Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1407: Learn the best example

"Let me go! What did I hear? A good example to learn from Lei Feng?"

"What's this slogan? Is this Southeast Airlines director in the cockpit crazy?"

"Can you escape from learning from Lei Feng?"

"It's dead! It's dead... the plane is probably going to hit the horse..."


Almost everyone was taken aback when they heard the slogan "Learn from Lei Feng a good example" in the cabin. ? WWW.suimeng.lā,. Originally, they thought that Lin Feng would say some powerful slogans. If they were not effective, they would at least cheer the people up!

But who knows, Lin Feng actually yelled out such an untimely sentence, which made people feel a little bit jealous and want to laugh.

The same applies to the passengers in the cabin. After everyone shouted this slogan, they all had a feeling of being fooled. But when they were about to scold and complain, they suddenly felt that the plane's fuselage turned suddenly.

"More than a hundred people gather'essence' to understand the spiritual power of God, plus my formation assistance, Fengtong Sword, try to turn it around!"

In fact, Lin Feng really didn’t trick everyone, he just had to borrow a word to bring everyone’s spirit power together, so that through the formation of magnification, he could use it to help Fengtong sword push forward. body.

This is the ‘essence’ power of more than a hundred people desperately. Although none of them has the power of ‘essence’ as powerful as Lin Feng’s spiritual sense, it is better than the number of people and the heart.

The sentence "learn from Lei Feng a good example" brought everyone's spirit power together, and was attached to Fengtong Sword by Lin Feng, and saw that Fengtong Sword began to grow bigger, and then the entire fuselage of the aircraft was forced to twist. The direction and speed of the aircraft.

The capital, the national high-level headquarters, and several national capitals are paying attention to this incident. When they issued the order to launch the missile, they felt that the flight was hopeless.

But who knew that when the plane was about to reach the cordon, the radar screen unexpectedly showed that the plane was turning.

"Turning? How is this possible? Why did the plane suddenly make a turn of almost 180 degrees?" said a white-haired leader incredulously.

"It's absolutely impossible! Even if it's an intact airplane, no matter how good a pilot is, it's absolutely impossible to turn around in such a short time." A national leader who was originally in charge of the Air Force widened his eyes and said in disbelief .

"Did the Dragon Group do it in person?" someone asked.

"Impossible! The Dragon Group quarreled with us just now, saying that their people were facing each other, so that we must not launch missiles.

"Then what's going on? Who is it?"


At the same time, the elder on the dragon group was also shocked.

"This... how is this possible? Lin Feng, did Lin Feng really do it? Can you change the direction of the plane if you want to learn from Lei Feng as a good example?"

"Trace! This is definitely a trace..."

"Those old guys actually said to use missiles. Fortunately, Lin Feng thought of a way in time..."


However, in the missile base on the outskirts of Tianjin's'men' city, the forty-year-old missile commander was completely stupid. Because he didn't expect the plane to turn around at this last moment, he accidentally pressed the launch button of the missile just a moment ago.


After three sirens and a buzzing sound, the air defense tracking missile has started to launch its launch.

"Damn, I slipped my hand. This...this time it's a big disaster..."

The warrior's heart sank, his face as gray as death. Obviously, we were trying to find a way to help the emergency landing, so how could we launch the missile instead? This time can be completely oolong.

At this time, when the passengers in the plane felt the plane turn around and flew towards the capital with a very dynamic feeling, they all breathed a sigh of relief and cheered loudly.

"Long live the little hero!"

"Great! Long live Lin Feng..."

"Finally survived..."

"Long live the champion Lang..."


People who paid attention to this incident were also unbelievably excited. They rejoiced for those passengers who survived and were excited for being able to witness such a historical moment.

"Huh! The brat really did it..." Luo Qingqing patted her chest and said.

"I know this kid is sure."

Xiao Nishang also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Lin Feng, you're so awesome!"

Qin Yanran smiled at the corner of her mouth with a happy expression on her face.

But at this time, Lin Feng still couldn't relax. The huge Fengtong sword flew towards the capital while holding the plane in a stealthy state, which made Lin Feng's spiritual sense very difficult. And not only that, Lin Feng's spiritual sense immediately found a powerful threat coming.

"Let me go! What's that? A missile? Nima...The missile is really "fired"? Isn't this going to give people a way out!"

In the time of zero and one second, Lin Feng reacted. The huge threat came from the missile launched by the missile base. He immediately couldn't help but vomit, "My **** already turned around. Why do you still "shoot" me?"

In fact, it was not just Lin Feng. The first time the missile was launched, the high-level officials of the country, the dragon group, and even many civilians near Tianjin saw it, and they flew out with a whistle. The plane in the distance tracked and shot accurately.

So, someone immediately captured this picture and sent it to the network.

"Fuck! Isn't it! The missile fired?"

"Dead! This missile seems to be tracked... Doesn't it mean that the plane that just escaped will be ‘shot’ down?"

"Crap! How did this happen! People have escaped, so why are they firing missiles!"


At this moment, when most people saw this photo, the complaints in their hearts were the same as Lin Feng. Unfortunately, time is running out, and they don't have time to make complaints, just like Lin Feng has no time to make complaints.

Time waits for no one, life is precious!

At this time when there was no emergency again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng was anxious and wise, quickly picked up the intercom and shouted into the cabin, "Hey, hey... Don’t be too happy! Missiles! Yes! The missile is chasing after us..."

"I'm going! What's the matter?"

"It's over! It's over... This time it's really going to die..."


Everyone felt ashamed again in an instant, thinking that they might have a few seconds left to live, and then they would become a beautiful smoke ‘flower’ just like the whole airplane.

"Don't be discouraged, we are going to fight to the death! The Chinese nation has reached the most dangerous moment, please join me in singing!"

Lin Feng wanted to make everyone aware of the current desperate situation, so as to'stimulate' their'spiritual' power, and then take a deep breath, shouting in a loud voice like a band leader, "One, two, three... …Sing! Unity is strength, unity is strength, this strength is steel, this strength is iron..."


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