Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1288: Admission Letter

Hearing this, Lin Feng knew that even if the little'flower' went to jail, the Liangzi between her and her mother was still not a play. <щww.suimeng.lā. Pinshu.com's gambling agreement between them is still effective, and they must help their mother develop a heroic restaurant within two years, at least surpassing the scale of Jiangnanju.

However, this is not too simple for Lin Feng. Not to mention other advantages, Lin Feng's current account of nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars is enough to make many Fortune 500 companies ashamed.

In China, the average third-rate ordinary family has assets within 1 billion, the second-rate ordinary family has less than 2 billion, and the first-rate ordinary family can reach about 5 billion.

For the Guwu family, it would increase by about five times on this basis, which was a similar strength scale. And super-class aristocratic families like the five ancient warriors in the capital have experienced the accumulation of several generations or even more than a dozen generations, and the total assets add up to at least 100 billion.

Lin Feng now owns various assets, whether it is the US dollars in the anonymous account, the assets of Heroes' Restaurant or the shares of Southeast Airlines, all together, it is almost 100 billion yuan.

It can be said that Lin Feng only ‘spent’ a few months and completed a huge accumulation of assets, making their Lin family directly equivalent to the assets of the top family in China. However, it’s no wonder that in the past few months, Lin Feng has been ripped off from the world’s richest kind of human superpowers. Various scams and abductions have made them willingly send money to them. Come in your own pocket.

Of course, Lin's father and Lin's mother don't know how capable they are...Bah! It was Lin Feng, his son who was able to cheat people, and he had already doubled his total assets several times after he went out for a few days. Lin Feng didn't intend to tell his parents too much. After all, Southeast Airlines' net worth of 20 billion yuan almost made his mother'excited' at the beginning, and he didn't plan to'confess' the assets of 100 billion yuan.

However, with so much money in his hands, Lin Feng is not a problem at all whether he is developing a heroic restaurant or his own power organization.

After all, the problem that money can solve is not a problem. If you have money, there are almost no problems that cannot be solved.

"Xiao Feng, we have already discussed with your uncle and uncle. We are planning to open two branches of Heroes' Restaurant in Beijing at one go. The addresses have been selected and they are being bought and are being renovated. One will be your uncle. General manager, what do you think of a house with your little uncle as the general manager?"

As Father Lin said, he added, "However, if you think this arrangement is not good, we can discuss it again. After all, this heroic restaurant is an industry that you worked hard together..."

Although Father Lin is the head of the family at home, he still fully respects the wishes of his son Lin Feng. In the past, even if Lin Feng was a poor student with poor grades and had nowhere to go, Father Lin would take the initiative to ask his son for many things. Lin Feng's wishes. Not to mention that the Heroic Restaurant was built by Lin Feng and Li Yutong, and he even felt that this kind of branch opening requires Lin Feng to be the master.

Moreover, because both the uncle and the young uncle had a bad record before, and some forces looked down on their family, although they had reformed now, Father Lin was still afraid that Lin Feng would have some thoughts in his heart.

"Dad! Just let your mother and you go, what can I say? My only opinion is that you must never save me money. Our Heroic Restaurant is not short of money, and everything is best for me. Money is not enough. Yes, I will call you again. I went out this time but I spent another fortune!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, with Li Yutong at the helm for the development of Heroes' Restaurant, Lin Feng is not at all worried. Moreover, after returning this time, Lin Feng had a new idea. Previously, he established the Heroic Restaurant just purely to help his mother realize the dream of opening a restaurant, but now he feels that if he can open the Heroic Restaurant all over the world as his own intelligence contact point, that would be great. But that's it.

However, this is not something that can be accomplished overnight, it can only be said to be the further deep ambition of the development of the heroic restaurant outlined by Lin Fengxin. Of course, in order to prevent his parents from worrying too much, Lin Feng was not prepared to tell them this plan. In the eyes of them and ordinary people outside, Heroes' Restaurant is a high-end restaurant and restaurant where you can eat all kinds of royal meals and delicious delicacies.

"Oh! Brat! You made a fortune when you went out this time? It's pretty big!" Luo Qingqing on the side also smiled proudly.

"Yes? Sister Qingqing, why are you talking about it? Could it be that you are also rich?" Lin Feng looked at Luo Qingqing somewhat strangely.

"Hee hee! That is, and I'm not afraid to tell you that now, sister, I have absolutely no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime, and I can buy whatever I want. The little fortune you made and my sister's gain are nothing short of nothing. Up."

Luo Qingqing said triumphantly, and Lin Feng asked even more weirdly, "Sister Qingqing, shouldn't you be a lottery? However, the double-color ball lottery prize pool is only one or two billion. What kind of big money is this? "

Oh! Lin Feng's tone is now very big, one or two billion yuan is not even big money in his eyes. However, it seems that this is indeed the case. After experiencing the Tianchi Secret Realm, Lin Feng earned nearly tens of billions of dollars. Where else would he look at the 200 million yuan?

If all of Lin Feng’s assets are converted and calculated on the basis of 100 billion RMB, if one person counts as a bonus of 5 million one bet of double'color' **** every day, it will take 20,000 days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It takes more than 50 years to reach 100 billion yuan.

Thinking about it this way, the wealth that Lin Feng possesses now is simply terrifying.

"What's one or two billion? Don't be afraid to tell you, Lin Feng, sister, my harvest can't be measured simply by the amount of money. I'll tell you later..."

Shaking his hands, Luo Qingqing smiled mysteriously and said.

At this time, the ‘door’ bell rang at the ‘door’, as if it was a delivery courier. After Lin Mu ran to open the'door', she immediately held an es mail in excitement and happily shouted to Lin Feng, "Xiao Feng, look at it... this is the admission letter from Qingbei University. Haha...My son really Qingbei University, my son, Zhang Guizhu, Qingbei University!"

"The admission letter has arrived?"

Taking the envelope from the ecstatic mother, Lin Feng tore open the seal and took out the admission notice of Qingbei University from the inside. The notice is surrounded by a circle of gold, which looks a little shining and full of sacredness.


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