Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1296: Night, gentle

"Really! I watched Qingqing grow up since I was a child, and I said when I was a child, when I grow up, I will pay you a little bastard, and be your daughter-in-law ‘women’..."

Hearing this, Mother Lin was also cheerful, and then said deeply, "Qing Qing is from our Lin family.? шщЩ.suimEnG.1a,."

"Thank you Auntie Zhang! Xiaojin, why don't you hurry up to eat more aluminum alloy and pull out more gold?"

After hearing this, Luo Qingqing ordered Xiao Jindao happily.


However, Xiao Jin, who had just eaten enough, fluttered his wings and flew away. After a few laps, he ran into the bedroom, plunged into Luo Qingqing's bed and couldn't come out.

"Huh? Excuse me, Aunt Zhang, Xiaojin is already a little bit tired today. I'm afraid I won't eat aluminum alloy in a short time." Luo Qingqing explained quickly.

"It's okay! As long as you keep this fortune worm, you can let it eat as much aluminum alloy as it is. It doesn't matter when you eat it, as long as it wants to eat..." After Mother Lin finished speaking, he went downstairs with Father Lin, happy Hehe went to pick up gold.

And Luo Qingqing looked at Lin Feng with joy, and said with a smile, "Have you heard, brat, Aunt Zhang has already admitted that I am your Lin family!"

With a flaunting appearance, Luo Qingqing seemed to be declaring his sovereignty over Lin Feng, but Lin Feng rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "How do I remember that my mother once told Sister Tongtong like this?"

"Boy, you coax me to die! I know I'm no better than Miss Tongtong, but...huh! Sister, I will work hard, there will always be one who will get her down." Luo Qingqing said vowedly.

"Hey! From now on, it seems... An Sheng's days are farewell..."

When Lin Feng returned to his room, thinking of the relationship between the "females" around him, he also felt a headache. Since several people knew about these relationships that night, plus my mother's troubles and dealings, the relationship between these people became delicate and balanced.

However, this balance is easily broken. As long as two'women' appear in the house at the same time, the entire villa will be filled with vinegar.


The treasure hunter Mengmeng got out of Lin Feng's pocket and was drinking the stagnant water that Lin Feng had prepared for it.

Lin Feng looked at Mengmeng, smiled and asked, "Mengmeng, tell me... which sister do you like better?"


Mengmeng turned around and exclaimed after blinking her small eyes.

"Ah? I like it all! You little ‘color’ mouse, how so coincidental with me, I also like it." Lin Feng smiled shamelessly.

At this time, Lin Feng's cell phone rang suddenly, and he picked it up and saw that it was a text message sent by Li Yutong.

Li Yutong "Lin Feng, are you back?"

Lin Feng "Just returned today, Sister Tongtong, where are you now? Have you returned to Jinou Community?"

Li Yutong "Well! I just came back and I am taking a bath!"

As soon as he saw this text message, Lin Feng immediately showed ‘flowers’ in both eyes, smiled badly, and did not continue to reply to the text messages, instead he got up from the ‘bed’ and ran towards the window.


Seeing that the owner was leaving, Mengmeng, the treasure hunter, immediately got up and prepared to follow, but Lin Feng turned and pointed at it and said, "Mengmeng, you stay at home obediently, and what's the mess?"


Mengmeng looked aggrieved, blinked her eyes, and reluctantly got back into the bed.

The night is black and the wind is high, and the cool breeze in August is blowing, with a hint of coolness under the scorching sun.

Li Yutong has been busy at Heroes' Restaurant all day, discussing several different branch plans. Even if she is a cultivator, she is a bit tired after spending so much mental and physical energy.

After returning home, Li Yutong put in hot water, sprinkled the petals of roses, soaked in the bathtub comfortably and played on the phone, and sent a text message to ask if Lin Feng had returned from Changbai Mountain. After all, Lin Feng's cell phone was completely turned off when he had been calling and texting two days ago.

"When the phone is turned off, Lin Feng should have been in the secret realm during that time. There must be no mobile phone signal in the secret realm."

After sending the text message, Li Yutong missed Lin Feng even more. He hadn't seen Lin Feng for several days, and there was always a feeling of emptiness in his heart.

But soon, Lin Feng's text message replied, indicating that he had returned home.

"Great! Lin Feng is finally back..."

Stroking his Qianqian's'Jade' and'legs', Li Yutong's heart immediately began to'sway', and the longing for Lin Feng seemed to melt in this instant. She speeded up the bath, thinking about finishing the bath as soon as possible, then put on a good makeup, dressed beautifully, and sneaked over to see Lin Feng, so as to surprise him.

But at this moment, Li Yutong's spirit sense scattered around suddenly felt another powerful spirit sense approaching. Before he had time to react, Lin Feng gently turned the bathroom door and appeared with a smile on his face. In front of Li Yutong who took a bath.

"Sister Tongtong, I'm back..."

Looking anxiously, Lin Feng broke into the bathroom in Li Yutong's bedroom.

"Lin Feng, you... why did you come in, go out... go out, I'm taking a shower!"

Being so surprised by Lin Feng, Li Yutong was really surprised and happy, but under the expression of surprise, there was still a shyness of a "female" person.

Although Li Yutong had already believed in his heart that he had been Lin Feng's "female" all his life~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it was okay to be looked at directly by Lin Feng while taking a bath. Li Yutong had no trouble not being ashamed. The fire started to burn.

"Hey! Sister Tongtong, if you're not taking a bath, am I not coming in yet?"

Although I haven't seen Li Yutong for a few days, Lin Feng feels that it's really not seen in a day like three autumns, so he began to take off his clothes with a face and said, "It just so happens that I haven't taken a bath yet! Or, let's come. Take a mandarin duck bath!"

"Go go...Lin Feng, if you do this again, I want to call someone? Qingqing is now living in your house. Her room is over there. If I call out, she will definitely be able to hear it." Li Yutong smiled slightly. , Said threateningly.

"Scream! Sister Tongtong, do you want to tell Sister Qingqing to come to your house for a bath too?" Lin Feng gave full play to her thick-skinned characteristics.

When he said this, Li Yutong’s cheeks became even redder, and he didn’t say anything anymore while biting his lower lips. Instead, he moved slightly towards the back of the bathtub, as if he had already acquiesced to Lin Feng’s practice. Make room for Lin Feng.


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