Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1391: Crazy girl, why are you here?

Fatherly love is like a mountain, more stalwart, heavier, and less eloquent, but it doesn't give any discount. ? WWW.suimeng.lā Lin Feng thought of many, many, from childhood to the age of delivery with his father's truck, although his father is not many but very useful life principles.

"Dad! Thank you for caring and teaching me for so many years."

Lin Feng couldn't help taking the soymilk powder and said.

"Xiaofeng, it’s useless for Dad. Since childhood, I haven’t given you any superior life, but now you are fighting for yourself. Not only did you pass Qingbei University, you even earned your dad’s life. Money."

Father Lin said with a rare grin. In fact, as Lin Feng's father, he was proud of Lin Feng from the bottom of his heart. After all, having such a beautiful son can be said to be a continuation of his own life.

"Go and go! Lao Lin, you! Xiao Feng is our son. Didn't Xiao Feng make the money we made? Without our good teaching, can Xiao Feng be so competitive? Well, it will not take one and a half years. No? If Xiaofeng wants to come back anytime in the future, he should have breakfast quickly, not to say the sad words."

If father's love is like a mountain, then maternal love is water. Especially the "water" of Mother Lin wanted to infiltrate every corner of Lin Feng's life. She cuts the tofu heart with a knife. She will grasp Lin Feng's ear to teach, and she will hold a'chicken' feather' duster. Pushing Lin Feng, but at this moment, while saying something not to be sad, she actually turned her head quickly and wiped her tears.

"Look at... Guizhu! Let me not say it, you just cried."

Father Lin smiled and said to Lin Feng, "Xiao Feng, your mother has no idea how many years I haven't seen her crying. It seems she really hates you!"

"Lin Shengli, what are you talking about? Where did the old lady cry? I was worried that Xiao Feng would not be used to eating and sleeping in the capital. After all, I heard that the smog there was very serious, and the traffic was very congested and the food was not like us. My home is pure natural fruits and vegetables." Lin Mu mumbled.

"Alright! Alright! Dad, Mom! You don’t have to worry and feel sad, I really just go to school, I will definitely come back at least every month or even every week in the future. After all, Sister Tongtong is here to help us I need to handle all the investment plans that I make..."

Lin Feng comforted his parents, then pointed to a table of breakfast snacks and said, "It's going to be cold, Dad, Mom, Sister Qingqing, let's eat together first!"

The delicious breakfast snacks are full of a taste called "home". Leaving one's hometown, whether rich or not, whether long or short, the feeling of sadness and longing, really makes people feel in every way!

But then Lin Feng was eating by himself. Lin Feng and Lin didn't move his chopsticks, so staring at Lin Feng and watching him eat, it seemed that he wanted to look at Lin Feng more.

Luo Qingqing didn't have any appetite to eat, so she made an excuse to lose'fat' and watched Lin Feng feasting on it alone.

After eating breakfast, Lin Feng took out the suitcase and was about to drive to the municipal party committee compound to pick up Qin Yanran. Today, because Li Yutong had to discuss the specific development plan with the municipal fu, he could not come to see Lin Feng off.

When Lin Feng drove his sports car from the Jin Ou community with Luo Qingqing, the two warriors of super powers who were ambushing around the Jin Ou community immediately followed.

"Old Gu, the target has moved. It should be about to go to the airport...Let's stay a little closer, don't lose it. When is the sheltering pill better?" Zhong Li let go of a SUV and followed behind him, Gu Jiyang Sit in the position of the co-pilot.

"I'll talk about it after waiting for the plane! However, this time the mission is actually a waste of time. After all, we only came for one day and did not find anything wrong with Lin Feng. We can't detect his strength, and in the future, he When we arrive in the capital, it is completely our territory. There are six...No! Now there are seven elders. It is easy to find out the details of Lin Feng." Gu Jiyang has always been more cautious, so he was relieved. .

However, in another house at this time, a dark shadow observed Lin Feng's departure, and immediately dialed the phone, "The prey has been released. You should know how to do it? I will give the money before the plane. Your wife and children fight over. Your bad life can sell for two million, which is enough. Peace of mind to do my business well, I will treat your wife and children kindly. If you dare to give up, even revealing Any information about me, you know the consequences, your one-year-old child seems to have just called his father, right?"

"Senior! You don’t need to say more, I’m going to save my life today. Anyway, I’m also a bad one. Without the help of Senior, Yue has already jumped into the river to death. Since Senior can help me pay off the gambling debt, I’m willing to pay extra Give two million to my wife and children, and I, Ma Yaohui, gave it up..."

After hanging up the phone, the man named Ma Yaohui took a deep breath and put some of the items prepared earlier into the suitcase. At the same time, after familiarizing himself with the usage of these special items again, he pulled the suitcase and walked out of the temporary residence. At the hotel, I took a taxi out of the'door' and went to Chi'an Airport.

"Lin Feng, why did you come so early! Huh? Sister Qingqing is there too?"

Lin Feng drove to the municipal party committee compound. After receiving the call, Qin Yanran and her grandmother pulled the suitcase downstairs. Qin Yanran was full of joy when she saw Lin Feng coming, but when she saw Luo Qingqing in the co-pilot position, she became jealous again.

Because in Qin Yanran's opinion ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the position of the co-pilot should be his own, but now Luo Qingqing is one step ahead. However, Qin Yanran was also comforting herself in her heart. Anyway, after arriving in Beijing, Lin Feng and herself are a school and a major, are you afraid that you won't have time to be alone?

"Yan Ran, you are so beautiful today. After you arrive at Qingbei University, you will definitely be recommended by those students to become the school's "flower"." Luo Qingqing said with a slight smile.

"Sister Qingqing, if you come to our Qingbei University to study, your appearance must be of the school's "flower" level!" Qin Yanran replied with a vigilant face but also smiled.

But at this moment, suddenly a vigorous figure emerged from nowhere, and jumped directly into the last position of Lin Feng's sports car. This person is not someone else. It is Xiao Nishang who rushed back overnight last night. She ran to the municipal committee compound early this morning to wait. She did not go directly to Lin Feng's house, but knew that Lin Feng would definitely come. After picking up Qin Yanran, she went to the door of Qin Yanran's house and waited. Seeing Lin Feng driving over and preparing to set off, she immediately jumped into the car with a smile.

"Crazy girl? Why are you here?" Lin Feng was also surprised. He never expected to meet Xiao Nishang here. Xiao Nishang was still in the capital when he was on the phone yesterday!


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