Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1525: Inner throbbing

, The fastest update to the latest chapters of urban super cultivation evildoer! "Teacher Wang, look at my dress... it's really weird."

With some twisting, Lin Feng walked out of the bedroom embarrassedly.

"Hehe! It's still pretty good! It's an enlarged version of the gourd baby, how cute... Lin Feng, look at the gourd above your head, it's all worn crookedly..."

For a long time, Wang Yajun wears these special clothes in private to satisfy his inner desire. But now, seeing Lin Feng also put on the gourd baby costume, I was touched and funny.

"Quickly, quickly... try other costumes again, wait... Come on, let me take a picture of this for you first..."

Picking up the newly bought higher-resolution Leica camera, Wang Yajun asked Lin Feng, who was wearing a gourd baby costume, to pose, and then snapped a picture.

"Oh! Lin Feng, why are your movements so unnatural? Your expression is also very stiff...come here...be natural, the corners of your mouth are slightly upwards..."

At this time, Wang Yajun suddenly discovered that trying on clothes and taking photos for Lin Feng felt happier than taking photos with them. So, taking advantage of the victory, Wang Yajun took out all the clothes in the room, and forced Lin Feng to wear them one by one.

"Ms. Wang, okay? This is the eighth set..."

Lin Feng really doesn't understand. If Wang Yajun really has ulterior motives for herself, is it really just to make herself wear the clothes she prepared to take pictures?

"Far away! There are five or six sets here... Hold on... Lin Feng, don't you want the excellent class honor in your class?"

Under Wang Yajun's repeated threats, Lin Feng had no choice but to change one after another. But when she saw Wang Yajun taking pictures of herself, the innocent and natural smile on her face, Lin Feng felt that it was unlikely to be pretending.

Moreover, from beginning to end, Wang Yajun did not seek any other information or benefits from himself. The beauty counselor teacher who looks serious and mature on the surface is actually as innocent and lonely as a little girl in her heart. She doesn't seem to have any friends or hobbies. Such a happy smile can only be obtained when taking pictures with herself...

"Come here...Lin Feng, you have to be more charming with this look, do you know? Haha..."

Wang Yajun, who had never had such a good time, had already forgotten about it. He played with his digital camera for a whole night. Although he was tired and sweating, he was extremely happy.

"Teacher Wang, this is the last one... You see it's a little over one o'clock in the morning now... I will have military training tomorrow..."

After finishing the last set of costumes that Wang Yajun brought out, Lin Feng hurriedly interrupted, because he was afraid that Wang Yajun would not know where to take out a bunch of costumes for a while, so he wouldn't want to sleep tonight.

"Okay! Let's do this today, hehe... Lin Feng, thank you for playing with the teacher for so long. But I really didn't expect that taking pictures of others would be so fun. Come and see you just now. Those poses are really funny..."

Wang Yajun wiped the sweat from his forehead, holding the digital camera, and sitting intimately on the sofa with Lin Feng, showing the photos just taken in the digital camera.

"Isn't it? It turns out that I was wearing that Hokage costume just now? This expression is too...too spoof..."

"Teacher Wang, you are very bad! Deliberately let me pose like this, it looks like an alpaca..."

"Ah! Teacher Wang, you cheated me again! No, such a destructive photo must be deleted..."


Before changing clothes and posing, Lin Feng didn't think there was anything, even a little boring. But now, when sitting with Wang Yajun looking at the photos, I have completely forgotten the boredom and fatigue before.

Looking at the funny pictures in the digital camera and Wang Yajun's smirking comments, Lin Feng also blended into it, and started laughing and flirting with Wang Yajun.

And Wang Yajun didn't even realize that he was so intimate with a member of the opposite sex.

Before he knew it, Wang Yajun shrank into Lin Feng's arms, smelling the good-smelling masculine breath of Lin Feng's body, and couldn't help feeling a little confused.

She doesn't know how it feels like this? Wang Yajun, who has never been in love, and has never had such contact with boys, is even a little afraid of this feeling of herself.

When Lin Feng's hands unconsciously wanted to take Wang Yajun into his arms, Wang Yajun seemed to be electrocuted, and he bounced away.

"Teacher Wang, you...what's wrong with you?"

Lin Feng was also taken aback by Wang Yajun's actions ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ asked suspiciously.

"No...nothing, Lin Feng, it's late today. It's almost two o'clock... You go to bed now! You have military training tomorrow..."

After taking a deep breath, Wang Yajun's chest was up and down, frowning, and after speaking, he fled and ran back to his bedroom.

"This Teacher Wang is really strange..."

Lin Feng shook his head and took a deep breath. Wang Yajun's faint fragrance still remained on the sofa, and Lin Feng's heart was itchy, and there was a little throbbing. But at this time, the words of the crazy girl Xiao Nishang rang in Lin Feng's ears.

"No! I can't be too greedy... I already have Yanran, Sister Qingqing, Sister Tongtong, and crazy girl... How can I... Besides, Teacher Wang is not interested in me, and only met for a few days. That’s it. And, if it’s true as the crazy girl said, if Teacher Wang is the granddaughter of Elder Wang, then she must have a purpose when she approaches me..."

Lin Feng, who calmed down, simply tidied up, then lay down in his bedroom and went to sleep. Today was considered tired all day, so Lin Feng quickly entered his dream.

However, in the other bedroom, Wang Yajun turned over and over and couldn't sleep at all. Her mind has been stuck in the picture just now, and then she couldn't help embracing her two arms, biting her lip and trying to recall the feeling just now, "Is this the feeling of being held by a man? Very warm , Very...very secure..."

There was a throbbing in her heart, and Wang Yajun felt a little at a loss. After all, she had never felt this way before. This was the first time that Lin Feng felt such a throbbing.

The ignorant girl's heart, when the rain of love comes, it immediately grows up like a sapling.

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