Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1254: The Test of Green Mountain (Part 2)

As a result, the black Brewer and Xiao Zhuo could only follow Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang from the other direction pitifully, keeping a certain distance from them, and rushing to the green hill. <щww.suimeng.lā

"The Great Sage will definitely not abandon me. I'm so good. I even betrayed my organization and followed him so desperately. He will definitely not want me..."

For some reason, Brewer, who grew up in an organization like the Reaper, didn't have the slightest sense of belonging to the Reaper, but he was so reluctant to part with the great sage Lin Feng. At this moment, he was like a woman who had been abandoned by a man. He kept looking towards Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang, especially staring at Xiao Nishang. His eyes seemed to say that it was this woman. , The man who robbed me... Bah! It is the Great Sage.

"The Great Sage asked us to follow from a distance. In this way, I saw the girl. Moreover, now that we have entered the secret realm, the Great Sage has not abandoned us, indicating that...Do you really treat us as confidants? I can really follow this great sage senior, my cultivation level will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and when I return to the'men' school, those personal disciples and chief disciples will lose to my inner'men' disciple. "

Xiao Zhuo and Brewer became more optimistic. He didn't think Lin Feng was leaving them behind, but wanted to be alone with that beautiful ‘girl’ child.

"Lin Feng, why don't you let your two subordinates also join in! Fortunately, you can figure it out. With so many masks, the whole team has formed a Journey to the West."

Looking towards the southeast, Xiao Nishang couldn't help laughing when he saw Brewer's aggrieved eyes. Especially Breuer's weird shape, his whole body is jet black like shoe polish, and then he is holding a pig's head, which makes people feel awkward and funny.

"Hey! Crazy girl, you don't understand this. This is called having a good taste, and the meaning of the Westward Journey team is so good! Despite all the difficulties and obstacles, didn't Tang Seng and apprentice finally get the truth?"

Lin Feng was observing the surrounding situation while rushing with Xiao Nichang. The two were talking and laughing. During the period, they also met the black-clothed followers of the white-clothed master, but when these black-clothed followers saw Lin Feng's face, they immediately turned around and did not deal with Lin Feng at all.

"Crazy girl, look, the direction these black-clothed followers are heading is also this green mountain. It seems that their arrogant little white leader must be there too."

Seeing these black-clothed believers, Lin Feng knew that the white-clothed master would not be too far away. Regarding the white-clothed master, Lin Feng didn't know how many levels of Qi refinement his opponent's strength was, but Lin Feng was not afraid of him at all. After all, he still has so many magic weapons, including flying swords, that he hasn't used yet.

And that funny white-clothed grandmaster seems to have only the white light one move. Although the decapitator looks terrifying and its speed is very fast, it is only effective for martial artists. For cultivators, even those who only have one level of Qi training can use spiritual consciousness after they have cultivated. Come to interfere with the orders of those decapitators.

The connection between the decapitated worm and the white-clothed master is just a very simple flesh and blood connection. After the decapitated worm hatched, the white-clothed master fed it with his own blood and formed a kind of blood. Meat' contact. It's similar to the telepathic blood connection between some twin brothers.

"Lin Feng, the white-clothed master is there, have you beaten him? He seems to be very powerful." Xiao Nishang blinked and asked knowingly.

"What do you think? If I couldn't beat that Xiaobai, you still had a life when I was outside just now?"

Lin Feng smiled, and soon and Xiao Nishang rushed to the foot of the green mountain. At this time, many other warriors and genetic warriors had already arrived here, and they all gathered around a stone stele at the foot of the mountain to study them carefully.

And at this moment, in the void of this entire secret realm, a voice was muttering to himself, "It's great! This time, there are so many fresh'flesh' bodies here. If they are, someone can let me seize them." She. This time is my last chance. The spiritual energy in the Saint Gu cover is getting thinner and thinner, and it has been unable to support it for long..."

This voice is illusory, and no one can hear it, including Lin Feng, who is a cultivator. However, when Lin Feng walked in front of this stone tablet, he understood the meaning of noodles.

The characters on the stele are written in a minority character, so most people here don't recognize it.

"Which one of you knows the characters for noodles? How come they are not Chinese characters for your Huaxia country? What does it mean, why can't we enter the mountain?"

Sam of the United States was the first group of people to reach this green mountain. He thought he would come here the first time and could take a head start, but who would have thought that he could not do anything about the mountain. It seemed that an invisible wall was blocking him. As long as he gets closer, he will be automatically bounced back. He wandered around at the foot of the mountain, only to find such a strange stone monument.

As more and more other warriors and genetic warriors arrived, Sam became more anxious. After all, the more people came, the weaker their first-come advantage became. However, Sam only knew ordinary Chinese characters at best, and he couldn't even understand some rare characters, let alone these weird minority characters.

Therefore, Sam stood in front of the stele and yelled, hoping that some Chinese warriors would recognize the characters on this side ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to find a way to the mountain.

However, no one seemed to recognize these weird words. Until Lin Feng walked over, Sam turned his hopeful gaze to Lin Feng and asked anxiously, "Great Sage, do you recognize the words?"

"Recognize some..."

Lin Feng said lightly, but it seemed to be a booster for all the martial artists and genetic warriors present.

"Lin Feng, what is this character? How come I don't recognize any of them, it doesn't look like a Chinese character in our country! Is it the seal type or the oracle bone?" Xiao Nishang guessed in this regard.

"No! This is Miao, the Miao character, but there are some differences. Obviously, the year this character was formed is much earlier than the Miao character. The Miao I know should be the evolution of these Miao..."

Based on the huge inheritance of the twenty-four Dinghai God Pearls, Lin Feng happened to find that one of the seniors was from the Miao nationality, so he naturally found the corresponding Miao characters, and when they were paired down, they found that the character on the stele was Miao and it was recorded in the face As Sam expected, it was a test to enter the green hills.


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