Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1483: Love and freedom!

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Zeng served the king for three or five years, but fell to the side of the palace for the first time.

If the city gate is gone today, the lonely heart will be empty and sad.

In the sad life experience from singing, dancing and green color are also prisoners.

The distressed young man knows nothing, and he knew where he would be with the king.

Day after day and year after year, the beauty of the beauty is gone.

Thousands of years of literati speak loudly, and all the beauties have missed the country.

The messy palace is just brilliant, who will Qing Boudoir complain about? "

There are so many deep boudoir complaints in a poem "Gong Bo Fu"!

Even the many boys present felt the ups and downs of life and the lonely figure of the ancient women in the deep palace from this cloud and flowing water. Not to mention those girls, who are used to watching Gongdou dramas, there are more association scenes in my mind.

Lin Feng's full-performing composition "Gong Gui Fu" also appeared on the Internet after the college entrance examination, causing some sensation. But at that time, after all, there were a lot of full-point essays, and candidates were more concerned about their province’s scores and full-point essays. Therefore, most of the Qingbei University freshmen present had not read Lin Feng’s "Gong Gui Fu".

After all, among them, there are many winners of the full score composition, and in their eyes the full score composition is nothing great. However, Lin Feng's full score essay completely subverted their views. It also made them feel ashamed invisibly, because their full score composition simply cannot be compared with Lin Feng's "Gong Gui Fu".

Their essays got a full score of 70. That's because they are really well written and deserve a full score of 70. But this is not the case with Lin Feng's "Gong Gui Fu", he got the same full score of 70, just because the full score is only 70. If the full score of the composition has been improved by one hundred, two hundred, or even one thousand points, I am afraid that when facing Lin Feng's "Gong Gui Fu", the teacher will give full marks without hesitation.

Even those freshmen who had read Lin Feng's "Gong Gui Fu" before, this time heard it again from Teacher Zhang Shengyu, and the feeling was completely different. In the accented recitation, it was as if a huge vortex formed in the air, which completely involved them in the imperial boudoirs thousands of years ago. Time flies quickly, watching the ages of concubines and concubines grow old, watching countless women Struggling in the fate of death...

"God! This...Is this really written by Lin Feng? Even if I hate classical Chinese poetry and the like, I couldn't help it when I heard Teacher Zhang read the poem "Gong Gui Fu" It's empty, the writing is **** good."

"If I didn't say it, I thought it was really written by the ancient concubine!"

"There is an unspeakable feeling in my heart. Why do I feel that I was a concubine who died of depression in the palace in my previous life?"

"I remember that the title of the composition for the college entrance examination in Fujian Province was about women? Lin Feng was able to write such a classical prose on the spot. This is not just what can be described by literary talent, it is completely talented!"

"No wonder the school will choose Lin Feng as an outstanding freshman representative! The college entrance examination paper in Fujian Province is the hardest in the country this time. I thought our Jiangsu paper was already the hardest. I didn’t expect that it would be even more difficult in Fujian Province. And under this difficulty, can Lin Feng get a perfect score without losing one?"

"The previous "The Oath" made people feel moved, but after all, it was a love poem written by Lin Feng to Qin Yanran alone. In the ancient poems, it can be regarded as'little love'. But this piece of "The Palace" Lin Feng completely wrote about the tragic fate of the concubines in the emperor’s harem in our country’s feudal dynasty for thousands of years. This is simply...it’s incredible. It’s really hard to imagine that all of Qin Lun’s spells were made by modern people, and they are still our peers..."


None of the students who can be admitted to Qingbei University are stupid. Maybe some of them are nerds, maybe some have good IQ but not high EQ, but no matter who they are, it is enough to write this from Lin Feng There are too many profound meanings in a song "Gong Gui Fu".

Even the previous classmates who firmly believed that Lin Feng was not qualified to be a representative of outstanding freshmen, could not ignorantly say that the poem written by Lin Feng was not good. Even those students who thought that Lin Feng's "full score champion" honor had a lot of water, at this time they could no longer find reasons to question Lin Feng's strength. Even the previous classmates who thought they were not inferior to Lin Feng, at this time did not dare to compare themselves with Lin Feng.

""Gong Gui Fu", that stinky boy could actually write such a beautiful classical Chinese Fu?"

Under the rostrum, Wang Yajun, as the counselor teacher, was also stunned. Although she knew that Lin Feng was the top scorer in the college entrance examination and wrote an article and poem, she really did not find this poem by Lin Feng in detail. Come. Now that the first time I listened to this whole fu, the shock it brought to her was very, very strong.

Because Wang Yajun has been living in the entire palace compound of the Wang family since she was a child, and her life track is done according to the expectations of the family’s parents. In this regard, she lost her life in those deep palaces described by Lin Feng in "Gong Gui Fu". What is the difference between love and freedom women?

Good article! Good poetry!

Forms can be ever-changing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are many ways of expression in language, but the same core characteristics are the same. That can deeply touch people's hearts and cause empathy. Directly hit the readers' hearts, share fate with the breath, let them fall into their own articles, and deeply appreciate the thoughts and feelings expressed in them.

This is what Lin Feng's "Gong Gui Fu" has done, and it has done it vividly. Especially in Wang Yajun's body, it triggered a kind of ground-breaking resonance in her heart.

"The messy hall is brilliant, who would you tell the Qing Boudoir?"

Wang Yajun's mouth kept whispering the last two sentences of Lin Feng's "Gong Gui Fu", her eyes were moistened unconsciously, and her weak heart, hidden under the strong appearance of Xueba, opened completely after playing. All the fragile sides, all the grievances and perplexities that have been questioned during the night for so many years have all been exposed at this moment, and have been vented...

In fact, it is not just Wang Yajun. In this society, whether you are poor or rich, whether you are beautiful or ugly, who is not living unhappily under the involuntary one after another? Who can truly obtain the right to true freedom and love? From this point of view, in fact, Lin Feng’s "Gong Bo Fu" is not simply about the concubines in the deep palaces of ancient times, but alluding to all the unhappiness of life and the inability to obtain true love and love. People with free rights...

Yes! Love and freedom do not sound too difficult. After all, the society today is not as feudal as it used to be, but what is true love? What is true freedom? In fact, as long as we think carefully about what we do every day, which one is not forced to complete? Where is the real freedom? What is true love?

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