Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1410: Tens of thousands of people came to pick up the plane

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Seeing Lin Feng coming out of the cockpit, Luo Qingqing flew forward and hugged Lin Feng and shouted.

"Lin Feng, I knew you could do it."

Qin Yanran was also tearful, after all, she had experienced the speed of life and death for more than half a time, so don't be too excited.

Only Xiao Nishang was a bit taller and colder. When Lin Feng came to the front, she turned her face and smiled slightly: "Lin Feng, fortunately you didn't disappoint me, otherwise, I would look down on you. ."

"Haha! Crazy girl, if I let you down. I'm afraid you want to look down on me, and you have to wait until the Yin Cao Netherworld..."

At this time, all the passengers in the cabin of the plane had been exhausted, and Lin Feng and the three beauties beside him were left in the huge cabin. The pilot in the cockpit and some other injured passengers were sent out for rescue at the first time.

Zhong Lisong and Gu Jiyang got off as soon as the plane stopped. So it was equivalent to saying that Lin Feng and three girls were left in such a big cabin, and the four of them walked down the exit of the plane without a hassle.

However, the four people were a little scared as soon as they got out of the cabin. It turned out that the more than one hundred passengers who had just got off the plane did not leave in a panic. At this moment, all of them stood neatly on both sides under the exit of the plane. , As if it was the kind of battle that greeted national leaders on TV.

"This... what are you doing?"

Lin Feng held Qin Yanran with his left hand, and Xiao Nishang with his right hand. Luo Qingqing was holding the formation behind her back, so she walked off the plane, but was also shocked by the battles in front of them.

"Get ready! Get up..."

In the crowd lined up on both sides, a white-haired old man who took the lead saw Lin Feng walking down, and immediately took the lead in singing, "Unity is strength..."

Suddenly, the passengers in the two rows sang loudly together. There are elderly grandfathers and grandmothers, some middle-aged people who have experienced vicissitudes of life, and even some non-mainstream post-90s and post-zeros. They didn’t know how to sing this song, and they thought they would sing this song. Very earthy...

However, at this moment, they feel that this song is power, this song is life, this song...no! To be precise, it was Lin Feng who used the spirit brought to them by this song to let them know that in the face of death and danger, only by uniting, only by working hard, and only by unyielding struggle, can they achieve the end. Victory.

The plane exploded, so what?

The plane is about to crash, so what?

The plane is chased by missiles, so what?

On this flight, in the last half an hour, they experienced life and death moments that many people would never experience in their entire lives, and they were more able to appreciate that Lin Feng, who could save their lives at this time, was How valuable and great.

It is precisely because of this that, no matter what occupation or character they had before, at this moment, they are willing to stand here from the heart, with the loudest singing voice, thank Lin Feng, the lifesaver.

"unity is strength!

unity is strength!

This power is iron, this power is steel..."

It was with the welcome of such singing that Lin Feng and the three girls beside him walked off the plane weirdly.

"Boy, look at you... Could you let them sing something! How many years ago..." Luo Qingqing sneered and said.

"Sister Qingqing, you don't understand that. What can really unite people is the military song in the army..." Xiao Nishang retorted with a smile.

"I also agree with what Nishang said." Qin Yanran stood by Xiao Nishang's side with a smile.

And when the four of them walked down completely, the passengers who were still singing all rounded up to express their gratitude to Lin Feng individually.

"Little hero, I really thank you this time. I don't know how to thank you..." The gray-haired grandfather who took the lead stepped forward and said with tears.

"This is what I should do. I am also saving my own life. Don't get too excited." Lin Feng quickly shied away from being humble.

"I'm from the Beijing Urban Management Department, little hero, you can come to me if you encounter any problems in Beijing in the future."

A burly man of five big three slapped his chest and promised.

"Then thank you brother!"

Lin Feng nodded fiercely, arching his hands.

"The life-saving grace is unrequited. I don't know if the little hero is married or not. My daughter is just 18 years old this year..."

A slightly charming aunt rushed up again and shouted in her throat.

However, before Lin Feng could answer, the three girls around Lin Feng stopped him.

"Everyone, I have arrived at the airport safely now. I think...you should leave as soon as possible! I really don't have to thank me. I just said that I should do it..."

With the three of Xiao Nishang, Lin Feng finally rushed out of the crowd~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and walked towards the airport exit. However, what he never expected was that more people were waiting for him in front of him!

Originally, there were a lot of flights at the Capital Airport in Beijing, and many passengers didn't mention it. Now that this incident happened, the people around or nearby citizens flocked to watch the excitement.

Lin Feng swept away with his spiritual sense, okay, be good, there were tens of thousands of people around the exit of the entire airport, almost all of them arrived within ten minutes, and it was overwhelming, as if it were a concert. . There is no doubt that there is only one reason why these people are here, and that is to see Lin Feng who dodges the missile while driving the passenger plane.

It can be said that Lin Feng came to the capital this time to be very pompous. Not only did people line up to sing and greet him when he got off the plane, but there were tens of thousands of people outside the airport to pick up the plane!

"Lin Feng! Lin Feng...please wait a moment..."

Just when Lin Feng didn't know whether he should go to that exit, Gu Jiyang and Zhong Lisong chased after him.

"Lin Feng, those two people...the dragon group."

As soon as Xiao Nichang saw the two of them, he immediately became nervous and grabbed Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng knew that the two of them were definitely not malicious, so he stopped and asked with a smile, "Isn't the task of monitoring me completed by the two of you? What's the cost of stopping me now?"

Lin Feng said this casually, but it made Gu Jiyang and Zhong Lisong a little bit embarrassed. After all, Lin Feng said that, he must have known that they were here to monitor him.

"Lin Feng, don't get me wrong. We were only investigating your strength and harm on behalf of the country before, but now the elders have determined that we want to incorporate you into our dragon group. So... I want you to come and have a chat. , Can it?" Gu Jiyang explained patiently, afraid of Lin Feng's misunderstanding.

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