Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1334: The mayor arrives

"Yes! It's the Quxing Lin Feng. Our Dunxu Town is indeed a treasured land of geomantic omen. We can produce such a small hero and talent!" The fellow said with envy, "Zhang Guizhu gave birth to a good son!"

"It's Lin Feng again! No wonder, only he has the means to make these farmers''gates' fully aware of the dangers of gambling..."

Gong Fangde couldn't help but sighed, then immediately raised his head and looked around, looking for Lin Feng's figure. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā. .

At this time, Lin Feng was standing with his mother Zhang Guizhu, younger uncle, younger aunt and reporter Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun took a hidden camera to take pictures of the scene, so as to be used as news material to be broadcast on the stage tonight. Mother Lin saw that the bosses of the casinos had been arrested, and the casino gambling equipment had been seized, and she was very happy in her heart.

"Lin Feng!"

As soon as Gong Fangde saw Lin Feng, he quickly walked over, and violently held Lin Feng's hand. "Lin Feng, I didn't expect this time, you little hero, you will give us Zhi'an City again. A great achievement! These underground casinos have really caused me a headache for years..."

"Director Gong? Why are you here too?"

Lin Feng was also slightly surprised when he saw Gong Fangde appearing. After all, these were just some underground casinos. Generally speaking, the leader of an action team led the investigation, and the director himself did not need to do so. Therefore, he was slightly surprised that Gong Fangde appeared here.

"If there is such a good thing, how can I do it if I don't come? Moreover, not only I am here, but Mayor Chen is also on the way. Gambling, a cancerous tumor, has become a bottleneck to curb the economic development of the entire Zhi'an City. If this time we can use the east wind to eradicate the underground casino in Dunxu Town, and completely cut off the gambling atmosphere in Zhi'an City, it will definitely bring a new atmosphere in Zhi'an City..."

The'excited' Gong Fangde grumbled a lot of the benefits brought about by this action, holding Lin Feng's hand and refused to let go, saying, "I just heard about it. Thanks to you! Without you, these farmers would still be immersed in the daydream of getting rich overnight in the casino!"

"Director Gong, you really praised me too much. I just came to rescue my uncle who was detained by the casino, and by the way, revealed the scams and cheating methods of the casino."

Lin Feng was still a little embarrassed to be so boasted in person, and said with a smile.

"That's not it! Director Gong, I can tell you that if there is no Lin Feng, these crime evidence videos cannot be taken at all. Without these, the villagers would never believe the casino cheating."

The beautiful'female' reporter Zhou Yun was the former representative of Lin Feng, "I have tried to sneak into these casinos many times to shoot these scenes, but I have never succeeded!"

"I'm telling you! Little student Lin Feng, don't be humble. Can I still be unclear about your strength? Also, you and Reporter Zhou are really good partners! A case of a'meat' food processing factory , Isn’t it the two of you working together?"

Gong Fangde laughed and said haha, and then he saw the mother Lin on the side and quickly thanked him, "Zhang'female', you really gave birth to a good son! Lin Feng has worked for us in Zhi'an City in the past few months. The contribution made by the director of public security makes me feel very ashamed!"

"Director Gong, where are you talking about? What Xiaofeng did is what it should be. Your people's police have worked harder to protect the safety of our people."

Lin Mu is just an ordinary family ‘women’ and ‘females’. The policemen who go to the street police station are usually trembling and frightened, but she did not expect that even the police chief of Zhi’an City would be so polite to herself today.

As for Lin Feng's little uncle and little aunt, they had never seen such a big battle, and stood by and dared not come to'interrupt'.

At the intersection of the market, a police car drove out and another police car came in. More than one hundred casino players were arrested without exception. It can be said that after today's incident, the entire casino gene in Dunxu Town has been completely wiped out, and there is no need to worry about the resurgence of these underground casinos.

When the police chief Gong Fangde was talking to Lin Feng's family, the mayor Chen Luping drove in, along with the news tracking vehicle of Zhi'an TV Station.

"The car is coming! Lin Feng, our TV station's interview car, and... Mayor Chen's car!"

Zhou Yun first saw the eye-catching interview car of the TV station, and then ran over. After all, the hand-held miniature shooting equipment is too limited, it can only draw materials and cannot be used for on-site interview shooting. Now that the interview car is coming, the professional videographer of the TV station ran off the car carrying the camera for the first time. Zhou Yun rushed forward excitedly, facing the camera, and immediately started the live broadcast.

"Hello everyone, everyone, my reporter Zhou Yun, I am now located at the market entrance of Dunxu Town in this city. It used to be the famous gambling den in Zhi'an City. There are more than ten underground casinos, but today But it was smashed by the public security organs of our city..."

Holding the microphone, Zhou Yun stood in front of the interview car. Facing the police's operation of destroying the casino, she began to broadcast it very professionally. The mayor of the other car, Chen Lu'ping, was with her secretary. Also got out of the car.

"Mayor Chen! Fortunately, the Public Security Bureau of our city has dispatched three armed police detachments this time, with 45 police officers and 23 police cars. At present, a total of 158 casino leaders have been arrested..."

Seeing Mayor Chen'Lu'ping get out of the car, Gong Fangde went immediately and reported the situation that had been captured.

"Very good! Director Gong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time your public security organs are doing very well. The cancer of gambling must be removed severely. Otherwise, our economy in Zhi'an is really difficult. Take off..."

Mayor Chen'Lu' Ping nodded slightly. She rushed over from the municipal office building just after receiving the news. Seeing the dozen or so casinos destroyed at the scene, I nodded with satisfaction.

"Mayor Chen praised, this time the main credit is not our public security organs, my old Gong doesn't have that thick-skinned to grab credit. This time I was able to catch so many gamblers, and even the whole Zhi'an can be dealt with. The eradication of gambling in the city is due to one person."

"A person? Who has such great abilities? He solved a problem that is difficult for your public security organs to solve?"

Seeing the mayor Chen'Lu' Ping look'confused', Gong Fangde smiled and pointed to Lin Feng and said, "You must know this person, Mayor Chen, and he is our little hero in Zhi'an City. Qu Xing is the best student Lang Lin Feng!"


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