Urban Super Cultivation

: Thank you readers! 1 The big red envelope is on the road...

The following content was posted on my public WeChat account wutonghuo (wutonghuo), which is what I want to say to readers!

Once, I was an inferiority man!

My grades are not good! I am not tall or handsome!

Once, I was a sentimental person again!

I like to write, but I am afraid of being seen!

Later, I worked hard and improved my test scores by a large margin, but...but I still don't look good or handsome. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

Later, I wrote the story in my mind, and I found that appearance is not that important, isn’t it? Anyway, I rely on talent to eat, and through these stories I have written, I have harvested...you high and handsome readers!

Yesterday, WeChat opened the appreciation function for my official account, but I didn't expect to receive so much appreciation from everyone. Up to now, 42 readers have appreciated a total of 108.43 yuan.

There are so many comments from readers and fans, expressing their liking for the book, expressing the pain of not reading the book enough, and all kinds of changing tricks to urge more...

Wutong looked at it and said that he was very moved and excited!

Readers are willing to spend money to watch the stories I wrote, are willing to indulge in the protagonist's world, and are willing to reward me who I never know each other! This is all affirmation of me, of the story I wrote.

Although I know that the stories I wrote are not perfect and sometimes seem more verbose, but I thank the readers for their tolerance and continued love of this book.

Yesterday, more than one reader told me that this is the first novel he has ever read, or the first novel he has read with money, or the first reward he has given!


I couldn't sleep all night last night, I was thinking about this!

Why do readers have such a cordial feeling about me who I have never met before?

I thank everyone, and I also thank every text, every character, every plot I wrote!

In fact, many times, I can't control what I want to write. I just feel like I'm right next to the protagonist Lin Feng, and then I watch what he is doing every day and what happens.

Or sometimes accidentally broke into the hearts of certain heroines, to see if the flight attendant Luo Qingqing is thinking of Lin Feng today? Is the school girl Qin Yanran jealous and wronged again? What kind of business plan is brewing in Sister Tongtong's heart? Is superstar Su Zixuan thinking about writing a song for Lin Feng again?

Too much...

Those plots and pictures just came to my mind. I can only do my best to write down these things that have actually happened in my mind, try to present them, and try to pass them on to everyone.

But after all, my abilities are limited, and sometimes I am very dissatisfied, unable to accurately describe and convey these stories to everyone. This book has just been written for a year, and it is about 3 million words and more than a thousand chapters. It is really not easy to look back!

This is the longest book I have ever written, and I am still creating history and records every day. I think it may take 5 million words, or even 10 million words, which may not be finished.

People often ask me why there are so many stories in my heart? I have never been able to find the answer before, but now, I think I can pretend to answer, "Because I love my readers so deeply! And my readers love me the same."

I consider myself a hard-working author and an author worthy of readers. However, they still receive countless scolds every day in the comment areas of various pirated websites and software, from criticizing the content I wrote, criticizing the protagonist in my writing, to scolding me as a person, and even spreading to my family.

In fact, I occasionally go to see it. As for the mood after seeing it, there are mixed flavors! Sometimes I wonder, why do they do this? Is it because my writing is really bad? But obviously there are so many readers who support me?

Later I found out, just because they were watching piracy! Although genuine readers occasionally say that I update slowly and are a bit too long-winded, but they respect me and like me, and they are even willing to spend extra money to reward me. When they are moved by certain plots and stories, they like me very much. , I can't help but communicate with me for a long time in the middle of the night.

But what do pirated readers see? What they saw was a lot of repeated chapters, a lot of typos, a lot of blocked words, and even no updates. But they didn't think it was the fault of pirated software or the website, but thought it was my author's fault.

Whenever I see these, what can I say? I want to explain, but how? I only have a mouth. At the end of the chapter, I also said countless times that only genuine qq reads will not make all kinds of messy mistakes, but they don't seem to see them and they still scold every day.

At first I was very sad, and even felt so depressed that I didn't want to continue writing!

But after watching for a while, I was happy!

Even if they are watching such pirated content with messy quality and messy layout, they scold today, dislike it tomorrow, scold the day after tomorrow, and scold their mother the day after tomorrow! In the end, I still scolded and watched every day.

Haha! You still have to watch while scolding, verbally never watch it again, but the body is still very honest!

You can bear this kind of pirated copy of mistakes and omissions. Isn't this conversely saying how good my book is?

So well! Later, I slowly turned aside, because people who support you will always support you to understand you. Maybe even if one day I am old and my writing is not shit, even the sentences are not fluent, everyone will still support me because I have written these stories that touched you!

So well! I really want to open it. Even though I need money and more readers with genuine subscriptions, I no longer complain or blame the pirated readers. I just hope that readers who have the ability to subscribe to genuine will try their best to read on qq to support the genuine subscription!

Yesterday, when the author Jun was chatting with a pirated reader, he calculated a sum of money for him, and he succeeded in instigating him, making him a staunch supporter of genuine copyright.

At the beginning, the reader told me that the students had no money to read the original version and could only watch the pirated version. Then I expressed my understanding, and then asked him, do you know how to read the original? He said that he didn't know, he only knew that the genuine version cost money. Then I calculated it with him. The standard price of the original chapter is 10 book coins, and the discount for various accounts ranges from 6 book coins to 8 book coins. We calculate according to 8 book coins.

If the author is able to update 5 chapters as vigorously as these two days, then the cost of one day of genuine is 40 book coins, one month is 1,200 book coins, and one year is 14,000 book coins. If you recharge q coins to exchange book coins, 1q coins are 100 book coins. There are often discounts for RMB recharge q coins, which is about 9.3% off. That is to say, it costs more than three cents a day, almost 100 yuan a year. If you can support genuine reading, you can read about one thousand two hundred chapters.

Moreover, this is based on the premise that the author updates five chapters every day, and QQ reading also has various opportunities for free books and free reading. (Of course, I want to talk about it here. Readers use scrolls to read novels. The author does not receive the manuscript fee, only book coins.)

To put it simply, just one piece of Grandpa Mao per year, you can genuinely contract the author Jun's updated novel for one year. It is also possible for the author of the hard codeword to get the reward for his work. Many books are also due to too few genuine subscriptions, which caused the author to believe that they were unpopular and the **** did not continue to write.

So, again, if you dear readers, you think this book is something you like to read and it is worth spending money to read, come to qq to read the genuine subscription to support it!

Because I didn't sleep well last night, my mind was so dizzy all day, I couldn't write a pen and started writing, I always felt like I wanted to write something first, and I vomit quickly. So, just wrote such a grateful reader announcement! At the same time, I also plan to give back to you all the amount of appreciation received in the past few days on the night of the Lantern Festival, and distribute it to you in three ways.

The first type of Alipay password red envelope ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At 8 o'clock in the evening on February 22, everyone will be able to obtain the Alipay red envelope password by sending the four words "red envelope password" like this official account, and enter it into Go to Alipay's red envelope and you can receive the red envelope I prepared for everyone. Limited quantity, first come first served.

The second type of WeChat group red envelope. Still the same, I will take the lead in the WeChat group to send red envelopes on the evening of February 22. The specific points are to be determined. Everyone has not joined the WeChat group at any rate! Because there are more than 400 people in the WeChat group now, I can’t directly scan the code to join. You can only add my personal WeChat account wuyekun1992, and then send me "I want to join the group" and I will pull you in. I just checked my WeChat red envelope record and I have posted more than 500 red envelopes in the WeChat group.

The third kind of qq group red envelope, the method to receive is also grab, will take out part of the appreciation amount, red envelopes in qq group! The reader's QQ group number is 248126471. To join the group, you need to answer a question. The question is to say the name of a heroine. If you can't answer this, do you still want to join the group?

Okay, let's just say that, the five shifts have worked well these days! The subscription has increased a lot, so I continue to write! Today, we will continue five shifts, and see how many days I can hold on! ! ! Work hard until the end of the month!


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