Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1317: Help call

In any case, today's graduation meeting in Zhi'an Yi made Lin Feng's reputation once again louder. ~~щww~suimеng~lā Moreover, this is also the first confrontation between Qin Yanran, Luo Qingqing and Li Yutong.

In summary, Qin Yanran and Luo Qingqing are facing each other tit-for-tat, while Li Yutong humbly takes care of the elderly, and cleverly resolves the'intensified' contradiction between the two of them for Lin Feng.

However, this is not a long-term solution. A method similar to today's is one option. After arriving in the capital, Lin Feng might have to face more problems. At present, it seems that he can only take one step.

In the next few days, it became much calmer. Since they are going to the university to report in a few days, Lin Feng and Lin Feng are really quite reluctant to give up to Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng grew up in Zhi'an City since childhood, and has never traveled far. After staying, Mother Lin feared that her son Lin Feng would be unaccustomed to the outside world. On the other hand, she missed Lin Feng and did not want her precious son to be too far away.

"The clothes and pants are all sorted out for you, Xiao Feng, when you arrive at the new school and the new environment, you must remember to be low-key and humble. Don't think that you can be arrogant and domineering and look down on others if you have a perfect score. At Peking University, half of the top picks from all over the country are in this school. Your score is nothing. No matter what you do, you can stay a little longer, you know?"

In Lin Feng's bedroom, Mother Lin helped Lin Feng repack the baggage that went to Qingbei University, while repeating words of warning.

"Got it! Got it! Mom, you have said these words for several days, and my ears are about to grow cocoons. Moreover, I'm just going to university, not to mention winter and summer vacations, usually on weekends. If there is nothing wrong, I will fly back to see your two elders. Anyway, Southeast Airlines is our own business..."

Lin Feng said with a smile, in fact, in his heart, he is also reluctant to part with the beautiful small city of Zhi'an. Although it is not as prosperous as a big city, although it is only a county-level city in a ravine, it is the place where he was born and raised. In this piece of water and soil, there are also his closest people.

"Little bastard, I just had some money, so I learned how to spend money on extravagance? Besides, Southeast Airlines was opened by Cai Dong, and you just got 20% of the shares in favor of him. Your dad and I ate and drank in Zhi'an City, and everything was'very' good. Don't move back, how can a kid love home like a girl?" Lin Mu said with her mouth pursed.

"Mom! Isn't this what you said you would miss me very much? I just said that you will come back often..." Lin Feng curled his lips, but muttered in his heart, "I store the little money for the plane ticket in Switzerland. The money from the bank, it is estimated that the daily interest is enough to make a plane for a lifetime."

Indeed, Lin Feng can almost be said to be one of the world's richest men. It is estimated that he can enter the top ten on the Forbes ranking. However, in the face of the wealth of the world, Lin Feng’s money is still not enough. After all, many families and forces that have developed over the years, how much money they can really control, may be the same for themselves. fan'.

The assets of the big chaebols of large families are often not disclosed to the public, and even some tribesmen do not know the general situation. The Forbes rankings naturally do not know the net worth of those families and chaebol groups.

However, Lin Feng did not tell his parents that he now owns hundreds of billions of assets, and that he also uses the money for other purposes. Although he is a cultivator who can not eat the fireworks in the world, in Lin Feng's vision, there is a business empire of his own standing on the top of the world.

"Okay! Boy, all your clothes are packed in this box. You can buy other beddings when you arrive in the capital. Do you want your mother to accompany you to Qingbei University to report?" Lin Feng asked after his luggage.

"No need! Mom, how old I am, do I need you to accompany you to school? I can handle it myself. When you and dad are free, come to the capital to play together..." Lin Feng waved his hand and said .

"Little bastard, the wings are stiff, now you can fly by yourself."

Mother Lin smiled. Just as she was about to get out of Lin Feng's house, the mobile phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

"Brother? What do you call me at this time?"

Seeing the caller ID, Mother Lin found out that her younger brother Zhang Guiliang was calling, and answered the channel, "Hey! Xiao Liang, what's the matter?"

"Sister! You must save Guiliang!"

On the other end of the phone was the voice of Zhang Guiliang's wife Fang Qiuping, shouting tremblingly with a cry of despair.

"Save Guiliang? Qiuping, don't cry for now. Tell me what happened? What happened to Guiliang?"

Hearing this voice, Mother Lin also condensed her eyes and asked hurriedly.

"What happened to my uncle?"

Lin Feng immediately pricked up his ears and became concerned. After all, Zhang Guiliang's uncle Zhang Guiliang had always loved himself since he was a child, and everything that was delicious was close to him.

"Money! Sister, you... can you lend us another half million..." Fang Qiuping said crying.

"What? Five hundred thousand! Qiuping, didn't you give you two hundred thousand to pay off your gambling debt this time? What are you going to do~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and another five hundred thousand?"

As soon as she heard this, Lin's brows deepened, and she asked sharply, "Did Xiao Liang go to gambling again to count the money and owe usury? How did I tell you this time, gambling, gambling, gambling, gambling, and loan sharking. If he loses, he doesn't listen to me, why wouldn't you persuade him?"

"Eldest sister, I was wrong. After the first lesson, Gui Liang planted fruit trees at home with peace of mind. But I blamed me all the time at home saying that he was not profitable and could not make money, and could not buy me a good house and a good life. As a result. ......As a result, Gui Liang ran to gamble again in a fit of anger.

I...I also felt something was wrong after finding out that Guiliang had not returned home the day before yesterday. After inquiring about it, I learned that Guiliang had been detained by the casino people and owed a loan shark of 500,000. "

Fang Qiuping said, crying and wiping tears. "The people in the casino asked Guiliang to call me for money. Guiliang didn't want to involve us and didn't fight. Finally, the people from the casino came to my house and threatened me. , If you don’t give any more money, cut off Guiliang’s fingers one by one. Sister, for the last time, please save Guiliang for the last time! This half a million is really life-saving money..."


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