else's house, no matter how delicious it is, you can't say you want to eat it..." The little boy's mother hurriedly pulled him away.

However, Lin Feng waved at them and shouted: "Sister, wait a minute! It will be out in 20 minutes. Today these fish soup are made for everyone. Anyone can eat. Eating is mainly to help everyone get rid of and prevent diseases..."

"Great! Mom, the big brother said, Yu Geng is for us to eat...I want to eat! I want to eat! I'm not going to see a doctor, I want to wait here to eat..."

As soon as the little boy heard Lin Feng's words, he immediately became elated and danced.

Not only that, but the pedestrians and patients who were already surrounded by three levels inside and outside three levels were all rejoicing, gearing up one by one, ready to have a big meal.

And the group of experts standing in front of the hospital sniffed their noses and swallowed continuously.

"What kind of delicacy does Lin Feng cook? It is so fragrant. Also, as he said just now, these fish soup are actually used to treat and prevent diseases? This is impossible, right?"

Doctor Meng also licked her lips, her belly grumbled, showing how powerful Lin Feng's hero fish soup is.

The other doctors and experts are similar, it is not deceiving to be hungry, nor is the incomparably delicious fragrance.

At this time, no matter whether Lin Feng's hero fish soup can cure the disease, these doctors and experts, just like those pedestrians, can't wait to eat a bowl of hero fish soup.

"It smells so good! San Shugong, this Lin Feng can't heal the disease, but the fish soup cooked by the person who called is amazing!"

Even Liu Botao couldn't help but swallowed, and said, "We might as well let him do it slowly, and drink a bowl of fish soup at that time."

"En! This tastes great, I have eaten all over the country, and I have never eaten such a delicious fish soup!" Liu Qingshi was also eager to see, although he tried to maintain the identity and style of the leader of the dragon group A, but that The Adam's apple, which kept swallowing saliva, betrayed him.

At this time, Xiao Nishang quickly ran into the hospital while everyone was not paying attention, grabbed an empty iron bowl from a patient, washed it, and quickly ran to the open space, holding the iron bowl. He shouted at Lin Feng, "Hurry up! Hurry up... Lin Feng, I can't wait. The hero fish soup you made this time seems to be better than before. Get me a bowl first to relieve my greed. !"

"Haha! Crazy girl, even you can't help it? This time the fish soup is more delicious than before, because these fish have been in my Shenshui space for a full day and night!"

Lin Feng sniffed the aroma of his own nose and said with a smile. In the past, the hero fish soup of the hero restaurant temporarily kept the incoming fish in a storage tank containing a small amount of sacred water. In fact, the content of the sacred water absorbed by these fish is particularly small.

But this time, because Lin Feng didn't have time to pick out these fishes again yesterday, the result was that these fishes survived all day and night in the Shenshui space. That's all full of divine water! These fishes breathe and absorb 100% divine water in it every second, so they are about to become refined and become especially plump.

It was also by chance that Lin Feng thought of using Hero Yugeng as a vehicle to treat diseases, not only to avoid the sensation caused by directly curing those patients with Shenshui, but also to start the name of Hero Yugeng. It's totally killing two birds with one stone.

"I don't care! Lin Feng, hurry up, give me a bowl first!"

Xiao Nishang, a grinning little fairy, kept twisting his body, holding a bowl to beg.

"Wait a minute, crazy girl, it's not hot yet..." Lin Feng said sternly.

"It's okay! It's okay! You quickly find a similar one, I want it now, it's okay when it's almost fired."

Looking through his eyes, Xiao Nishang pitifully brought the iron bowl to Lin Feng's face, and said indifferently.

"Oh! I'm really afraid of you! This pot! It should be almost done, barely able to lock the deliciousness of the soup..."

Holding the iron bowl obtained by Xiao Nishang, holding the large spoon, and lifting the lid of the big pot of hero fish soup.


The delicious aroma quickly spread, and the moment the entire pot lid was opened, countless brilliance seemed to shine in all directions.

Everyone present poked their heads and took a breath, and the fragrance in the air became more intense.

Everyone watched enviously as Lin Feng used an iron spoon to scoop a spoonful into Xiao Nishang's iron bowl, and then immediately after, Xiao Nishang ignored the very high temperature of the fish soup just out of the pot, and directly blew a few breaths. He sent it to his mouth.

"Tsk tsk... delicious! So delicious... yeah! So hot! So hot..."

Even if Xiao Nishang is a cultivator~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I am afraid of getting hot! However, under the incomparable deliciousness of this hero fish soup, what is the point of burning your mouth? Xiao Nishang's bowl was quickly hot and his stomach was red, but he was still unsatisfied. He immediately stretched the iron bowl in front of Lin Feng and shouted: "Hurry up...Lin Feng, give me another bowl. !"

"Aren't you afraid of burning to death?"

Lin Feng immediately scooped a bowl for Xiao Nishang. Seeing Xiao Nishang eating so fragrant, coupled with the scent of that hot pot of hero fish soup, everyone was very envious, and their index fingers moved.

When several children saw this, they all yelled.

"Mom! I want to eat too..."

"Didn't that big brother say that he can eat it for us?"

"Wow...I want to eat! I want to eat..."


"Okay! It’s almost time for other pots, everyone line up! We also have one-time sterilized bowls here, come one by one, big guys, come! Open all the lids! You can get out! Wok..."

It was estimated that the time was almost up. Under Lin Feng’s order, sizzling... dozens of large iron pots were opened at the same time, and the steaming heat rose. Within a few kilometers of the hospital, it was instantly This scent diffused thoroughly.

"Hurry up in line! Hurry up and line up to eat..."

"Don't jump in the line, I'm ahead!"


And those long-awaited patients and passers-by, after Lin Feng's order, consciously formed a long line in front of every iron pot.

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