Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1521: Forbidden land

, The fastest update to the latest chapters of urban super cultivation evildoer! Looking at this blank area in the northeast of Qingbei University, Lin Feng became a little puzzled.

Because, according to the records at the time, construction of the student dormitory in this area was suspended because it was in a difficult period in China and the school’s funds were insufficient, so half of the dormitory building had to be suspended.

However, after so many years, Qingbei University has long been the first university with the most abundant scientific research capabilities and funds in China. Why hasn't that area of ​​unfinished buildings included in the school's planning map?

"Is it possible that this area has been contracted out again and used for other planning?"

Perceiving something abnormal, Lin Feng hurriedly took out his mobile phone and checked the map. He wanted to know what exactly this area was used for. Does it still belong to the planning area of ​​Qingbei University, or is it already used by outsiders for commercial use?

After all, this is in the capital city of an inch of gold, such a large area of ​​nearly ten acres of land, if it is developed into a real estate, it is absolutely priceless.

However, when Lin Feng took out his mobile phone to search for this area, the map showed that this area was reserved by Qingbei University. Open the satellite picture again, you can see that the above is still in a state of unfinished building, which is no different from the photos shown in the school history museum.

At this moment, Lin Feng became even more strange. This is more than thirty years later. Why did Qingbei University and even the Beijing City Government not plan to develop such a large area? The capital city of Kedu has already been developed outside the Fifth Ring. It can be seen how tight the land is. Could it be said that there is any hidden secret in it?

"Ms. Wang... I have a problem..."

Lin Feng, who had doubts in his mind, immediately found the instructor teacher Wang Yajun who was explaining the contents of the school history.

"Student Lin Feng, what's the problem with you? Now it's almost time, everyone will follow me out of the second exit. Hurry up to finish the meal and take a bath..."

When other students were present, Wang Yajun's attitude towards Lin Feng was no different from other students.

"Teacher Wang, when I passed the school's pioneering history, I discovered that the wasteland in the northeast corner seems to have not been effectively developed for so many years! Why is this?"

Walking to the exit with the classmates, Lin Feng raised his doubts to Wang Yajun.

"That wasteland?"

Hearing Lin Feng mentioning this, Wang Yajun was obviously frightened, and then immediately explained, "I am not very clear about this. It is estimated that the school has been developing scientific research and teaching, and the dormitory and teaching buildings are sufficient. It has not been developed! Moreover, the wasteland is very close to our teaching building. If construction starts, it will definitely affect the teachers and students' classes..."

"Sufficient dormitories and teaching buildings? But when I just read the school history, in the past ten years, our school had to build five more dormitories in the already crowded dormitory area due to enrollment expansion. The same is true for the teaching building. Why would you rather expand in the originally crowded area than re-use this wasteland for development?"

Obviously, Wang Yajun's explanation just now did not convince Lin Feng, but made Lin Feng's doubts deeper.

"Then I don't know. Maybe the school leaders have other considerations! Lin Feng, if I have something to do, I will leave first. You remember our evening appointment..."

Seeing Wang Yajun leaving in a hurry, Lin Feng always felt that there was something in it, and he was sure that Wang Yajun was hiding something from him.

"That's right! Go back and ask the guys in the dormitory! They are the old fried dough sticks in the school after all, especially Brother Kai. The school forums are all under his control. Any rumors and legends must be clear. of……"

Thinking of this, Lin Feng, Qin Yanran, and Xiao Nishang hurried back to the dormitory after having dinner in the cafeteria.

Sure enough, Li Kai and Muronghui of Wannianzhai were in the dormitory. Almost none of them went out of the dormitory to eat in the cafeteria. When they arrived, they ordered takeaway.

"Brother Kai, I have a question for you."

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Lin Feng pulled Li Kai, who was playing on the computer and eating takeout, and asked, "Do you know that wasteland in the northeast corner of the school?"


As soon as Li Kai, who was drinking the soup, heard Lin Feng's question, he squirted the soup out of his mouth with a puff, and then quickly drew a tissue to wipe his mouth and computer.

"What's wrong? Brother Kai, you should have such a big reaction. Could it be that there is something wrong with that wasteland?"

Seeing Li Kai's reaction, Lin Feng became even more curious. Moreover, it seems that Murong Hui, who was playing the game, stopped in an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What's the matter? Brother Hui and Brother Kai, you two must know something, right? What's the big deal in this wasteland? Tell me quickly? "Lin Feng's curiosity is even greater.

"Boss, you... What are you asking about that wasteland? That's not a good place. You don't want to go there, right?" Li Kai wiped his mouth and said hesitantly.

"That's right! Boss, the school is surrounded by that wasteland, you must never go there!"

Muronghui swallowed too, and said with a pale face.

"Let me not go? I didn't plan to go! I just saw the record of that wasteland in the school history museum today, and I was a little curious." Lin Feng frowned.

"That's good! Boss, I thought you heard some rumors and wanted to explore the wasteland! That's a forbidden land in our school! The school has clearly hung up warning signs around, not allowing anyone to enter without authorization. of."

Li Kai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Lin Feng did not intend to go to the wasteland.

"Forbidden land? Why? It's such a large area. It's a pity that it's surrounded and not developed! Moreover, there are already so many unfinished buildings inside..." Lin Feng is even more strange, a good wasteland. Why has it become a forbidden place for the school?

"Boss! Let me tell you, the reason why this place is a forbidden place is because there is trouble there..."

Muronghui said with a gloomy expression, but Li Kai interrupted him before he finished speaking, "Ahui! What nonsense! This matter has nothing to do with the boss, don't talk nonsense..."

"Brother Kai, this is no secret. Besides, among the three or four students in the school, who does not know that this wasteland is haunted!" Finally, Muronghui told the truth about this wasteland.

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