Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1506: I'm going to make an excellent class

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The military training for freshmen at Qingbei University actually includes three parts.

One is military training, followed by the freshman sports meet and freshman art evening after military training.

Needless to say, the content of the military training, there will be a military show at the end of the time, and the school and military training instructors will give each class and even each student a score. The next freshman sports meeting is also the highlight. Although it is just a few simple projects, it is also the module that can most motivate the unity of the class and make students trust each other.

The last freshman art party is a bonus point to show the students' respective talents and abilities. However, the last two items have to wait until half a month after the end of the military training for freshmen.

"Class leader! But having said that, Fu Yangxu's International Trade (1) class is indeed very strong. Not only Fu Yangxu himself is a special admission for track and field, but their class has several piano tenth grades, and the violin has also participated in the art tour. Health!"

Zhao Zhong, who had just spoken quite stiffly, was also a little discouraged after Fu Yangxu left. Because among the several professional classes in the School of Economics, Fu Yangxu's International Trade (1) class does have that strength.

"Yes! Squad leader, as far as I know it now, our class seems to have no specialties in sports or art. It seems that if we really want to compete for the honor of an excellent class, we must be in military training. I’ll get more points when I’m in. I hope our instructors are better and can give us a higher score..."

Zhu Yi, who was tall and thin, was also worried, obviously because he didn't have much confidence in Lin Feng's words to get an excellent class.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't I here? The honor of an excellent class, the School of Economics has only seven or eight classes. Will we still not get it?"

Soothed Zhao Zhong and the others. Lin Feng saw that he had received military training equipment in his class, and he said to them, "We are now quickly taking the equipment back and telling the classmates that our class is determined to compete for the best class. It also boosts morale and performs well during military training."

"Teacher Ou, the next one is Economics (2), the monitor is Lin Feng."

Ou Yong, who was distributing military training equipment, immediately turned his head when he heard the report from his student cadres.

"Teacher Ou, this is the list of students in our Economics (2) class. Let's get military training equipment. There are 56 students in our class, including 31 girls and 25 boys."

When he walked in front of Ou Yong, Lin Feng thought that Ou Yong would deliberately make things difficult for himself, even if he didn't make things difficult, at least he didn't have a good face. But what he didn't expect was that Ou Yong even cared about himself with a smile on his face and said, "Student Lin Feng! This is the military training equipment of your class. How about taking a look at it? How about being the squad leader? Yes. Wherever you need help, just come to the teacher. If the military training clothes of your classmates do not fit the size, you can change it!"

"Thank you! Teacher Ou, I have just served as the monitor."

Lin Feng was a little surprised. Ou Yong didn't make things difficult for himself at all, and he was even more enthusiastic than other class monitors. What exactly is this matter about? Is it because after he moved out of Teacher Wang's dormitory, this Ou Yong didn't hate himself?

"Squad leader, it turns out that the rumors are wrong? It is said that Teacher Ou is very opinionated about you, but just now, Teacher Ou clearly cares about you." Zhu Yi was very strange with a few large boxes of military training clothes. Ask Lin Feng.

After all, on the day of the school report, many freshmen witnessed the conflict between Lin Feng and Ou Yong!

"Yes! Squad leader, it seems that Teacher Ou is not as careful as in the legend! Even though you let him lose face in front of Teacher Wang that day, the teacher Ou did not want to wear shoes for you. "Wang Yidi also echoed.

"But it's not right! If Teacher Ou didn't wear shoes for the monitor, why did he arrange for the monitor to live in the devil's dormitory?" Zhao Zhong wondered.

"Maybe Teacher Ou knew that the devil's dormitory was not a problem for the monitor at all?" Zhu Yi smiled and said to Lin Feng, "Squad leader, are you right?"

"Stop flattering! Everyone walk faster, it's eight o'clock in a while. The students are probably waiting in a hurry in the class..."

Although Lin Feng was surprised by the change in Ou Yong’s attitude, no matter what he thinks about, Ou Yong is a teacher at Qingbei University after all. He should have basic qualities and character. Maybe he really figured it out. Did you get it right?

Lin Feng is actually a very good talker, as long as the other party does not deliberately make things difficult for himself, people will not offend me and I will not offend others!

Back in the classroom, as soon as Lin Feng came back, the students who were talking noisily immediately calmed down.

"The monitor is back!"

"Squad leader~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How about you tell us a few words in our class!"

"Yes! Yesterday's speech was great! I didn't hear enough..."


Obviously, the chicken soup effect of Lin Feng's speech yesterday is still continuing, especially the girls in the class, and the girls who didn't like Lin Feng yesterday, today all looked at Lin Feng with admiration.

Most of the boys also expressed their conviction to Lin Feng. After all, even the devil seniors in the devil's dormitory have all been cleaned up, so why are they not convinced? However, there are still a few boys who are still not convinced, looking at Lin Feng with a trace of jealousy and dissatisfaction.

But now the general trend is that all the students in the class are very satisfied and proud of Lin Feng as the monitor. Naturally, some boys who are not satisfied dare not say anything.

"Classmates, be quiet! Please be quiet! Let your monitor, Lin Feng, distribute everyone's military training equipment one by one in order. When you lead the military training equipment, the teacher will emphasize the precautions during military training. ..."

The head teacher Gao Hong also wiped a sweat for Lin Feng. In fact, he did not expect that Lin Feng would become an outstanding freshman representative yesterday, and he would conquer everyone in the class with a single speech. Seeing that everyone supported Lin Feng as the monitor, Mr. Gao also let go of his hanging heart. Originally, he was thinking about the two hours of preparation time today to design some game projects to let the monitor Lin Feng increase his prestige. Yes, it seems unnecessary now.

"Huh! I'm exhausted, crazy girl, how's it going? Military training will start soon, are you afraid?"

After sending out the military training equipment, the head teacher Gao Hong said on the podium some precautions for military training, but Lin Feng sat next to Xiao Nishang and asked with a smile.

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