Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1550: Get down!

, The fastest update to the latest chapters of urban super cultivation evildoer! Pick a group of special forces instructors alone?

What a big tone! Everyone who heard Lin Feng's words was shocked, and then they all laughed again.

Let alone a group of elite special forces, even an ordinary soldier, a freshman who has just entered the university and knows some kung fu, has two fists and four legs.

"What's the matter with the squad leader? It's just a one-on-one match. How can he say that one person beats this group of instructors? Where can he beat it?"

The deputy squad leader Zhao Zhong is also full of black lines. He has always thought that Lin Feng is very powerful, but this time he really thinks that Lin Feng's pretending to be overdone.

"Lin Feng, you... don't talk nonsense! How can you beat so many instructors alone?" Qin Yanran hurriedly pulled Lin Feng, wanting to remind him to change.

"Lin Feng! You..."

Wang Yajun was also a kind of hatred for iron and steel, and stared at Lin Feng. She originally came here to try to relieve Lin Feng and find the steps to get down, but now it's better. Lin Feng's words directly pushed the matter to the point. The point of reversal.

Those freshmen in other classes were also on Lin Feng's side and supported Lin Feng and the instructors in their fight against each other. No way, they have received too many hard-working instructors during this time.

However, they were all dumbfounded when they heard Lin Feng said that they would choose a group of instructors alone. Like Zhao Zhong, they also felt that Lin Feng's forcefulness was a bit too much.

One thousand points!

This is absolutely worth a thousand points!

However, Lin Feng who pretended to be forced, in their opinion, might die very miserably in a while.

"Haha... laughed me to death! Hangyu, did you hear that? There was a mess over there, and Lin Feng actually dared to say, fight a group of instructors alone. We'll wait to see him being beaten. Pig's head!" Ye Zhou hugged his stomach and leaned forward and backward with a smile.

"Huh! It's just a pity that these instructors will definitely have a sense of measure. At most, Lin Feng will be slightly injured."

Hu Hangyu also said very contemptuously. Originally, he had only a little bit of hatred for Lin Feng, but now that Lin Feng has completely overshadowed his light in the school, he can't wait for these special forces instructors to severely wound Lin Feng. It's best to not be on campus for a year or a half.

However, Hu Hangyu knows that in Qingbei University, these special forces instructors still pay attention to organization and discipline. They dare not severely wound Lin Feng, and will only give a slight lesson to Lin Feng.

"Big guy, don't...you don't fight him..."

The special forces instructors were eagerly eagerly excited, planning to give a severe lesson to Lin Feng, a thorny student who didn't know the height of the sky. However, the instructor tank, who was lying on the ground unable to get up, shouted with all his strength.

"Tank, you were beaten to the ground by him, and are you still protecting him? Don't worry, we won't be heavy, so he won't get out of bed for a few days." The big guy mistook the tank for fear of Lin Feng being beaten by them. Severe injury is not easy to end, so he smiled and comforted.

But in fact, the tank is very clear about Lin Feng’s strength. The warriors in the later days of acquired, let alone your group of special forces warriors of the second and third layers of acquired, even a group of acquired middle-tier warriors, can also be defeated with speed and strength. .

Although two fists are hard to beat four legs, but when the strength is large enough, the gap caused by the number can be ignored.

But now the internal organs of the tank are all overwhelmed, and they have suffered a lot of internal injuries. There is no way to explain clearly, and they can only watch these comrades step in his footsteps.

Not far away, Zhong Yi, the commander of the Sharp Blade Special Forces Regiment, and several lieutenants were watching the development of this matter.

"Vice regiment Zhang, what do you think? This Lin Feng seems to have a bit of skill! It can get the tank on the second floor of the day after tomorrow to the ground." The regiment commander Zhong Yi asked the deputy commander beside him with a scheming look. Tao.

"Head, there are many children from the ancient martial arts family in the capital. This is normal. However, this Lin Feng doesn't have the slightest martial arts aura in his body. It is estimated that he does not even have the acquired level. Maybe he just mastered some martial arts skills."

Deputy Commander Zhang smiled and said with a little disdain, "However, no matter what kind of ancient martial family he is, he was so arrogant and presumptuous during military training at Qingbei University. Even if our soldiers injured him, they The family members can’t do anything with us, and thank us for helping them educate their children!"

"That's the truth, the Hu family's kid also saw this Lin Feng not pleasing to the eye, and asked me to teach him a lesson! You know, I have a good relationship with his old man, and I always have to take care of this nephew..."

Commander Zhong pursed his mouth and said, "However, you should also pay attention, don't really hurt this Lin Feng."

"I know, head, I'll come forward in time in a while." Deputy head Zhang nodded.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Feng was bragging and was about to be beaten up by the instructors, Lin Feng made a move, and his first target was the arrogant big instructor in front of him.


No nonsense!

Clean and neat!

Lin Feng slammed his chin with a fist when the big instructor was laughing most proudly, and immediately slammed his body weighing more than two hundred kilograms into the air, and fell harder than the tank just now. To the ground.

No one thought that Lin Feng singled out a group of instructors, and even dared to do it first.

"Sneak attack? Brothers, let's go together! Help the big guy and the tank take revenge!"

"This kid is too arrogant, let's go together!"


Originally, these instructors really didn't want to fight Lin Feng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because they felt that a big man was enough. As a result, the big guy was punched by Lin Feng before he even started, immediately angering the group of special forces instructors, waving their fists one by one, and killing Lin Feng.

"Ah! Really gang fight! Squad leader, be careful!"

"Lin Feng, be careful..."


The sixty or seventy special forces instructors all rushed towards Lin Feng in a violent state, and the surrounding freshmen couldn't help but instinctively step back for fear of being injured by mistake.

Some timid girls had already covered their eyes, and couldn't bear to see Lin Feng being beaten by a group.

But in the next second, it exceeded everyone's expectations. Painful screams came out one after another, but it was not Lin Feng's voice, but the instructors who rushed to kill one by one.

"Slow! Too slow... Can you defend your country like this?"

"The basic skills are not solid! Huh? Why did it fall after a push?"

"You are too slow to punch, right?"

"This leg is too boring, right? The country raises you all to eat shit?"


Like clouds and flowing water, Lin Feng walked comfortably among the sixty or seventy instructors, and then easily knocked down all the capable special forces instructors with one punch and one palm.

It turned out that these screams were the screams of the special forces instructors. They didn’t even see Lin Feng’s figure clearly. They felt a sudden pain in a certain part of their body, and then the whole person screamed and flew out and fell heavily. On the ground.

Not only that, Lin Feng dealt with these special forces instructors one by one, and he didn't forget to say cold words, all these special forces elites, who obviously had acquired the second and third layers of cultivation, were all said to be vulnerable.

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