Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1485: Be a happy person

, The fastest update to the latest chapters of urban super cultivation evildoer! Just be happy?

What the **** is this?

When all the teachers and students of Qingbei University were eagerly looking forward to Lin Feng's talk, Lin Feng unexpectedly said these four words.

What is happiness?

What is happiness?

Who doesn't know how to be happy?

The four words that Lin Feng blurted out immediately dazzled everyone.

"Just happy? What exactly does Lin Feng want to say? Why don't I have a clue?" Principal Li was a little confused.

"President Li, Lin Feng is like this. After hearing the end, I don't know what he is going to say..." Old Professor Ding Li said with a smile.

"Just happy? Lin Feng, what do you want to say...what is it?" Qin Yanran also widened Shui Lingling's big eyes, earning her small fist nervously, and waiting for Lin Feng to continue talking.

"Huh! Lin Feng is about to confuse the crowd again..." Xiao Nishang pouted and couldn't help but focus on Lin Feng on the rostrum.


The other students are in a similar state, a little expecting, a little confused, a little puzzled...

Everyone is waiting for Lin Feng to continue talking, what exactly is "just happy"? What exactly does Lin Feng want to tell us?

Lin Feng condescendingly observed the reactions of his classmates, seeing that everyone's appetite was lifted, and the feelings brewing in his heart reached a peak, he began to vent in one breath:

"I have been living very seriously all the time. I think that I study hard, work hard, and work hard to accomplish various difficult tasks, which is the meaning of life.

I have always been very serious about fulfilling the expectations of my parents. I think that my excellent grades and admission to Qingbei University is the meaning of life.

I have always been very serious about fulfilling the requirements and expectations of many others. I think that being the object of envy in the eyes of others is the meaning of life.

But, I'm sorry, it turns out that everything I thought all the time was really not the meaning of my life.

Sorry! It turns out that all the hard work I have made all the time does not seem to make me really happy.

I used to feel cheered because I won first place for the first time. I thought...that was happiness, but in fact, it was not.

I used to be happy because I became the envy and advertised object of other classmates and parents. I thought...that was happiness, but in fact, it was not.

I used to……"

A series of parallel sentences struck like mountains and seas. Lin Feng did not draft the draft, because he was not bragging, nor did Lin Feng have any idioms and language organization, because he just played on the spot, but only brewed his emotions to the highest point. , But every word spoken comes from the heart, from the true feelings.

And the freshmen present at the school heard so many "always", so many "I thought", so many "I used to", so many "not"...

Suddenly, everything in Lin Feng's mouth was embedded in their own memory, awakening their true inner world. Didn't the scenes Lin Feng mentioned all have been experienced by each of them since childhood?

They are the pride of the sky, they are the masters! It is what other parents call the "children of other people's families", and they are the top students who exchange their sweat and hard work for grades.

However, this is nothing. No matter how many achievements or rewards they get, as Lin Feng said later, they are not happy, not happy, and not happy. All of this is not The meaning of their lives.

"Yes! I'm not happy... I am very unhappy, but... I have to pretend to be happy. All the time, what I have done is the expectations of others. Like an obedient doll, I go with precision. Make a good script and action one after another. But, I am a human! I am a living person who has flesh and blood, thoughts, emotions, dreams, and pursuit of the meaning of life!"

The voice was like overwhelming mountains, and Lin Feng unknowingly used a little skill he learned from observing Su Zixuan's voice, which made the whole speech even more infectious.

Following Lin Feng's rhythm, everyone took a deep breath and was thrown to the highest point like a roller coaster, and the unhappy resentment from the depths of the soul was completely accumulated to the extreme.


Each of us is a living person with flesh and blood, who should have his own dreams and pursuits!

Why do you force yourself to do things you don't like for the expectations and wishes of others?

Why do you want to hide your true heart and pursuits because of external pressure and constraints?

"I'm not happy! I'm not happy! I'm not happy!"

After three consecutive "No~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Lin Feng has clearly felt that the hearts of almost everyone present are open, and the true feelings they usually hide under the external surface can't help but spray out.

"and so……"

Stretching his voice, Lin Feng’s determined expression became particularly infectious and charming. He slowly raised his right hand, as if he had joined the Young Pioneers as the day when he became the successor of communism, very solemnly. Swearing: "So, starting from today, I will be a happy person, happy person, happy person..."

At this moment, Lin Feng did not call, nor did he call for anything. He just raised his right hand so simply, but almost all the new students were infected. Everyone followed Lin Feng and raised his right hand. Following Lin Feng, solemnly swore: "From today, I will be a happy person, a happy person, and a happy person."

"I, Lin Feng, no longer live for the expectations of others, I will fight for my dreams..."

As soon as Lin Feng finished his sentence, the freshmen below immediately repeated impassionedly.

"I, Qin Yanran, will no longer live for the expectations of others, I will fight for my dreams..."

"I, Xiao Nishang, no longer live for the expectations of others, I will fight for my dreams..."

"I, Hu Hangyu, no longer live for the expectations of others, I will fight for my dreams..."


There is no rehearsal, no slogans in unison, and no grudges and hostility. At this moment, Lin Feng used the most sincere emotions to guide everyone's innermost desire for freedom and happiness. Yes, we all want to do one. Happy people, just live and be happy!

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