Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1651: Dreaming Symbol

A handcuffs shortened the distance between Lin Feng and Wang Yajun so quickly.

Wang Yajun, who can't laugh or cry, and Lin Feng, who can't stop laughing, are obviously a pair of happy friends!

"This matter, Lin Feng, you must forget it right away! You know? You can't talk to other people, you know?"

After coming out of the bathroom, Wang Yajun repeatedly emphasized that Lin Feng should forget about it.

"I see, Teacher Wang, but... it's really funny! I really want to take a picture of your expression just now. I believe you will definitely not help laughing when you see it."

Lin Feng's laughter continued, and even after returning to the bedroom, seeing Wang Yajun's embarrassed and shy look, there was a real feeling in his heart that he couldn't tell.

"Don't laugh! Lin Feng, lie down and sleep!"

What can Wang Yajun do with such a thing? Who made himself so unlucky today that he and Lin Feng were tortured together! At this time, Wang Yajun is really regretful, what kind of police uniform playing game he played! In the end, Lin Feng took advantage of it, and he was embarrassed.

"Don't do that! Teacher Wang, aren't we still even? When I was in the bathroom just now, you secretly looked at me... I saw you secretly! Who doesn't want to go to the bathroom? This is a very normal thing, there is nothing to be ashamed of!" Lin Feng lay on the bed, moved Wang Yajun with his elbow, and comforted her.

"Aren't you embarrassed? Then you keep laughing at me?" Wang Yajun muttered, his desire to die was gone.

"Did I laugh? Oh! Teacher Wang, I was laughing at you. You are so cute. Just like a little girl, she just suffocates to go to the bathroom. I really admire you!" Lin Feng said and laughed. Up.

"Look... laughed again! Ignore you, I sleep on my own!"

After speaking, Wang Yajun covered his head with a quilt and went to sleep in anger.

"Oh, Teacher Wang, look at you... I really didn't mean to laugh at you! How cute is your embarrassing look just now!"

Looking at Wang Yajun's embarrassed look, and recalling the shocking glimpse he had just seen, Lin Feng was really fortunate to have lost the key to the handcuffs, otherwise, wouldn't he see such a wonderful scenery?

Night, it's a bit cold!

The night is too deep!

I don't know when, Wang Yajun and Lin Feng fell asleep.

However, in his sleep, Wang Yajun's body suddenly shivered, and kept pulling the quilt tightly, covering himself, and then yelling in his mouth: "Don't Don't... Dad, I don't want to do this..."

"What's the matter? Teacher Wang! Teacher Wang...what's wrong with you?"

Lin Feng, who had just fallen asleep for a while, was immediately awakened by Wang Yajun's screams. He immediately shook Wang Yajun, but it seemed that Wang Yajun was asleep and could not wake up at all.

Her brows were furrowed, her hands were clenched tightly, her lips were a little purple, and she was still trembling, as if she had encountered something terrible in her dream.

"Ms. Wang has a nightmare? And it doesn't seem to be an ordinary nightmare. The mental fluctuations in her body are very strange, and... how can a strong chill be revealed in her body? Why didn't I notice it before? To?"

After discovering this anomaly, Lin Feng didn't dare to try to wake Wang Yajun anymore. He felt that this nightmare was definitely not simple, and it was also closely related to the sudden and powerful chill in Wang Yajun.

"At this moment, if Teacher Wang, who was caught in a nightmare, is suddenly awakened by force, she may suffer severe damage to her brain, and may even be obsessed with the nightmare and unable to wake up forever."

After understanding the seriousness of the matter, Lin Feng hesitated for a moment, looking at the uncomfortable expression on Wang Yajun's face, he immediately bit his finger and drew a dream sign in his palm.

"It seems that this can only be done. If I can't wake up Teacher Wang, then I will go to Teacher Wang's dream to see what happened."

After the dream sign was drawn, Wang Yajun's head was gently raised, and the dream sign in the palm of his hand was pasted on the back of her head.


Motivated the Dream Talisman, Lin Feng's spiritual sense was also shocked, and when he felt it again, he had already entered a gray and cold world.

"Here? Is it in the dream state that Teacher Wang is now having?"

Walking around, Lin Feng looked around. This is a very simple capital mansion, which should have been transformed from the mansion of some ancient prince or minister. The lanterns hanging in the quaint corridors are also filled with modified electric light bulbs, and there are teams of soldiers patrolling around from time to time.

"Couldn't this be where Teacher Wang lived when he was a child? What about Teacher Wang's people?"

Looking around and searching, Lin Feng suddenly heard a joyful sound of children playing: "Little doll~www.wuxiaspot.com~ really beautiful, playing house, drinking wedding drinks..."

"This voice, that little girl in the courtyard...it should be Teacher Wang."

Looking forward, Lin Feng saw in a yard overgrown with weeds, a very delicate little girl in a bright red dress was holding a beautiful doll and playing in the yard.

Depending on the young girl's age, she should be only four or five years old. She obediently placed a few bricks and bowls in the yard to entertain herself.

"It turns out that Teacher Wang was so lonely when he was young! You can only play by yourself. It seems that children born in these families are not so happy."

Because Lin Feng knew that everything here appeared in Wang Yajun's dream, it was obvious that these would have a significant impact on Wang Yajun's life, otherwise he would not repeat the dream.

"Yajun! You are playing around here again, did you practice today? Hurry up and practice."

A majestic voice suddenly sounded, and Wang Yajun who was playing shivered, and the doll he was holding fell to the ground. Turning his head, he saw his majestic father and said timidly: "Dad! Yajun don't practice. , Yajun hates practicing..."

"You can't do it without practicing! Yajun, you are a natural body of cold ice. If you cultivate this set of ice palms that your father exchanged from the Tianshan Mountains, it will not be a problem at all to cultivate to the acquired peak, or even the innate realm!"

The middle-aged man who suddenly appeared behind Wang Yajun was Wang Yajun's father. Lin Feng saw his name in one eye and Li in the other eye, completely using his daughter Wang Yajun as a tool for practice.

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